Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Begins

A car has just stopped in front of the Gym and out of the Car steps out the young beautiful champion of Kalos and a famous actress Diantha.

"Welcome to the Anistar Gym Diantha" Charlene welcomes.

"My pleasure, but any idea as to why Olympia wanted me here??" Diantha ask for clarification.

"Well, it's related to some Vision she had recently why don't you go ahead and know more from Olympia herself" Carrie told Diantha. and Diantha just walked through to the battlefield where Olympia can be seen floating in the air with closed eyes.

"Olympia......" the Champion raised her voice and hearing it Olympia opens her eyes and says

"Welcome Diantha, I have been expecting you" 

"Hmm...So what do you wanna talk to me about" Diantha asks the Gym leader.

"A vision of an immense threat that will destroy everyone and everything alike, the pokemon meant to protect the region will be used to destroy it" Olympia said much to Diantha's confusion.

"What??....... which Pokemon are you talking about??" Diantha asks Olympia.

"See for yourself what I saw" Olympia said as she opened her Arm's and a illusion of the vision was seen.

The illusion shown by Olympia.

The first thing to be seen  was a Zygarde in its rage form glowing red in anger. Then another Zygarde is shown but this one seems to be trying to stop the other Zygarde.

"Is that??" Diantha asks Olympia.

"It's Zygarde" Olympia answered.

Before Diantha could actually reply. She sees a large white Pokemon take on the Zygarde.

"What Pokemon is that,I have never seen one like that one here" Diantha asks confused as to what Pokemon she was seeing.

Diantha's POV

I was shown an enraged Zygarde destroying a city although I couldn't grasp which city it was using its extremely strong attacks, the Zyagrde I've seen and known took care of me when I was I was lost in Kalosian forests as a 5-year-old girl, bringing back to my mind the cold night I was ripped away from my family of the most loving parents one hope could for. I lost my Dad and couldn't find my Mom, and my long-awaited sister or brother who I could never see or play with. however, realizing this was no time to mourn for my loss. I shift my focus back to the discussion with Olympia, I decided to ask about the pokemon trying to stop Zygarde.

"Well.......Olympia.. do you know what that pokemon is?" to which Olympia just nods in response.

"So what is it?" I ask again.

"This what I know .....From the Legends and Myths found in the library of this gym, I know for one thing that this Pokemon and The Sundial have a sort of relation....the pokemon name is Solgaleo..... " Olympia answers me, but I couldn't quite comprehend the name.

"Tell me its name again?"

"Solgaleo.........the Sun Pokemon, known as the flesh form of the sun one among the lunar duo.. consisting of Solgaleo and Lunala" Olympia answers me with a brief explanation of the pokemon.

"But that pokemon doesn't seem to be from Kalos, is it ???" I ask again.

"No, it isn't it originates from the Alola a well-renowned Pokemon...they have a monument for the Lunar Duo......The Altar of the Sun and the Moon" Olympia replies.

"Then what is it doing here in Kalos.." I ask out of the confusion as to why would a pokemon journey this far out from its home.

"I fear I cannot answer your questions....but you have to try and find your own answers and we are running out of time"Olympia answers in her usual mysterious tone.

"Wait is this all...Zygarde rampages and Solgaleo stop's it that's all, we only got to evacuate the people out of Zygardes way..... it's all we have to do right!" I found a quick solution to the problem.

"That's where you are wrong that marks the beginning of the events to come......I can't tell you anymore..." Olympia said as I sighed and replied.

"Oh...Great so...Do you have any particular ideas so as to why all this is happening" I ask for any more useful information.

"No...I don't" Olympia replied.

"Hmm" I hummed as I turned back and said."Bye, I need to do some research" but right before I could leave Olympia calls back and says

"I suggest you meet up with Ash, you might get something useful from"

Ash....that name.......seems as to confirm it I ask Olympia

"The boy with Pikachu on shoulder right??" to which she just nods and I take my leave.

on my way back to my car parked outside, I meet Carrie, bid goodbye to her and get in the car and drive home.

