Chapter 1: It's Hero Time!

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Wealth, Fame, Power. The world had it all won by one man. The Pirate King, Gold Roger. At his death, the words he spoke drove countless out to sea.

"My treasure? It's yours if you want it. Find it! I left it all at that place!" Gold Roger stated to the world with a grin on his face.

And so many set their sights on the Grand Line, in pursuit of their dreams. The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era!


The world is home to many islands populating it. The seas holding these islands had been divided into four separate parts of the world. The North Blue, the South Blue, the West Blue, and the weakest of them all, the East Blue.

All dangerous parts of the world in their own right, but none compared to the dangers of the Grand Line.

But, we must not get ahead of ourselves. For our story begins on a certain island within the East Blue. This island was small with only one main town populating it. Nothing of importance really happened on said island, just regular people living their regular lives. This was the small island of Washington, home to a small town called Bellwood.

Within Bellwood, specifically near the front gates, a chubby young man is knocked down to the ground with two menacing laughs approaching him. He looked up fearfully at his bullies that were cockily smirking down at him.

The first bully was a young man with a tall lanky frame, tanned skin, short black hair, and black eyes. He wore a red shirt that was tucked into his black jeans and black sneakers. The second bully was also a young man but he was considerably shorter than his friend with pale skin, curly brown hair, and the color of his eyes covered by his oversized glasses. He wore a brown shirt and tan pants with brown boots.

These two's names were Cash and JT, the taller lanky one being Cash and the shorter one with glasses being JT, resident bullies to the younger people of Bellwood. They always picked on the little guys and if you didn't do what they said or fought back against them then you were in for a world of hurt.

"What's wrong, fatty? Can't take a punch?" Cash snidely asked, cracking his knuckles.

JT chuckled "If you knew you couldn't then why'd forget the money?"

"I-I told you I don't have it okay? M-My boss said there was a backlog and-" The young chubby man tried to explain but Cash didn't want to hear it as he grabbed the young man's collar and dragged him up from the ground.

"Excuses, excuses. That's all I'm hearing." Cash stated as he raised his fist, ready to punch the young man again "We promised to leave ya alone if you paid us all your earnings. If you didn't take us seriously before then you better believe I'll make sure you do now."

"Let him go." A feminine voice stated and all of them looked back to see the resident 'hero' of Bellwood standing before them.

"Well, well, well," Cash said with a smirk, dropping the chubby young man "If it isn't Bellwood's 'hero', ready to save the day again."

"Was the last beating we gave you not enough, freak?" JT asked with his own smirk.

The 'hero' was a pretty young woman with a tall and thin frame, Caucasian skin, long brown hair that was tied into a ponytail, and bright green eyes. She wore a black vest and over it was a green jacket with the number 10 imprinted onto the left side with a black line running down on it, a black choker around her neck, blue jeans, and black and white sneakers. This was the self-proclaimed hero of Bellwood, Tennyson Ken.

"The fact that it takes both of you to take me down just proves that I'm gonna kick your butts one of these days." Ken stated with her own smirk.

"What? And you think that day's today?" Cash asked and JT laughed "Sorry freak, you can play hero as much as you want but in the real world, you know you're nothing but a loser."

"Born a disgusting freak that pretends to be a superhero all day, that's just sad." JT said with a smirk.

Cash laughed "No wonder your gramps kicked the bucket early. I'd be quick to my grave too, knowing the last of my family was gonna be you."

Ken's smirk disappeared as she glared at the two "You just crossed a line."

"Oh yeah?" Cash asked with a smirk.

"Yeah." Ken replied.

She ran at them with clenched fists and the fight soon ensued. It didn't last long though, because Cash and JT easily defeated Ken. They soon left her and the chubby young man hanging on a nearby tree branch by their underwear, laughing as they walked away.

"Nice job, 'hero'." The chubby young man sarcastically said.

"I tried, didn't I?" Ken asked, rubbing her sore cheek.

"Yeah, well do me a favor will ya?" The cubby young man asked.

Ken turned to look at him as he continued.

"The next time you think about 'saving' someone," The chubby young man said as he glared at her "Don't."

Ken stared at him for a moment and looked down, letting out a depressed sigh.


Meanwhile, at Washington Bay, a small boat comes to a stop by the berths of the port. Two young men hop off the boat, one of them stretching and grinning excitedly.

"LAND!!!" The young man that was stretching exclaimed.

He was a Caucasian young man with shaggy black hair, round black eyes, a slim muscular build and a scar with two stitches underneath his left eye. He wore a red vest with yellow buttons, blue shorts with cuffs, sandals, and a straw hat that sat atop his head. This was the rookie pirate with big dreams, Monkey D. Luffy.

"Finally." His crewmate and friend said, standing next to him "I thought we'd be drifting forever."

He was a lightly tanned young man that was a little bit older than Luffy with a muscular build cropped green hair and black eyes. He wore a plain white shirt with three undone buttons, a green haramaki, black trousers tucked inside black boots, a black bandana tied around his left bicep and three identical gold earrings on his left earlobe. He carried three swords that were bundled up on his right hip by the haramaki, one of them distinctly white while the other two were identical and were held in black sheaths. This was the first mate to Luffy's crew and skilled swordsman, Roronoa Zoro.

"Yeah, me too. But now we can finally get some food!" Luffy exclaimed with a drooling grin and a growling stomach.

"A village should be around here somewhere." Zoro said, looking around.

"Great! Let's go!" Luffy exclaimed, running straight ahead.

"O-Oi! Luffy!" Zoro shouted, watching as Luffy continued to run and he face palmed "Geez, that idiot's gotta learn to calm down."

With that said, Zoro chased after Luffy. It wasn't long until he reached him and saw that he was standing in front of a town's gates with the sign posted up next to it.

"Bellwood?" Zoro asked, reading the sign as Luffy scanned the town.

"There's gotta be a place that sells meat around here." Luffy said, him and Zoro walking into the town.

Ken noticed them and started waving her arms "H-Hey! You guys!"

Luffy and Zoro turned to see Ken and the chubby young man hanging on the branch and Luffy couldn't help but laugh, seeing as they were hanging by their underwear.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up." Ken said with an eye roll "Mind letting us down when you're done?"

"How did you two even get up there anyway?" Zoro asked.

"Someone decided to play hero!" The chubby young man exclaimed, glaring at Ken who just rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, can you just let us down?" Ken asked, but then Luffy's stomach growled again, giving Ken an idea "If you let us down, I'll get you guys some food."

"Really?" Luffy asked excitedly and she nodded "Then you've got a deal!"

Luffy pulled his leg back and he smirked "Gomu Gomu no..."

"Stamp!" Luffy shouted and his leg shot forward, stretching towards the tree.

Ken and the chubby young man were shocked as Luffy kicked the tree and brought it down, Ken and the chubby young man falling to the ground.

"I could've just cut the branch, y'know." Zoro told him and Luffy just laughed.

Ken and the chubby young man groaned as they sat up. They looked at the fallen tree in shock and looked back at Luffy and Zoro with the same shock in their eyes.

"Now," Luffy says with a grin "How about that meal?"

The chubby young man screamed, getting up and running away while shouting "Cash and JT were right! This place is full of freaks!"

