forbidden acted

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it's been a couple of mouths with ruvik and we've been getting along.sometimes we could get into fight with each other but the next day we're okay or sometimes i to busy with leslie which i don't mind he's more important while i was putting leslie to bed he was scared that i won't come back tomorrow or the next day because the asshole dr.jimenez been up each others ass's even ruvik is getting annoyed with him but anyway i told leslie that i won't leave him ''promise..'' he said looking at me with the most adorable face ever ''i promise '' i said getting a smile i kissed him to sleep i walked carefully to the door and closed it. while i was walking down the hall i then noticed ruvik hasn't left ''you okay'' i asked him he just turn toward me with a cold glare...again ''it's none of your business'' he said walking in to a room which i followed behind ''come you can't lie to me rubin'' i walked in the room to his back turned toward me i just sighed and walked to his side only to look at me with his cold glare but went back to his normally face he knew he couldn't lie to me ''it's just everything my memory and just....*sigh*'' i remember him talking about his sister and the fire ''i know it could be hard for you and everything but if you need anything just ask me okay'' i said while rubbing his back what the hell am i doing i was suppose to caring for leslie not for ruvik but it wouldn't matter right ''stop it'' he said slapping my hand away ''ruben...'' i said little upset of him doing that but than noticed that on his face was anger, hatred but was it against me? ''why'' he said in a angry tone ''why does it have to be you why am always nice to you i don't understand i'm trying to keep myself closed up!!!!'' i don't know want made me slap him but i did he slowly turned toward me i  only kept me place until i felt my back on the wall and my arms pinned to the wall as well i looked up ruvik getting his cold glare. his face was so close to my face ''don't make me hurt you'' he said ''do it i don't even care if i get hurt anymore!!" and with that something shocking happened i felt lips on mine i was shocked but soon got into it his grip soften on my arms until he pushed me away than walked out of the room i put my fingers on my lips still feeling the warmth on them ''what just happened...''
i said. i ran after him.
ruvik pov
i graved my jacket than ran out of the hospital ''why did i just do that'' i told myself i ran into my house slamming the door behind me i tried to clam myself but she kept haunting my mind i punched the wall ''she can't replace her, she can't replace her'' i  said to myself. but i heard knocking coming from the door thinking it was jimenez i opened the door i saw (Y|N) i tried to close the only to her stop it knowing this won't stop i pulled her in ''what the hell do you want'' i said slamming the door again ''do you really have to slam everything'' she said in annoyed tone ''i have every right to slam everything it's my house'' i said also annoyed as well she only sighed ''look i just only want to get everything that just happened in order'' she said i only walked away from her but she followed behind getting angry ''COULD YOU JUST TELL M--"
"LOOK I DON'T KNOW ALRIGHT'' i yield at her. she didn't move a muscle ''it just happened'' i told her trying to clam myself not want to kill her i could see she was thinking the same.
your pov
i really couldn't say anything really it was hard to think as if right now ''you know rubin you've been haunting my mind and it scares the shit out of me'' i said only to get a surprised look from him ''you've been thinking the same...'' i said he just sighed and  nodded i looked down feeling a little hurt that he hates the  feeling ''i see and you think i'm trying to replace your sister well i'm not'' i said turning toward the door only to be graved i turned to see ruvik staring at me ''i'll give you a...chance'' and with that i hugged him.for once in my life i happy.
ruvik pov
am i this desperate for happiness or am i truly in love?

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