My home is a pretty simple one, although I can have a luxurious home if I ask the league authorities...I just prefer to lead a simple life.

I took a quick hot water shower to relieve the headache I'm having. The stress of being a champion and an actress together was more than enough and now one more to add to the long list of causes for my headache. I get out of the bathroom, dressed up, fed my pokemon and made myself my lunch, I am going to do some research on the recent sighting of Zygarde and that Pokemon Solgaleo, I must gather as much details as possible to avoid maximum casualties when it happens. From my searches on the Pokemon leagues database for information on Zygarde and Solgaleo, I find that Solgaleo actually has a trainer. I'm beyond surprised to know a legendary pokemon that has a trainer dig in further through the database to find the trainer, The trainer could help save the region from the verge of destruction, but to our bad luck the trainer's profile has been kept confidential I tried to access it using my champion ID, but that also failed I had lost all my hope so I went back to where I found that Solgaleo has a trainer and read the article in detail, there was a small detail I missed the last time I read through, it said the Pokemon was raised by the regions reigning champion. I repeat that line in my mind again, again, again, and again. That's it I exclaim as I came up with a theory that I think is worth a shot. the theory is"If the pokemon was raised by the champion, so it is probably kept by the champion".................thinking back I think it's a pretty lame theory, But I have to try for everyone's good.

I search up the entire web spending my whole day and all I found useful was a leaked footage of a battle from Alola's first-ever Pokémon league. The footage was blurry but I could somewhat make out a Pikachu and a bipedal pokemon. seeing the Pikachu I got reminded of Ash who Olympia had asked me to meet up to she said I could get some help from him, but I don't know where in Kalos he is so what should I do???? I thought about this for a while I came up with an easy solution Prof.Sycamore asking him to track Ash's location through the tracker embedded in his Kalosian Pokedex. I took my cell phone and dial His lab's telephone number and as the call is ringing I searched up Ash's profile on the trainer's log I must say his achievements are mind-blowing his profile is incomplete or some parts are kept confidential like his father's name and three Pokemon he posses are also kept confidential. I was so stressed that whatever I search was confidential and everything seemed to point at him "Ash" I was so busy scanning through the trainer profile of Ash that I forgot I had Prof. sycamore on line.

"Hello.......Diantha is that you?" Sycamore asked reminding me. and I hurry to reply

"Oh..yes it's me I need some help, you gotta help" I say in a desperate tone.

"Oh...Ok, calm down first" he was advising me while I'm getting more stressed.

"There is no time to calm down, you gotta help me find him" I say frustrated.

"Okay, but who are you talking about" the prof. asks me back.

"Ash" I reply

"Ash....why do you wanna where he is" the Prof. asks me curious to know

"It's really important I have something to discuss with him, you have to help please track his Pokedex and tell me his location"

"Okay... hold on a minute" Prof. says to and some typing noises can be heard.

After hearing what Prof. said I shifted my focus back to my tablet where I still had Ash's profile opened up.

I saw the Number of leagues he has participated in there was 6 leagues and he has conquered the battle frontier, that's ridiculous cause he has not won a league yet and he defeated battle frontier but that's just impossible he is strong enough to defeat battle frontier and can't win a league that's just.......oh my god he is such a mystery........wait why is his Alola league data not uploaded. I could search further as I was interrupted by Prof. Sycamore saying

"Well...Diantha they are stationed at the pokemon center close to the forest in the outskirts of snowbell city for quite a while do you want me to inform them that you wanna meet them so they should wait for your arrival" Prof. offers his help to me. which I gladly accept.

"Thank you professor" I thank him

"No problem" the prof. said with a smile. as he cut the call.