"What was that about?" Zoro pondered as Ken stood up and dusted herself off.

"So..." Ken says looking at Luffy with an excited grin "You've got superpowers! That's awesome! Does your whole body stretch or is it just your legs? Do you have other powers too!?"

Luffy's stomach growled once again and Zoro sighed "How about we get some food first, yeah?"

"Oh, yeah, right." Ken says, clearing her throat "Follow me, I know a place that sells all kinds of food."

"Then let's go." Luffy says excitedly.

They followed her into town towards a very popular restaurant that sold an abundance of food and drinks. Zoro couldn't help but notice that a few of the people of the town they passed were giving Ken strange looks that either ranged from hateful to mocking glares.

"And here we are, the greatest place in the world." Ken stated, arms spread wide in front of the restaurant.

Luffy and Zoro looked up at the building and were thrown off by the strange mascot it had. It was a cartoonish smoothie cup that looked to be running with another, smaller, smoothie cup in hand.

"Mr. Smoothie?" Zoro asked as he read the sign and Ken nodded.

"They've got all kinds of smoothies! Cherry Blast, Grape Giant, Little Lime, Banana Rama-" Ken continued to list off with stars in her eyes and some drool but then Luffy cut her off.

"Hey, I don't want a smoothie. I want meat!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Smoothies are their main thing but they sell chicken and beef meals too." Ken explained and Luffy grinned.

"Food!" Luffy shouted, running past her and into the building.

"Whoa!" Ken exclaimed and she turned towards Zoro "He always like that?"

"All the time." Zoro replied without hesitation and she slowly nodded, the both of them going into the restaurant.

Upon entering, they spot Luffy causing a ruckus by sitting at one of the booths and slamming his fists on the table.

"Oi, feed me! Oi, feed me! Oi, feed me!" Luffy kept demanding every time he slammed his fists on the desks.

"Cut it out will ya? I don't wanna get banned from here again." Ken says, quickly grabbing onto Luffy's hands.

"Again?" Luffy asked.

Ken let go of his hands and waved it off as she sat down "Nevermind. Just chill, okay?"

Luffy laid his head down on the table and looked at her with a bored look "Fine."

Zoro sat down beside Luffy and soon enough an older man walked up to their table with three menus in hand.

He was a stout man with Caucasian skin, black eyes, and a bald scalp with graying hair at the back of his head. He wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses, a striped long-sleeve shirt, brown pants, black shoes, a maroon bowtie, and a maroon apron. This was the owner of the Mr. Smoothie shop, Mr. Baumann.

"What can I get for you- Tennyson. I should've known." The older man said with an irritated look.

"I didn't even do anything this time, Mr. Baumann." Ken complained.

"No, but your friend here was causing a ruckus, so you're guilty by association." Mr. Baumann stated and Ken's jaw dropped, slamming her head down on the desk with a groan while Mr. Baumann puts the menus onto the table "Anyway, what do you want?"

"Meat! A lot of meat!" Luffy exclaimed, immediately sitting up and puffs of steam coming out of his nose.

"Anything specific?" Mr. Baumann asked.

"Meat!" Luffy exclaimed and Mr. Baumann just sighed and wrote down the order on his notepad.

"I'll take the rice meal." Zoro said and Mr. Baumann wrote on his notepad as Zoro asked "Got any beer or Sake?"

"We've got root beer smoothies." Mr. Baumann drawled out and Zoro just rolled his eyes with a nod, letting Mr. Baumann add that to his order. After writing it down, he looked at Ken "The usual, Tennyson?"

Ken sat up with a smirk "You know it!"

"And how'll you be paying for all of this?" Mr. Baumann asked.

"Just put it on my tab." Ken replied and Mr. Baumann scoffed.

"One of these days Tennyson, one of these days..." Mr. Baumann muttered as he walked away.

"He seems friendly." Zoro says sarcastically.

Ken chuckled "He's just almost always grumpy, but he's a good guy once you get to know him."

"So, your name is Tennyson?" Luffy asked.

"Tennyson is my last name." Ken replied "My name is Ken, Tennyson Ken.

Luffy smiled "I'm Monkey D. Luffy, the man who'll become the next Pirate King."

"Pirate King? You guys are pirates?" Ken asked.

"Yup!" Luffy replied with a nod.

"Is that gonna be an issue?" Zoro asked.

"So long as you're not here to steal and kill people, then I don't mind." Ken responded.

Zoro raised an eyebrow "That's a very understanding view towards pirates."

"I've met good people who were pirates before." Ken replied, thinking back to her days as a little kid with a smile "Just because people think you're bad, doesn't mean you're actually bad."

Luffy and Zoro smiled at that just as Mr. Baumann returned with a tray of meat, rice bowls, chili fries, and smoothies. Luffy and Zoro immediately dug in, Luffy eating as if this was his last meal while Ken took her time with her chili fries.

"What about you, tough guy? What's your name?" Ken asked.

Zoro stopped eating and smirked at her "Roronoa Zoro."

"Zoro? Like the comic book?" Ken asked amusedly and Zoro rolled his eyes.

"No, not like the comic book. We are nothing alike." Zoro replied.

"I don't know," Ken says, looking at all of Zoro's swords "The Zoro from the comics also uses a sword, not three though, that'd be total overkill."

"Just how I like it. The future world's greatest swordsman should be nothing less." Zoro replied as he smirked again and Ken chuckled.

"You're a pretty weird guy." Ken said and Zoro just shrugged and continued eating as Ken looked at the way Luffy stretched his mouth down to eat his ribs whole in surprise and she smiled "Not as weird as this man right here! Are these another one of your powers, Luffy?"

Luffy burped and laughed "Yup!"

"Just what are you?" Ken asked.

"Oh," Luffy replied, stretching his cheek with a grin "I'm a rubber man."

"A rubber man! Dude, you're so cool! Does that mean any part of your body can stretch?" Ken asked and Luffy nodded, causing her to let out an excited squeal "I can't believe I just met someone with actual superpowers."

"Crazy to believe people can get them from just a fruit." Zoro said.

"A fruit...does that mean you ate a Devil Fruit!?" Ken asked.

Luffy nodded "Yup! I ate the Gomu Gomu no mi, turning me into a rubber man."

"You lucky son of a gun. Devil Fruits are so rare, crazy to believe a guy around my age found one." Ken said.

"Do you want a Devil Fruit?" Luffy asked.

Ken smiled and shook her head "At first I did. The thought of having superpowers was a dream come true, but then I found out the cost for that is losing your ability to swim. We're in a world surrounded by water, I can't save a lot of people if I don't know how to swim."

"You want to save people?" Zoro asked.

Ken nodded with a determined smile "Yeah. Ever since I could remember, helping people has always been my passion. I may not be the strongest, or the fastest, or the smartest person around, but if I ever see someone in need of help then I'll help them."

"Why do you want to help people so much?" Luffy asked.

"I don't know..." Ken replied with a shrug with a big grin "Call it naïve, but I promise that one day, I'm gonna save the world."

Luffy and Zoro looked at each other and Zoro smirked, Luffy grinning excitedly.