I put my Tablet away as it not of help anyway, the more I search on Ash the more of a mystery he turns out to be. I realize that I have been on my tablet all day and it's already late at night. so I go to bed without dinner, Also who cares to make dinner for an orphan Girl. I was never born an orphan it all happened in a night lost everything I lost my Dad to a place where he can never come back and I'm not sure if Mom and my brother or sister are still alive or not as I was taken away when I was a five-year-old girl, I didn't know my home address as we constantly changed houses as our family feared someone and I met that someone, he killed Dad he would have killed me too but dad saved me by using his last wish granted to him before he was killed he pleaded to that man saying"Take my life but leave her alone" and the man did so keeping his word to leave me alone by taking me deep into the forest and left me all alone to fend for myself in the dangerous forest filled with pokemon I have never seen or known I walked for hours crying out for Mom attracting many pokemon's attention was attacked first by some beedrills, who thought I would attack their nest but I escaped by running into a cave I sat there inside shivering from the cold. but the lake in its middle seemed to have warm water so I went near and put my feet in it and it was hot I sat there happily as I was free of the cold. I played in the water splashing the water with my legs but that seemed to do something and something large rose from the waters as a small girl I was terrified by the pokemon's size and did something to escape a typical kid would I threw my shoe at the pokemon and ran for my life.

but the Pokemon called me back with a soft voice and asked

"Are you lost" I just nod and that pokemon come near me I back away a bit but the pokemon reassures me by saying

"It's ok come here little one"

this is all I recalled as I felt sleepy so I said good night to Gardevoirs Pokeball and went to bed

Back at the pokemon center with our heroes

Prof. Sycamore makes a call as he promised to Diantha, but finds that everyone is asleep so he puts up a voice mail saying.

"Ash I know you are here in this pokemon center I had called you to tell you that Diantha wants to meet you tomorrow so please wait at the pokemon center till she comes, I just hope this reaches you she says it's urgent"

time skip to the morning

The morning shines bright and beautiful on Kalos, but our two love birds are still asleep. The sun's rays poke them up from their lazy state, first Serena wakes up feeling the semi-hot rays of the sun falling on her from the only large window in their room she looks around and sees Ash who has fallen down the bed which was a normal sight for her. She tries to get him up, but he seemed to be deep asleep so she let him sleep for a bit more as it was early in the morning she goes to the bathroom, with her Toothbrush and Towel she took from her backpack and brushed her teeth and enjoyed a nice hot water bath and dressed herself up in her usual outfit and went outside leaving a sleeping Pikachu and Ash in the room. she goes out to see Clemont and a Sleepy Bonnie sitting on the couch waiting for them to show up. Nurse Joy was doing something on her computer. Clemont and Bonnie greet Serena.

"Good morning Serena" it was Clemont.

"Good morning" Said Bonnie.

"Good morning guys and you to Nurse Joy Good morning" Serena greeted them back.

"Good morning Ash awake there is  a voicemail for him sent from professor Sycamore's lab"

"Professor Sycamore......but he is asleep now any issues I hear it?" Serena asks Nurse Joy.

"Well, you may if he doesn't have any problem with that" Nurse says.

"He won't bother me hearing a message for him"Serena says as she heads for the  Hi-tech phones kept for trainers to communicate with their families and friends for no cost at all.

She sits down on the Seat placed in front of the phone and plays the Voicemail at a low volume. The Voicemail said:-

"Ash I know you are here at this pokemon center I had called you to tell you that Diantha wants to meet you tomorrow so please wait at the pokemon center till she comes, I just hope this reaches you she says it's really urgent"

"That's cool........................not so cool " Serena said to herself while listening to the mail.

"What does it" say Bonnie asks very curious to know as Clemont was standing next to her.

"Professor wants us or to be precise Ash to stay here till Diantha gets here she says it's urgent"Serena replied to Clemont and Bonnie

"It must be urgent for the champion herself to come here" Clemont suggested.

"Yeah...I'm gonna go and wake Ash up now" Serena said as she stood up and walked to their room and Bonnie followed Serena closely.

Serena reaches the room and opens the door and sneaks in without disturbing Ash who was asleep on the floor. She eyed Pikachu who was sleeping peacefully and looked at Bonnie and smirked and said

"Let's do it" Bonnie just smirked and nodded

Serena shakes Pikachu slightly for a few seconds which caused him to wake up eventually and eye Serena with a look as if asking "why did you wake me up now"

"Pikachu you know what to do right" Serena asked Pikachu pointing at Ash.