"I like you, Ken!" Luffy said "You should join my-"

"Tennyson!?" A male voice shouted, interrupting Luffy.

They all turned to look at the entrance to see Cash and JT entering the restaurant and walking over to them with smirks on their faces.

"Didn't take you long to get down from that tree." JT said snidely.

"Yeah, well, I got a little help." Ken replied.

Cash looked at Luffy and Zoro and laughed "Did the 'hero' get saved by a bunch of nobodies?"

"Isn't that supposed to be the other way around?" JT asked as he chuckled.

"What do you guys want?" Ken asked unamused.

"Looking for a place to eat, thought this dump would be fine." Cash replied.

Ken stood up with a glare and shouted, gaining everyone's attention "This place is not a dump!"

"Ooh! I'm so scared! Please don't hurt me 'hero'." Cash mocked, inciting some laughs from some of the patrons in the restaurant "I'm just kidding. Anyone in their right mind would know Tennyson here is nothing but a loser and a freak."

"Right, like she thinks she's some kind of hero but she hasn't even saved a single person. Like, get a clue." JT remarked, inciting more laughs in the restaurant.

"I have saved people!" Ken exclaimed angrily.

"Who? I haven't even seen you help a cat out of a tree." Cash said.

"I have!" A random patron in the restaurant said with his hand up "She climbed up a tree to save a cat and it just attacked her."

This incited more laughs as another person spoke up.

"One time a fire started in my shed and she tried to put it out but she ended up lighting herself on fire." Another customer said and more and more people laughed.

"She tried finding my wife's lost necklace once but then she took a whole day then came back with another random one." Another customer said "My wife had already found hers a while ago."

"She tried to help me as I got mugged but we ended up getting mugged and beat up together." Another customer said.

"Even Mr. Baumann isn't safe from her. He needed some help setting up some lights on the roof and she brought a ladder to help. The ladder ended up hitting the mascot outside, bringing the whole thing down. She's lucky she didn't get a permanent ban for that." A waiter said and the whole restaurant laughed.

"My condolences, Mr. Baumann." A customer said with a laugh but Mr. Baumann just kept quiet.

"Ya see? You're nothing but a nuisance to this whole town, Tennyson. A mistake that just keeps on making mistakes." Cash stated.

"She even sucks at genetics. It must suck to know that your parents didn't want a futa for a daughter, so they just pawned you off to your dead grandpa instead." JT stated which caused Cash to laugh.

Ken looked down with teary eyes, clenching her fists in anger. A few tears fell to the ground and she ran off.

"Yeah, that's right! Go cry about it!" JT exclaimed.

Cash looked to see Luffy and Zoro sitting in their seats with shadowed eyes "Boy, you guys are lucky we showed up. I couldn't imagine sitting through all that stupid hero junk she keeps spouting."

They ignored them and stood up, starting to leave the restaurant but then Cash grabbed Luffy's shoulder.

"Hey, don't you think it's rude to just ignore a guy when he's talking to you?" Cash asked but Luffy just pushed his hand away and continued walking "Huh? Don't tell me you're mad? That freak had it coming-"

Cash was cut off by Luffy turning around and giving him a powerful right hook that sent him barreling to the restaurant wall, silencing the restaurant and leaving everyone shocked. JT was shocked to see his friend now unconscious and he glared at Luffy.

"Hey! What was that for!?" JT shouted but then his glare quickly became fearful.

Luffy glared at him with gritted teeth "Don't you dare make my friend cry!!!"


Ken continues her trek through the forest. She had run out of town a while ago and she was headed to the only place she found comfort, the only place she wouldn't be ridiculed for being herself.

She stopped running and wiped away her tears, smiling sadly at what was in front of her "Hey grandpa."

In front of her was a grave with the words 'HERE LIES TENNYSON MAX' embedded on the tombstone. He was buried deep within the forest, in a clearing that he and Ken would frequently camp in.

"I know I promised to only visit once a week just..." Ken tried to say as she sat down and hugged her knees "Today, I just need were the only one that cared enough..."

She spent her whole afternoon talking to the grave. Telling her grandpa, the good and the bad of how her week was going, all of it mostly being bad. Time must've been lost to her because once she finally stopped talking, venting, and even ranting, she saw that it was already nighttime.

"Guess I did it again," Ken says with a chuckle as she looks up at the moon "It's a full moon tonight. Better hurry home before the werewolves show up."

Ken had a short laugh from her little joke as she got up and dusted herself off, putting her hands into her skirt pockets.

"Thanks for still listening grandpa." Ken says with a solemn smile and she starts her walk back home.

Ken walks through the forest at a casual pace, enjoying the peace that the forests nature had provided. She looked up at the night sky during her walk, smiling at the stars. Suddenly one of the stars starts to fall and Ken stops walking, enamored by the sight.

"Whoa! A shooting star!" Ken exclaimed in amazement.

The star suddenly changed its course and aimed its sights directly at Ken, now shooting towards her. ken widened her eyes and screamed, running and diving out of the way once the star crashed at where she had been standing a moment ago.

She waved the dust from the crash away and spotted the crater the star had made, getting up and curiously approaching it.

She curiously and cautiously approached the star and stood at the edge of the fairly large crater. Ken looked on in wonder until suddenly the ground below her gave out and she slid into the crater. She let out a surprised scream as she slid down until she stopped by the star, which was in fact a pod.

Ken stood up with a groan as the pod opened up and she saw a bright green glow emanating from the inside.

"Whoa." Ken said in awe as she saw that the glow was coming from some kind of watch.

It was a very big wristwatch, primarily black and grey in color with a grey dial, a green button on the side, and a green hourglass shape. This was the most powerful piece of technology in the known universe, the Omnitrix.

She reached out to touch the watch with her right arm, but then it suddenly jumped out and latched onto her right arm.

"H-Hey!? Hey!? Let me go! Get off! Get off!" Ken shouted, trying to pull the watch off but it wouldn't let go "Crud! I gotta get this thing off somehow!"

She climbed out of the crater and ran away from the pod, trying to find something that could help her take the watch off.


"Oi! Ken! Where are you?" Luffy called as he and Zoro walked around the town, looking around for any signs of the heroic girl.

"We've been at this for hours, Luffy. I don't think she's in town." Zoro told him.

"Aww, but I wanted to talk to her." Luffy said with a disheartened frown.

Zoro smirked "You were gonna ask her, weren't you?"

Luffy just looked at him and giggled. Suddenly, the ground shook and the both of them looked around, surprised by the sudden earthquake.

"What the hell!?" Zoro asked, seeing as the townsfolk around them were affected by the earthquake as well.

"The forest!?" Luffy exclaimed, pointing forward and Zoro looked to see smoke emanating from within the forest.

"Did something blow up?" Zoro asked.

"I don't know," Luffy said, but then he grinned and ran towards it "Let's go see what it was!"

"Oi, Luffy! Dammit!" Zoro cursed, chasing after his captain.


Back in the forest, Ken sat on the ground as she tried to remove the Omnitrix from her wrist with a stick she had found in the woods. The stick broke and Ken groaned, but then she looked down at the watch with interest.

She stood up and started to fiddle with it, eventually pressing a button that popped the dial up. She widened her eyes and curiously watched as the hourglass transformed into a shadowed figure of some kind of person or monster, she wasn't sure.

"Here goes nothing." Ken said, pressing down the dial which shrouded her in a bright green light.

Standing in Ken's place was a tall, magma-based lifeform whose body is composed of a bright yellow inner magma body covered by dark red or brown rocks, the Omnitrix symbol was at the center of her chest but its hourglass was white and the rest was grey. Her feet had a slight oval-like design with only two toes and one back toe. This was the fire alien, Heatblast.

Heatblast looks at her hands and screamed, starting to frantically run around "AAAAH! I'm on fire! I'M ON FIRE!"

She continued to run around until realization struck her and she came to a stop, looking at her arms and body once again.

"Hey, I'm on fire and...I'm okay!" Heatblast said and she let out a laugh, striking a pose "Check it out, I'm totally hot."

She laughed even harder then looked at a nearby tree, smirking with a reckless idea in mind "Oh, yeah. Uh-huh."

A small fireball formed in her hand and she fired it at the tree, burning a hole right through it.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Heatblast exclaimed, excited to test out her new powers even more.

She made a bigger fireball and threw it through several more trees, but then she realized her mistake when the forest caught on fire and more trees were set ablaze.

"Wait, STOP!" Heatblast shouted but more trees continued to be caught on fire.

She tries stomping out the fire, but it was to no avail because the forest fire was growing larger and larger.

"Oh, man! I'm gonna get so busted for this!" Heatblast exclaimed in worry.

She heard the sound of footsteps and bushes rustling, turning to see Luffy and Zoro.

"Ken- WHOA!!!" Luffy exclaimed with wide eyes.

Zoro drew his swords and glared at her "What the hell is that!?"

"No, wait, guys, it's me! It's Ken!" Heatblast said, waving her arms in front of them.

"Ken? You're a fire monster!?" Luffy asked with stars in his eyes.

"How do we even know you're actually Ken?" Zoro asked.

"Because you guys saw my skull and crossbones underwear the first time we met." Heatblast reminded.

Zoro blushed and facepalmed "Don't remind me..."

"Why didn't you tell us that you had powers too?" Luffy asked, walking around Heatblast, gushing at how cool she looked.

"I didn't, well, not until now anyway." Heatblast said with a shrug.

Zoro raised an eyebrow "Explain."

"Well, when I was walking, this meteor fell from the sky and almost munched me, except that wasn't a meteor but this weird ship with this cool watch thing inside. The watch jumped onto my wrist and when I tried to get it off, I suddenly was on fire, only it didn't hurt and then I accidentally started this mega forest fire." Heatblast finished.

"That sounds impossible to believe, but..." Zoro said, looking around at the forest fire "We have bigger things to worry about."

"We gotta put it out somehow." Luffy said.

Heatblast nodded "What do we do?"

"I don't know, I'm not an expert on fires!" Zoro exclaimed.

"Well, neither am I!" Heatblast exclaimed.

"Ironic coming from a literal fire monster!" Zoro retorted.

"I just turned into this man! Doesn't suddenly make me an expert on it!" Heatblast retorted his retort.

"Ah," Luffy said, an idea popping into his head "Backfire."

"What?" Heatblast and Zoro asked.

"My brother, Ace, knew a lot about fires. One of the ways he would put them out was to start a new fire and let it burn into the old fire. They'd snuff each other out. Think you can do it, Ken?" Luffy asked and Zoro's jaw dropped at Luffy's sudden intelligence.

Heatblast smirked "Shooting flames, I can definitely do."


Not too long after, Heatblast had started another fire and the two fires subsequently snuffed each other out. All three of them stood at the edge of the forest, watching as smoke emanated from the burnt trees.

They heard a beeping sound ring out and Heatblast looked at her chest to see the Omnitrix symbol was flashing red. In a red flash, Heatblast had transformed back into Ken. Luffy and Zoro had their eyes wide and jaws dropped in shock at the sudden transformation while Ken smiled in relief, seeing that she was back to normal.

"Hey, I'm me again." Ken said with a smile.

"Guess you weren't lying..." Zoro muttered and Ken nodded.

"Is that the watch you were talking about?" Luffy asked, pointing at the Omnitrix.

Ken nodded, a bit surprised to see that it was a red color now and not the green she had seen before and she pressed the button but it refused to work "Yeah, I think it's recharging right now. Anyway, let's get out of here before anyone shows up and thinks we did all of this."

"You did do all of this." Luffy and Zoro replied.

"Yeah, well, I'm irresponsible! Deal with it!" Ken shouted and she rolled her eyes "Just follow me, my grandpa's RV isn't too far away from here."

Luffy and Zoro looked at each other then back at Ken, following her back to the RV. Soon enough, they had reached it and both Luffy and Zoro took notice of the snuffed-out campfire near the RV, the hanging clothes, and the empty smoothie cups in a pile by a tree, deducing that this was Ken's home.

"Welcome to my humble abode, don't mind the smoothie cups, I usually recycle them at the end of the week." Ken said, turning to look at them with a smile.

"You've been living here alone?" Luffy asked.

"Ever since my grandpa passed away, yeah. This RV is all I've ever known." Ken said, looking back at the RV.

The RV itself was really old looking with satellite discs at the end of it on the roof, six wheels that had moss growing over them and looked to be rusting, actual rust along the bottom of the RV, tinted windows, and a tan color scheme with red and blue lines across it.

"It's called the Rust Bucket; old thing hasn't moved for years." Ken said with a reminiscent smile, but then she shook her head and looked back at them "Since you know so much about fires Luffy, how about starting a campfire for us? I think there are some s'mores still packed in the kitchen."

Luffy's eyes lit up at the prospect of the tasty treat "On it!"

"Guess, I'll chop up some wood." Zoro said and Ken nodded.

They all got to work and it didn't take long for them to be sat around the campfire, sticks in hand that held the s'mores over the fire.

"So it just fell from the sky!?" Luffy exclaimed with an excited smile.

"Yup. Thought it was a star at first." Ken said, pulling her s'more back from the fire and taking a bite.

"How does a watch just suddenly jump and clamp onto your wrist? Is it alive?" Zoro asked.

"I don't know." Ken replied with a shrug "All I know is that it won't come off and now I can turn into 10 cool-looking alien dudes."

Luffy gasped with a grin "10!?"

Ken nodded "I checked while we were setting up the fire."

"But, how do you know they're aliens and not just monsters?" Zoro asked.

"Because this thing fell from space, doofus." Ken said with a smirk, as Luffy started jumping around in excitement "You okay, Luffy?"

Luffy grabbed his stick and ate the s'more whole, gulping and giving Ken a massive grin.

"Ken!" Luffy exclaimed, "Join my crew!"

"Huh...HUH!?" Ken exclaimed in shock and Zoro smirked "W-What are you talking about?"

"Join my crew! Let's set sail to find the One Piece together!" Luffy exclaimed excitedly "C'mon, it'll be fun having a hero be a part of my crew."

Ken soon frowned at that "I think you got it twisted, Luffy. I'm no hero. I'm just a freaky loser who just got freaky powers."

"Is that what you really believe?" Luffy asked and Ken looked back at him "Just because you've been messing up doesn't make you any less than who you really are."