"Pika...Pikachu" Pikachu replied massaging his red cheeks warming up. An there goes a wave of electricity giving Ash a good old shock Covering him in soot also waking him up in the process. Bonnie and Serena tried their best to not laugh.

"Arghhhhhhhhh......why did you do that" Ash shouted at Pikachu before even rubbing his eyes and looking at who was there around him

"To wake you up Genuis....we have something important for you" Serena said back.

"Yeah, Diantha is coming here she has something urgent to do with you" Bonnie said excitedly

"Diantha is coming here...what's so special....wait what she coming here yeah..woohoo...I have a chance to battle her come on Pikachu let's go" Ash rambled on as he ran to the bathroom with a towel and toothbrush.

"Did I even mention anything about battles?" Serena asked.

"I don't remember you saying anything like that" Bonnie answered making a confused expression.

Ash seems to be lost in the fact that Diantha is coming to him and he has a clear opportunity to battle her. He does his daily chores fast and comes out of the bathroom but is confronted by Serena who was waiting for him to come out.

" gotta listen...see Diantha ain't coming here to battle you she has something for which she needs your help that's it"  Serena explained.

"What....why didn't you tell me that a bit early" Ash complained.

"I told you so but you were the one who reacted before I even completed" Serena replied.
"Okay...I'm sorry but whatever Good morning" Ash said giving a small morning kiss on Serena's lips.

"That wasn't bad" Serena commented.

"I was never a bad kisser" Ash said as he was walking out of the room slowly while talking with Serena.

"At least...this time your breath didn't stink, cause you brushed" Serena responded in a funny tone.

"Thank you for the compliment" Ash said as they were walking through the corridor.

"Good Morning Clemont!" Ash shouted and waved as he saw Clemont.

"Morning, did they do something crazy to get you up?" Clemont greeted back and asks.

"Nothing much crazy it's Pikachu stuff right buddy" Ash asks his beloved partner pokemon.

"Pikachu" came the reply.

"Ash you should check the message yourself" Nurse Joy suggested.

"Sure I will" Ash replies.

Elsewhere with Diantha getting ready to go meet Ash to get things right and make some sense.

Diantha's POV

Ok, today's Ash begin with some friendly chat...later tell him the vision shown by Olympia ask his opinion, Then tell him that Solgaleo is the best shot we have against Zygarde if it does as the Vision showed it would. Ask his Alola Adventures and the time he had at the league position he finished. Or should I go forward ask about all his league achievements that would be boring so scrap that... let's go with the first one ask his Alola league position...I just hope he even remembers the position cause the league was held some years ago, let's just hope for the best...I need to get that champion's identity if I'm gonna stand any chance at defending Kalos*determined face*. Well, that was awkward but I have to do it. Can't let something like what happened to me to happen to other kids. Why am I even thinking all this now?

Pov end's

Diantha quickly takes her thing which includes her car keys and her pokeball's just in case and she locks the front door and opens her garage and drives out to the place where she has asked for Air transport as she can't drive all the way to Pokemon center.

Let's Skip the time to Diantha's arrival at the Pokemon center.

"Hey everyone" Diantha called out as she saw the group sitting out in the garden area

"huh...look it's Diantha she has finally reached" Bonnie exclaimed.

"How are you guys doing" Diantha asks as everyone is looking at her.

"We're all about you" Ash asks back after answering.

"Everything was pretty good until yesterday ago I met  Olympia and the discussion of the vision she had It's got me scratching my head " Diantha answers Ash's question

"What vision are you talking about?" Serena asked.

"That's the whole thing I have come here for, ever heard of  the pokemon named Zygarde?" Diantha replied posing a question at the end.

" No...I haven't" Serena replied.

"I have heard that somewhere" Clemont replied"But I'm not sure where"

Bonnie was like what are they even talking about. Ash stayed quiet which raised suspicions in Diantha about his silence. so she asked him if he knew anything.

"Ash anything you know"

" I haven't heard of Zygarde...I'm just wondering what it would look like" Ash said and Mewtwo just said in his head "And that is a clear lie"  to which in response just closed his eyes and thought what he had to say to Mewtwo which was "Just shut!.."