"But, you heard everyone. All those stories-" Ken tried to say but Luffy cut her off.

"All those stories made you sound so cool." Luffy said and Ken widened her eyes "I mean, you've been trying to help so many people and even if they didn't like it, you didn't stop. I'm gonna need dependable people on my crew, you're one of those people, Ken."

"And if not us, then consider the marines." Zoro suggested.

"Thought about it, chose not to. I don't want to be told how to help people, I want to get the job done my way." Ken replied.

"Sounds like you've got the heart of a hero and a pirate." Zoro replied with a smirk.

Ken smiled and looked back at the grinning Luffy.

"Well?" Luffy asked, holding out his hand for her to shake.

Ken stood up and walked over to him. She was about to shake his hand but then something else fell from the sky and landed right in the middle of Bellwood.

"What was that!?" Zoro asked, looking around.

"Did another star fall from the sky again?" Luffy asked.

Ken saw the smoke emanating from Bellwood and she widened her eyes "It landed in town!"

Ken ran towards the town with Luffy and Zoro running after her.


What landed in town was a ship of some kind and it looked to be heavily damaged as well from the looks of it. The townspeople of Bellwood slowly crowded the damaged ship, but then they screamed, ran, and hid in fear once the ship's entrance was blasted open.

Three shadowy figures walked out of the ship and what stepped through the smoke shocked everyone. It was three mechanical-looking beings that had an air of danger around them.

The one in the middle resembled a fiddler crab with a goldfish brown-colored armor, a sideways mouth, four scythe-like legs, and a large, powerful pincer for a left hand. Within the pincer was a power blaster. He had orange lines running over his body and his eyes had the same color as the highlights of his pincer. This was the alien bounty hunter, Kraab.

To Kraab's right, was a tall hooved figure with purple armor. He had purple pads covering his central joints, a belt, and four central lines on his helmet to provide outlines for his face, which were his eyes and mouth. This was the alien bounty hunter/assassin, SixSix.

To Kraab's left, was a large alien with orange skin along with large jaws with the teeth merged with the lips. He also had two brown horns extending downwards from his jaw. He wore a red suit with spikes that showed off some of his chest. This was the alien brute and muscle for hire, Vulkanus.

"Argh! Damn those moon muskrats!" Kraab shouted.

"Kargh en tut!" SixSix stated.

"I know that, metalhead." Kraab said, turning to Vulkanus "How long will it take?"

"6-7 days." Vulkanus replied, looking at the ship.

"67 DAYS!?" Kraab exclaimed.

"No, 6 to 7 days." Vulkanus reiterated.

"King Fun Kung." SixSix said and Kraab aimed his claw at him.

"Say that again! I dare you!" Kraab threatened.

"Shouldn't we be focusing on the task at hand instead?" Vulkanus asked, earning a smack to the head from Kraab.

"You think I don't know that, idiot? We only managed to land here because this is the closest place it landed." Kraab stated, "Spread out, find the Omnitrix."

"Arr ga lun?" SixSix asked.

"Do you even need to ask? Of course, we're going with search and destroy." Kraab replied.

Vulkanus smirked and started walking around the town, destroying nearby buildings as he searched. SixSix took to the skies with his search and Kraab just looked around, spotting all the humans that tried to hide from him.

He aimed his claw at one of them and fired a laser that blew up the stand two people were hiding behind, causing them to run away in fear.

"Disgusting meat bags." Kraab commented as SixSix landed next to him "Well?"

"Kin Karr muck." SixSix replied.

"What do you mean it's coming to us?" Kraab asked and SixSix pointed ahead, both spotting Ken, Luffy, and Zoro running towards them "Oh really now? Vulkanus, get over here!"

Vulkanus crashed through a building and walked towards them unscathed, all three turning to look at Ken, Luffy, and Zoro, the three of them stopping a few meters away from them.

"Whoa..." Ken muttered with wide eyes.

"More aliens?" Luffy asked.

"I don't think these ones are as friendly as Ken." Zoro said with narrowed eyes, drawing his swords.

"Listen up, meat bags! We just want the Omnitrix, give that to us and we'll be on our merry way." Kraab explained.

"The Omni-what? You mean the watch?" Ken asked, showing them the Omnitrix.

"Typical from primates." Kraab muttered in annoyance "Yes! I mean the watch!"

"Hate to break it to ya, pal. But it won't come off, this thing just won't let go of me." Ken explained.

"Oh well, why didn't you say so? We know how to take it off?" Kraab said.

"You do?" Luffy asked.

"Yeah. We'll just rip it off your cold dead hands!" Kraab stated, firing a laser shot at them but they luckily managed to dodge it "Get 'em, boys!"

SixSix activated his jetpack and flew towards Ken, only to be grabbed by Luffy's stretchy arm and get redirected. The both of them flew up in the air with Luffy screaming gleefully.

"Luffy!" Ken shouted, worriedly.

"Don't worry, Ken! We got this! We're a crew remember?" Luffy asked, and Ken widened her eyes, nodding with her own smile as Luffy and SixSix flew into the woods.

"That idiot!" Kraab shouted as Vulkanus ran towards Ken.

"Santoryu: Tiger Hunt!" Zoro shouted, dashing towards Vulkanus with two swords in hand and one in his mouth along with holding both swords in each hand behind the blade in his mouth.

He hit Vulkanus with so much force that it sliced chunks of his armor off and shot him through several building away from them.

"Zoro?" Ken asked.

"You've got this, just trust me to finish the big one off." Zoro stated and she nodded, letting run after Vulkanus.

"Guess, it's just you and me." Kraab stated.

"Yeah, and I'm gonna make sure to kick your metal butt all the way back to where you came from." Ken stated, standing up and activating the Omnitrix.

"Charming." Kraab said, pointing his claw at her and firing another laser shot.

In the nick of time, Ken was engulfed in a bright green flash, transforming and jumping up to avoid the shot. Kraab watched as Ken's newly transformed form landed on top of his ship and roared at him.

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me." Kraab said upon seeing the form Ken had transformed into.

The form Ken had transformed into was a large orange dog with no eyes, ears, nose, or tail. Her posture and movements were apelike. Her teeth were very defined and stuck out of her mouth and there were gills on the side of her neck. The Omnitrix had turned into a brace on her left shoulder. This was the dog alien, Wildmutt.

Wildmutt growled, lunging at Kraab who swiftly avoided her by jumping up in the air. Wildmutt looked up and could sense Kraab spinning his legs and diving down towards her. She narrowly dodged him and used her claws to scratch him in the form of an uppercut.

"Aargh! Damn it!" Kraab shouted, firing rapid shots at Wildmutt.

Wildmutt kept dodging the shots quite easily, getting closer to Kraab with each dodge but then she heard screaming and turned to sense that one of the shots had almost hit one of the hiding townspeople.

"You better focus mutt!" Kraab shouted, running towards Wildmutt and backhanding her with his claw once she turned back to face him.

She was knocked back and tumbled near a stand, getting up and sensing a person hidden behind the stand. Kraab fired his laser and Wildmutt took the hit, roaring in pain as she destroyed the stand and grabbed the hidden person. She jumped over Kraab and put the person down, standing in front of them while they ran away in fear.

"Oh really now?" Kraab asked with a laugh and aimed his laser at a building knowing there were people inside.

Wildmutt roared as Kraab fired. She ran towards the building and once the laser hit, the explosion started to make the building collapse.

Wildmutt had made it in time, and held up any collapsing debris, noticing the people she had saved were Cash and JT who were holding onto each other in fear. She roared at them and the both of them screamed, running away from the scene.

She was suddenly hit by another laser shot and the pain from the explosion on her back caused her to let go of the debris and fall over, getting crushed by the fallen building.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! This is just too easy! If you wanna keep playing hero then go right ahead, that just makes my job much easier!" Kraab shouted, firing more shots at the debris Wildmutt was crushed under.

Wildmutt was blown out of the debris and she groaned in pain, stumbling a bit as she got up.

"We've got a fighter! Good! This would just be too boring if you weren't." Kraab stated, aiming his claw at her and she let out a growl "Oh, you didn't think I was gonna shoot at you, did ya? No, no, no, hero. You've got a job to do."

Kraab turned his arm and fired at another building. Wildmutt ran towards the building and jumped through the windows, grabbing whoever was inside with her arms and jaws, now holding two people in her right arm, three in her left and one by the scruff of his collar with her mouth.

She jumped up and crashed through the ceiling, careful not to hurt anyone while doing so, just as Kraab's laser hit the building and it exploded. She landed back on the road and dropped the people she saved, that ran away from her and Kraab.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Kraab laughed and she panted, turning towards him with a growl "Having fun yet!? Because I am!"


Luffy jumped from tree to tree, dodging the energy blasts from SixSix, who was flying right behind him with two pistols in hand. Luffy turned and pulled his fist back with a smirk on his face.

"Gomu Gomu no..." Luffy said as his fist shot forward and towards SixSix at high speeds "Pistol!"

SixSix dodged the fist and an energy blade popped out of his right hand and he raised his arm to cut Luffy's arm off. Luffy widened his eyes and used the stretching arm to grab onto a tree.

"Gomu Gomu no Rocket!" Luffy shouted, shooting his whole body towards SixSix and hitting him with a devastating tackle.

SixSix hit a tree and ricochet off of it, hitting a couple more trees in the process. He held his head, standing up on a tree branch and seeing Luffy jumping towards him. He pulled out his pistols and started firing at Luffy, along with little arms on his shoulders throwing bombs as well.

Luffy widened his eyes and raised his arms to block the shots, screaming out in pain from the burns of the energy shots and getting blown back from the bombs. Luffy fell to the ground and SixSix launched a plethora of mines around him.

As Luffy got up, he accidentally stepped on one of the mines which beeped and exploded, causing all the others to explode. The explosion itself was so large that it could even be seen all the way from town.

SixSix was about to fly back to town, thinking his job was done, but Luffy was nowhere near done.

"Hold it!" Luffy shouted and SixSix turned around, surprised to see Luffy's battered and beaten form standing with a smirk on his face "This fight ain't over!"

"Rargh cun tug!!!" SixSix shouted in frustration, shooting two whips from his arms that wrapped around Luffy "Rug gun gugg!"

An electric spark traveled through the whips and electrocuted Luffy. Much to SixSix's surprise, Luffy looked completely unaffected by the shock, even when he increased the voltage.

"That's not gonna..." Luffy said, flexing his muscles then ripping through the whips "WORK!!!"

"Car gun gugh!!!" SixSix shouted, tapping on his chest and activating his most devastating weapon.

His jetpack opened up and a long missile that glowed purple fired out and into the air, soon dropping down and towards Luffy.

Luffy widened his eyes and thought fast, taking a deep breath "Gomu Gomu no Balloon!!!"

Luffy expanded his body into a sort of bloated balloon, which was good because the missile hit him but his body contracted and took the missile in. He widened his eyes from the contraction and tightened up, bouncing the missile back at SixSix.

SixSix managed to dodge the missile and it flew in the air. Luffy took this chance to extend his arms and grab onto the branch SixSix was standing on.

"Gomu Gomu no Rocket!" Luffy shouted and he shot forward, hitting SixSix with a skull bash to his chin in the form of an uppercut that sent them both flying in the air.

Luffy had gained a higher altitude and he turned to face SixSix, extending his arm back. SixSix saw this and started firing his energy pistols once more, but Luffy completely disregarded the pain the energy shots brought and smirked.

"Gomu Gomu no..." Luffy said as his extended arm grabbed the missile and twisted it, increasing the speed at which Luffy's arm came down "ALIEN PISTOL!!!"

At direct hit. That's what it was. Luffy had landed his destructive attack on SixSix and the impact of the missile hitting a target caused it to explode in a purple and fiery explosion that shook the island.

Luffy landed on the ground and sighed in exhaustion, seeing his hand was suffering from some burns. He heard scraps falling down to the ground and turned to see that beside him, the only thing left of SixSix was a piece of his helmet.

Luffy got up and put his straw hat back on, dusting himself off and walking back to town.


Zoro blocked another punch from Vulkanus. Even though he managed to block it, the force from the punch sent him skidding back.

"Just give up, meat bag! You can't win." Vulkanus stated.

Zoro glared at him and pointed one of his swords at him "You sure about that?"

Vulkanus narrowed his eyes at him and cracked his knuckles "Yeah, I am."

"Then stop wasting my time and prove it." Zoro stated.

Vulkanus roared and dashed towards Zoro sending a flurry of punches that the swordsman blocked with his swords. Vulkanus connected his hands together and brought them down onto Zoro, who blocked with both swords but the hit caused the ground beneath him to start cracking.

Vulkanus kneed Zoro and he grit his teeth in pain, doubling over a bit and giving Vulkanus the opportunity to grab him by the neck and lift him up. Zoro widened his eyes, knowing what was next and Vulkanus slammed Zoro's face to the ground.

"You done yet?" Vulkanus asked and Zoro started getting up "Guess not."

Vulkanus jumped up in the air and lifted his arm up, getting ready to bring his fist down on Zoro's back. Zoro, however, saw this and rolled away which caused Vulknus to punch the ground, creating a small crater.

"You see it now? I'm just too strong for you, meat bag!" Vulkanus shouted, running towards Zoro and giving him a kick to the face which made his body shoot up and Vulkanus began his flurry of punches, turning Zoro into a bloody mess.

Suddenly Zoro caught both of Vulkanus' fists, ending the brutal barrage. He stood up, just as Vulkanus tried to pull his arms back but Zoro's grip was too strong.

"Hey! Let me go!" Vulkanus shouted.

"I'm only going to say this once, alien. One of us is going to die here..." Zoro stated, giving him a furious glare that matched with his demonic smirk "And it sure as hell won't be me."

Vulkanus for the first time in a long time suddenly felt a sense of fear. He felt a painful sensation go through his stomach and he looked down to see the swordsman had kicked him, a kick that skid him back a great distance.

Zoro walked forward and took off the bandana wrapped around his arm, putting it on and tightening it to a painful extent. He picked up his fallen blades, ready to finish off his opponent.