"Ok...just let me explain...Zygarde the Order pokemon its is said that When the Kalos region's ecosystem falls into disarray, it appears and reveals its secret power. It's also hypothesized that it's monitoring those who destroy the ecosystem from deep in the cave where it lives. It wipes out all those who oppose it, showing not a shred of mercy. There are rumors that even greater power lies hidden within it. Also, I know it has a great will to help those in need" Diantha explained but none of it except the last part seemed to catch the interest of Ash but others were quite impressed and Bonnie wanted to meet that pokemon.

"What does it have to do with the it connected in some way" Clemont questions to which Diantha just nodded.

"In the near future, Zygarde will turn against the people it protects not just the environmental order violaters and destroy anything and everything but the Vision there was a pokemon which seemed to be able to stop the destruction 'Solgaleo a a legendary pokemon from Alola' the" Diantha was explaining everything but Ash completed her sentence better than she could express.

"said to be the flesh form of Sun a celestial pokemon part of the Lunar Duo...I've heard that a lot"  ohh...Arceus why did I even say that

"How do you know that?" it was clemonts querie.

"He has been to Alola and also participated in its first-ever pokemon league" Diantha was the one to Answer.

"Wait, How do you know that Ash has participated in that league" Serena asked as Diantha seemed to know much about Ash as the details even she, his girlfriend didn't know or Ask.

"Diantha what are you after" Ash asked frustrated by the revelation of details he kept in dark from others to stay and live a normal life and before Diantha could have even replied Ash spoke up again.

"Serena, guys Please give us a moment alone we need to talk about something very important"

"But Ash" Serena tried to reason.

"No buts... let's talk about this later" Ash stressed on them leaving him and Diantha and Ash alone to talk. after making sure they were away from the Ear range he looked at Diantha as if demanding her Answer.

"Simple...the Alolan Champions identity" Diantha replied calmly.

"But why are you asking me about his identity" Ash asked with a regretting voice.

"You were the only one who I could approach to know him. His trainer profile is locked and he might be the only chance to save Kalos if Zygarde decides to destroy it. I came to know that Solagleo has a trainer and that it was raised by the champion himself and that the champion hasn't changed since the 1st league that's why I  ask you you were the part of the 1st league do you remember who the winner was?" 

Ash only thought only one thing "I'm so screwed "... what is he to choose with his identity on one side the lives of innocent people on the other!

Ok...oh my this is so crazy...*sigh*well what do I say

what will he decide...................................... read below.😆

oh my...this so crazy...look Diantha I can't do that he wants to lead a modest life carry on his adventures live just like a normal boy, and If I tell you his details that it destroys his wish to live like that" Ash tried to reason although deep inside he knew it was not wanted to ever even say but the life he is now leading he doesn't want it to turn into a peril like how his father messed up his life getting In unnecessary issue's Ash followed his father's way till the Moment he had his love of on his side and he didn't want her life to turn the way his mother's life did due to his dad. He saved the world six times to date but, this one is different not because it's more difficult than anything he has faced before but the last time he did something this risky his only concern was Him and his pokemon but now its a totally different case

"Ash...I promise this won't go beyond one will know it from my mouth unless he decides otherwise" Diantha promised...but Ash's face showed his clear reluctance in getting involved in this problem. So Diantha tried to persuade him again.

"Please Ash with just your help I can help a lot of people, I know you have saved the world before this I just want that Ash to stay by my side when it really matters you don't leave people unhelped do you" that Question sent Ash deep into thoughts but it brought back something way more than just a will to lit back a fire which once used to flame higher, brighter and stronger than Ho-oh's sacred flames back stronger than ever. 

..........but does it end there? doesn't it went further bringing out the traits and forgotten promises he made to the almighty 'Arcues'

At the Halls of Origins

"The long wait is finally coming to a close... finally everything will become right...Evil's shadow shall burn in the Eternal Flames burning in the hearts of pure " Arceus thought to itself closing its eyes.