"Getting your glorified knives back won't change the outcome of this fight." Vulkanus stated.

"You're right," Zoro stated, getting into position for his strongest attack and sending a glare towards Vulkanus that made him freeze "It won't."

"Oni..." Zoro muttered as a dark aura surrounded him, Vulkanus started to back up in fear and he turned to run just as Zoro shot forward at breakneck speeds.

Zoro had stopped moving and he had now ended up in front of Vulkanus with his attack now finished.

"Giri!!!" Zoro shouted as Vulkanus' head came off and flew to the sky, landing with a splat right by the body that kneeled and had its armor completely shatter.

Zoro panted, putting his swords back into their sheaths and taking off his bandana. He wiped the blood away from his face and started walking back to Ken, leaving Vulkanus' corpse to fall over.


Kraab fired at multiple buildings, trying to find a now hidden Wildmutt.

"C'mon, hero! If you keep letting me shoot at all these buildings, I'll just end up getting lucky and blow up one of these meat bags you're trying so hard to protect!" Kraab shouted, looking around.

Wildmutt jumped from the roof of a building and roared, landing on top of Kraab and biting into his shoulder. Kraab screamed as sparks shot out from his wound. He grabbed Wildmutt with his claw and charged up a shot, firing and sending the dog alien flying.

Wildmutt landed on the ground with a crash and she groaned, the Omnitrix beeping and transforming her back into Ken, who had lost consciousness.

"Finally!" Kraab shouted.

The townspeople that were watching were shocked to see that the monster that had been saving them all this time was in fact Ken.

"Ken..." Mr. Baumann muttered, watching from the window of his restaurant.

"Tennyson!?" Cash and JT shouted, from the barrel they were hiding in.

"You think just because you have the most powerful piece of technology in the universe, you're some hotshot!? Don't make me laugh, hero! You can save these meat bags as much as you like, but it won't make a difference! I'll make sure to burn this whole stinkin' town to the ground once I'm done with you!" Kraab shouted, walking over to her and aiming his claw at her "So long, hero."

Before he could fire, he was suddenly hit by a brick to the head and he looked up to see Mr. Baumann glaring at him.

"Leave her alone!" Mr. Baumann shouted.

"Oh? Another meat bag that thinks he's a hotshot, huh? You got a death wish or something, old man?" Kraab asked.

"I'm not the biggest fan of Tennyson, but something I just can't stand is a bully. I've watched that girl suffer for being brave and I just stood on the sidelines, watching as she powered through and continued to try and help people! Not anymore! I might not have any magic powers, but I'm not gonna stand by and watch you take away the hero of this town!" Mr. Baumann stated, getting ready to throw another brick, unknowingly having said this in front of many more eyes.

"So your best solution is throwing measly rocks at me!? Ha! Ha! Ha!" Kraab laughed and aimed his claw at Mr. Baumann "I'm gonna enjoy this."

Suddenly a pipe and glass bottle was thrown at Kraab and he turned to see Cash and JT glaring at him.

"Get the hell out of our town!" Cash shouted.

"We don't want you here!" JT shouted.

More and more random objects were thrown at Kraab along with shouts and insults with more and more townspeople coming out of the woodworks, all of them stepping in front of Ken and forming a sort of barrier for her.

"W-what is this!? Do you all suddenly have a death wish!?" Kraab shouted.

"No," Mr. Baumann replied "For once in our lives, we're the ones saving our hero."


"Ken, it's time to get up, kiddo." A voice said and a young Ken's eyes slowly opened, seeing that she had been sleeping on a blanket outside the Rust Bucket under the stars as the voice chuckled "You sure are one deep sleeper, huh?"

Ken looked to her right and smiled tiredly at her most favorite person "Hey Grandpa."

Her grandpa was an old stout man with Caucasian skin, short greying hair, black eyes, and some wrinkles on his face. He wore a red buttoned-up Hawaiian shirt with a floral design, brown pants, and black shoes. This was retired Marine and Tennyson Ken's grandfather, Tennyson Max

"You're really out of it today. I've never seen you take a nap that lasted this long." Grandpa Max said, sitting down next to her.

Ken frowned "Yeah, well, it happened again..."

"All of them?" Max asked with a frown and Ken nodded "Bah! Don't let them get to you. People usually start appreciating something when it starts to really matter."

"It hurts, grandpa. How can I be a hero to a town of people that hate me? I didn't even do anything to them, but they all just hate me." Ken said tearfully.

"Ken..." Max said.

"I've heard the parents of other kids talk. They say all kinds of things because of the way I was born, they keep all the other kids away from me! I don't have any friends, I don't have any parents, I'm just stuck being a burden to you. You didn't deserve getting stuck with a freak and a loser for a granddaughter." Ken said, bawling at this point.

Max pulled her in for a hug and she hugged him back "Ken, you're beating yourself up too much."

"But-" Ken tried to say but Max cut her off.

"No, you are not a freak nor are you a loser. However you were born doesn't change the fact that you are my granddaughter and I'll always keep loving you, no matter what." Max stated.

"Even if I totally suck at helping people?" Ken asked.

Max chuckled "Just because you're stumbling right now, doesn't mean you always will. If you keep at it, then you'll soon get the hang of it."

"But, you're this great Marine hero, and I'm" Ken said.

"And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that." Max stated, pulling back from the hug and looking her in the eyes "If you want to be a hero then don't do it my way. Do it your way. Do it the Ken way. Trust yourself to do the right thing, because I know that's what you were born to do."

"Grandpa..." Ken said, looking down at her hands.

"Yes, Ken?" Max asked.

She looked up at him with tears streaming down her face, but with a determined smile "I wanna save the world!"

Max smiled and pat her hair "Then go do it, Ken. Show them the hero you were meant to be..."


Ken gasped and opened her eyes wide, she sat up and was surprised to see the townspeople of Bellwood standing in front of her.

"What the..." Ken muttered in confusion.

"Psst! Tennyson!" A person whispered and Ken looked up to see Cash looking at her "Get your lazy butt up and take this freaky monster down."

"Uh...oh, yeah right." Ken said, activating her Omnitrix and scrolling through it, choosing a muscular-looking form "Here goes nothing!"

Kraab growled in annoyance and aimed his claw at the townspeople, ready to fire and obliterate them all in one go. He was about to do that until a bright green flash shined from behind them and they all turned to look behind them, surprised to see another alien standing before them.

Ken had transformed into a silicon-based life form. Her body was composed of durable pale green crystals. She sported six crystal shards on her back, two small ones on her chest, and had a sharp head. Her body consisted of indigo crystal which had black lines and dots over it. Her eyes were green and the Omnitrix symbol was on her chest. This was the diamond alien, Diamondhead.

The crowd of townspeople parted and Diamondhead walked forward, standing in front of them and glaring at Kraab.

"So you still have enough energy to get up, huh? I knew you were a fighter." Kraab snarked.

Diamondhead held her arm out in front of the townspeople "Get away from here, this is going to get dangerous."

The townspeople agreed and ran away, picking and choosing hiding spots that were far enough to still see the fight ensue. Mr. Baumann was the only one left still standing with Diamondhead and he smiled up at her.