Back with Ash and Diantha

Ash closed his eye and went deep in thoughts after hearing what Diantha said.

"Hey Ash" Diantha tried to get Ash to talk.

"Yeah...was just thinking of how much you have dug into my past" Ash lied.

"I have dug in quite deep into your past...from everything I learned of you are quite a trainer " Diantha confirms him.

"Yeah and about our conversation earlier I'm sorry I behaved in a rash manner...Do you promise to not let anyone know about the identity of the champion?"  Ash apologized and asked.

"I promise you" Diantha confirmed.

"As crazy as it may seem I will tell you ... His name is" Ash didn't complete as he noticed the winds pick up and dust flying...gathering and swirling in mid-air due to something unknown and on fast reflexes, Ash took out Lucario's  Pokeball and released him just in case.

"What's the hell's going on..." Diantha asked as some sort of weird energy began crackling like electricity around the place where dust was swirling around previously and winds became stronger and the dust was all over the place Serena and Clemont come close to Ash and Diantha despite Ash refusal.

"Keep you Guard...Don't let it down" Ash spoke like a leader trying to protect his group a trait inherited from his Father a selfless and strong Man.

Diantha admired Ash's ability to speak like a leader but there was something more she remembered he behaves very much like how her father does when in face of anything potentially dangerous, but this was not the time to think of all that. The dust gathered had cleared and the winds were slowing down but a sudden tear appears in the sky and some purple energy particles float into it...That moment Ash realized what was going on there.

" the hell are these opening up here in Kalos" Ash exclaimed as he went for Mewtwo Pokeball released him, Pikachu also came and stood in front of them him and Lucario.  Mewtwo was floating staring at what was becoming like a portal.

"Hey, hey Diantha look if that's what I think it is we got to be prepared for...why are you Two here get back...these things can get pretty nasty stay back" Ash explained as he saw Serena and Clemont standing close by. 

Mewtwo started to prepare a shadow ball to try to stop the portal from opening.

"No Mewtwo not yet if you attack it now we all be in danger of the wormhole exploding...both this place and the pace from where it originates will be damaged badly" Ash stopped Mewtwo from attacking to prevent a catastrophe to both the worlds.

"Wormhole???" Diantha asked but it was too late to answer the wormhole opened and the winds stopped and there was only silence and Moments of anticipation of what was going to come began.

What came out of the portal was a large quadruped Pokemon covered in bright light the light surrounding it died out it was revealed to the Legendary Solgaleo who roared out to announce its arrival. Everyone except Ash was awestruck staring at the massive Pokemon. Diantha noticed a figure sitting on the pokemon. But Ash was just not knowing what to do or say but eventually spoke up.

"Mewtwo...Lucario return there nothing's wrong here"  but the thought going through his head was 'what are they doing here'

"Oh my goodness...Oh my god...that was way past the worst ride I have ever had snowy you okay" The girl on top of Solgaleo Asked the white pokemon in her hand.

"Hey...Lillie" Ash shouted as he recognized her and Lillie picked up the voice and looked around and saw Ash and got of Solgaleo and walked towards the group.

"Lillie who's that" Serena questioned.

"Uhm well technically that's me" Lillie answered.

"We got that, but who are you what are doing here?" Clemont asked out of curiosity.

"Guys, look...this is Lillie one of my best friends from Alola...she is working as a researcher in Alola" Ash explained.

"That's me" Lillie smiled and said.

"Nice to meet you in person Lillie"Diantha greeted.

"It's the Kalos Champion and the famous actress Diantha" Lillie almost fangirled.

"Yeah, don't sweat it" Diantha requested.

" do you know me" Lillie asked.

"Well I did some research about Alola and your Champion the thing is I need his help along with Solgaleo's help for something very important and while doing so I read about you and your research" Diantha explained.

"Oh so that's why you came to Ash" Lillie said partially understanding what Diantha had told.

"Well Ash if could just give me his contact details I will talk to him myself and you can enjoy your day with your friends" Diantha requested which made Ash nervous again. but to Lillie who was unknown to what was going on between Ash and Diantha decides to ask.

"You want his contact details?? Why bother to call and ask for his help, Instead of just asking him directly when he literally standing next to you" Lillie questioned Diantha much to the bad luck of Ash. But Diantha was smart enough to put the Two and Two together and understand the whole thing. But she just asks again to confirm.

"You Mean Ash is the one I'm searching for, he is the champion?"

"Yeah, what you didn't know that yet" Lillie asked back after answering.

Everyone paused for a moment staring at Lillie which made her a little bit uncomfortable from all the attention. But that soon shifted to Ash who made a bored face thinking they were going to Ask for details and thought "Oh we go again" 

Not everything lasts long Ash made this face until Serena made this face and said

 The Moment Serena said that Ash facial expression changed from bored to horrified in a moments notice.

But he was temporarily saved by Diantha asking him to come with her to talk. Ash followed her with no hesitations

"I guess I saved you she your girlfriend" Diantha asked

"Who do you mean" Ash asked back.
"Serena" Diantha replied.

"Yeah, we just got together a couple of days ago" Ash explained.

"That explains your reluctance to engage in the crisis" Diantha said.

"Yeah...I'm sorry but I just don't want her and Nebby in harm's way" Ash replied.

"Nebby?" Diantha asked

"Oh I mean Solgaleo it might look so big and strong but inside it is a fragile little mind I know cause I raised him from a small cute always crying pokemon he loves star candies I might have some of those in my bag...Pikachu...come here *Pikachu runs up close* go get that bottle of star candy for Nebby it's in my bag*Pikachu runs off to get it* oh sorry I forgot about you" Ash spoke.

"So you indeed have raised it...I had a bit of doubt considering the fact that it was not an official statement" Diantha asked.

"Yeah" Ash confirmed.

"Look Ash are you willing to help me stop the Vision Olympia saw...many lives...if you are  not ready I understand...but I will try my best to stop even if it means losing...." Diantha could even finish as Ash made a gesture to stop with hands.

"I will help Kalos out of this...but you gotta give me this one thing" Ash agreed on helping at a condition.

"What should I give" Diantha asked.

"Nothing  much you and I have a battle..." Ash asked keen to get a reply as 'yes'

Diantha chuckled and replied in a calm voice "Ok you got it... but I wish we could battle in a big stadium filled with People a...Battle of to always remember."

"I would like that, But I am not planning on revealing my identity to the public just yet" Ash replied.

"I get must have quite the Elite fours chosen no one has reached out to challenge your Title yet" Diantha asked.

"Yeah they are the challengers barely make it past Kiawe and those who do make it past him are destroyed by Gladion so I don't really have to worry much about challengers." Ash explains.

"Don't your Elites challenge you for the title?" Diantha asked.

"They were the ones who wanted me to continue my journeys at a point where I would have almost stopped my journeys and stayed in Alola to keep my Title...We are all close friends we do pretty much everything together we all weren't actually quite that friendly when we first met in Alola. By the way, Gladion is actually Lillie's elder brother" Ash explained the elites and his relation.

"That's a good friendship you guys have there" Diantha said.

"Yeah,...Leave that let's get to the matter...Zygarde is not something that can be stopped that easily." Ash said as he moved to the matter for which Diantha was here.

"Yeah, I know...but we have Solgaleo so it should be easier to control the damage it does" Diantha said her point which was true but therein lies the issue.

"Maybe but Damage control is not the priority here...if that Vision of Olympia happens we will need a team of experts from various fields who can be trusted we cannot have some random guys show up to help cause Zygarde's got shit we can't even imagine...and what it can do with those can reach a level of......" Ash left it unfinished.

"What level would it be of?" Diantha asked so that he completes his sentence.

".......................Genocide........" Ash said after a long pause. Diantha was taken aback by the word he said.

With Lillie and Others

"So what do you research do you specialize in any field of research" Clemont asked Lillie.

"Yeah, I specialize in the research on Ultra wormholes" Lillie answered.

"Ultra wormholes...what are those" Serena asked.