"Give 'em hell, Tennyson." Mr. Baumann said and Diamondhead turned to him and gave him a thumbs up.

She turned back to glare at Kraab just as Mr. Baumann ran off back to his restaurant.

"You've terrorized my town for long enough, I'm gonna end this." Diamondhead stated.

"Whatever species you pick doesn't matter, I'm getting that stinkin' watch!" Kraab shouted.

Diamondhead raised her arms and took a boxing stance "Come and get it."

Kraab roared and charged at Diamondhead, jumping up in the air and spinning his legs. He shot down towards her, but this time she didn't dodge.

She caught Kraab and grabbed him by one of his legs, slamming him down on the ground then spinning him. She tossed him into the rubble of a destroyed building and he landed with a crash. She ran after him and jumped up, raising her fist to bring it down on Kraab, but he acted fast and fired his laser at her.

Diamondhead luckily blocked the laser, even if it did shoot her back. She sat up and looked at her arm, surprised to see that it had morphed into some kind of shield.

"Whoa..." Diamondhead said, changing the shield into a large diamond blade "Cool."

Kraab got up and started firing his laser at her, but she used her diamond-bladed arm to block and deflect the shots. With every shot, she kept getting closer to Kraab and once she reached him, she hit him with a powerful right and stabbed her bladed arm through his chest.

Kraab let out a pained shout, using his clawed arm to pull the bladed arm out and punch her with his other arm. The punch was less than effective and she smirked, reforming her bladed arm into a hand and beating Kraab with a flurry of fists.

He tried fighting back with his claw but she kicked away and hit him with a right and left hook then an uppercut. He reached out to grab her with his weaker arm and she grabbed it, using it to pick Kraab up and toss him through a building.

"Oops." Diamondhead said, looking down at Kraab's arm, which she just ripped off.

Kraab crashed out of the building and let out a frustrated yell. Electricity sparking around his damaged chest, the side of his head, and around his missing arm.

"You! YOU! You think you can just do this to me and still think you're getting out of this alive!?" Kraab shouted.

"That was the idea." Diamondhead replied.

"I'm sick of you, you heroic meat bag! I'm gonna finish you off! Right here! Right now!" Kraab shouted, pointing his claw at her.

Diamondhead stood up straight and glared at him "Ready when you are."

Kraab charged up his laser and diverted all his power into it. He fired the largest laser he could and Diamondhead held her arms out, blocking the laser, her crystal arms deflecting the laser up to the sky.

The both of them were in a power struggle and Kraab was starting to run out of energy, so he just sent all of his power into the laser which made it larger and more powerful. Diamondhead grit her teeth, slowly getting pushed back by the laser.

"C'mon, Tennyson!" Mr. Baumann exclaimed.

"Finish this, Ken!" Cash shouted.

"Save us, hero!" The townspeople shouted.

Diamondhead's arms fused to form a crystal reflector and she redirected the laser downwards. It started going down from the sky and back towards Kraab, eventually reaching the mechanical bounty hunter.

"Aw cra-" Kraab was about to say but he was soon blown up by the laser, leaving nothing but scraps of metal.

Diamondhead's arms unfused and she let out a tired sigh, the Omnitrix beeping and transforming her back to normal. The townspeople came out of their hiding spots, seeing that the battle was over and Ken turned to face them.

"Look, I know today's been crazy and I'm ready to accept whatever punishment you guys have-" Ken quickly said but Cash cut her off.

"Let's hear it for, Tennyson!" Cash shouted and the townspeople cheered, ganging up on her and tossing her up in the air.

"H-Hey!? Where did all of this come from!?" Ken exclaimed just as Luffy and Zoro returned.

"Tennyson! Tennyson! Tennyson!" The crowd cheered, tossing her up and down.

Ken spotted them and gave them a smile, causing Luffy to laugh and Zoro just smirked in response.


The next day, Luffy and Zoro sat in their boat, looking back at the path that led to Bellwood and checking for any signs of Ken.

"She's not here." Luffy said with a frown.

"Well, the whole town loves her now. I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to stay." Zoro said with a shrug.

"But I wanted her to join us..." Luffy said and slumped with a frown.

Meanwhile, in the forest, Ken stood in front of Max's grave with a duffle bag hanging off of her shoulders. She gave the grave a somber smile, tightening her grip on the straps of her bag.

"I'm leaving now, grandpa. I'm gonna be the hero I'm meant to be." Ken stated, "I'll be back and when I do, I promise that I'll be the woman that saved the world."

"Those are some bold words, kid." A familiar voice said and Ken turned around to see Mr. Baumann.

"Mr. Baumann? What are you doing here?" Ken asked.

"Thought you could leave without paying off that tab?" Mr. Baumann asked and Ken widened her eyes and gave him a nervous smile.

"U-Uh...well...Uhm...y-you see..." Ken stuttered with an awkward laugh in between.

Mr. Baumann let out a laugh and she gave him a confused look, she'd never seen the older man this chipper.

"I'm just pulling your chain, kid." Mr. Baumann said, waving away the issue and giving her a smile "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not being there when I was supposed to."

"It's okay, I get that I was annoying at times." Ken said with a shrug.

"Glad to see you know how much of a try-hard you are." Mr. Baumann said and Ken rolled her eyes "Don't stop being one. You're at your best when you keep trying, and if yesterday was anything to go by, trying hard and giving everything your all leads to amazing results. Look, all I'm trying to say is...make us proud, Tennyson."

Ken smiled and nodded "Thanks, Mr. Baumann."

"C'mon, I'll make you one last smoothie before you leave." Mr. Baumann said, walking away and Ken started following him.

She stopped and turned around, spotting a glimpse of a smiling Max, but then he was gone after she blinked. She smiled and ran after Mr. Baumann, ready for her last Bellwood smoothie.


"Well, we should go." Zoro said, seeing as Ken had not arrived yet.

Luffy sighed and unfurled the sails "I guess we'll see her after we find the One Piece."

Suddenly a speedy blur sped out from Bellwood and skid to a stop in front of them. Luffy and Zoro were surprised to see the sudden arrival and what stepped through from the dust was also a surprise.

It was an alien that was similar to a semi-armored velociraptor. She had black orbs on her feet and wore a black conoid helmet with a visor. She had a blue face, green eyes, black lips, and stripes above and on the right side of his eyes, she wore black pants and a turtleneck-like shirt with a white stripe on the center and the Omnitrix in the middle of his chest. This was the speed alien, Xlr8.

Luffy recognized the Omnitrix symbol on her chest and smiled "Ken?"

Xlr8's visor lifted up and she smirked, the Omnitrix symbol beeping and transforming Ken back to normal.

"C'mon, you didn't really think you could do this without me, did ya?" Ken asked.

"Where were you?" Zoro asked.

"Just paying my dues." Ken said, jumping onto the boat.

"Care to elaborate on that?" Zoro asked.

"Let's just say, I just couldn't help but leave a few people hanging." Ken replied with a smirk and Zoro smirked back at her, she looked to Luffy and gave him a smile "Where to, captain?"

Luffy laughed, kicking the boat offshore and the three of them sailing away to their next adventure.

Meanwhile, back at Bellwood, Cash and JT were grumbling as they hung from a tree by their underwear.

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