"They are portals connecting different worlds also known as the ultra space it absorbs these molecularly unstable energy particles also known as Ultra-Aura and which creates an interdimensional pressure variation and a pathway of different worlds colliding through a narrow branch in time and space...which gotta is awesome" Lillie explained in a scientific which left Bonnie and Serena blinking as they couldn't understand what that meant. But Clemont the science expert had never heard of these things.

"Like quantum tunneling of radio waves through materials." Clemont asked to see if it came somewhere close to what she explained.

"You are somewhat right, but it's more like......... you use to the quantum tunneling to propagate matter through space at double the speed of light more like a quantum jump these Portals can be stable and unstable at the same time...they do not obey our laws of physics and also completely defile them" Lille explained confusing Clemont and Boring Serena and Bonnie at the same time Lillie understood that they did not understand anything so she said in simple words

"It's the same portal through which I came here"

"But you came to a different region, not a world why is that" Clemont asked.

"Because Nebby wanted to come here and I didn't even know I was coming here until I saw Ash." Lillie explained.

"Nebby has the unique power to open stable Ultrawormholes to anywhere he wants" Lillie said pointing towards Solgaleo who had laid down after seeing Ash.

"That's so cool" Bonnie exclaimed.

"But when that wormhole opened there was dust and things gathering and some sort of energy crackling noises is that Normal" Clemont asked.

"NO.... it isn't we don't usually have such things happening before a wormhole opens...maybe that's why the ride here must have been really rough....why would that be happening though....................wait it could be the lack of Ultra-Aura here in Kalos and also its probably the first opening that is a possibility but if that was so I would be standing here as the portal would have collapsed due to lack of Ultra Aura, but it didn't why would that be....................wait that means Nebby used its Ultra Aura to open the portal and maintain it that explains why he is so weak now" Lillie said with pauses due to her thinking of solutions.

Lillie thinks of everything which happened from Alola just before she left. Trying to figure out what was wrong.


location: Aether Paradise a.k.a(Lillie's research center)

At the massive garden on the Artificial island on a large rock a large pokemon better known as Solgaleo can be seen resting with its eyes closed, but all of a sudden it gets up and roars so loud shattering the glasses of the research facility as if something had gotten into it.

With Lillie who was talking with Gary about something scientific in head office

*hears the roar* Gary turned his head towards Lillie and said"That's..."

"Nebby... let's go" Lillie said as she dragged Gary and ran all the way to the place where Nebby or Solagleo was staying. As they move closer they see Faba who seems to be frightened by the pokemon's behavior

"What's going on Faba...did you do anything to him" Lillie questioned.

"I didn't do just got angry all of a sudden" Faba answered

"Let's see..." Lillie said as she walked close to Solgaleo who seemed calm after seeing Lillie come. Gary also followed close by.

"Nebby... look it's me....what is the problem we can solve it you believe me right" Lillie talked in a soft tone as she moved towards Solgaleo's head and kept her head on it and asked him.

"What's the problem...anything bothering you," she asked as Solgaleo nodded and caught her dresses collar, and threw her onto his back

(Just like how Ash and Pikachu were thrown onto Solgaleo's back)

That was just a Total surprise for Lillie but she came to her senses and asked Gary as she partially realized what Sogaleo meant

"Gary bring Snowy please We are going for a ride. And also bring that tablet might get to do some research on Ultra World"

Gary brings Snowy and The Tablet she had asked for and gave them to her.

"Let's go Nebby" Lillie said as Solgaleo roared out once more as it leaped high and started running in the Air and opened an ultra-wormhole mid-air and they enter as Gary just watched in awe.

Flashback ends

Lillie still couldn't make out of any possible reasons but they notice Pikachu moving past the group holding a small thin tube-like white container carefully.

"Hey, Pikachu what's that?" Serena asked as Pikachu turned around and said 

"Pika Pikachu" Pikachu pointed at Solgaleo.

"Is that for Solgaleo?" Serena asked to which Pikachu nodded and walked past them.

"That must be star candies for him Ash always carries it with him for Nebby" Lillie said.

Chapter done!

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