see you in hell

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                                                                                                          play music if you want                                                                                                                                                             i was playing around with leslie to get my mind of things but it wasn't really working at all. it's been a while since i haven't seen ruvik in a long time i wonder what he was doing he never comes back to hospital and things begin to disappear like patients so i've been getting worried but i won't let that get in the way of being with leslie so we spent the whole 3 day's just playing around until something i never wanted to happen leslie went missing i looked every where so i ran up to jimenez office '' WHERE IS HE!!!!!'' i yield at jimenez who was sitting in his chair he looked from his paper's ''who do you speak of of dr.(Y|N)?'' he said with a smirk on his face knowing who i was talking about. i couldn't held my anger i through everything off his desk and slamming my hand on it ''YOU KNOW WHO I'M TALKING ABOUT '' i said making it sound like a animal looking for it's baby.his smirk was gone for a moment but than came back ''would you like to know dr.(Y|N)'' i just glared at him until some men came out of know where they graved me ''come i'll show you doctors'' he said coming out off his chair and walking out i glared at the men ''i can fucking walk by my self'' i said getting out of their grip and started walking.we walked in the basement (really don't remember where it was) to see this machine ''doctor this is stem'' he said with his stupid smirk i looked around it only to see leslie ''angel! angel!" he cried out i tried to run to him but only to be graved by the two men before ''when ruben see's this he's going to murder you!!!'' why did i say that i told myself ''oh but ruvik is right there" he said point a glass ball with a brain in it i gasped and started shacking not from fear but from sadness from knowing that he's been under my feet ''ruben..'' i said in a shacking voice. only to get a laugh from jimenez mixing with Leslie's cry "you bastard !!!!!!!!" i yield out
''well dr.(Y|N) i thought you didn't care of ruvik''he said
''i may have looked like i hated but deep down i cared not like you not giving a damn about your patients asshole!!!!"
"THAT'S IT PUT HER THE TUB NOW!!!!'' he yield out to the men who started to drag me to the tub near leslie's ''dick head'' i said.
''go to hell''he said
''see you THERE''i smiled
than it turned BLACK
''someone help me!!!" i yield i was tied up to a chair covered in bruises by my father i cried tear's burning my cuts. i than heard the door open i looked to see my father stand there ''i guess i need to give you punishment do i" he said coming at me the house was soon filled of my cries...
i trusted him
i trusted mom
end of flashback

i woke up to find myself on the floor but in a different room it looked like a library i got up wandering where i was?how long was i asleep?and who brought me here? those questions kept coming back to me until i heard something coming from the side of a door i looked around and saw a a fireplace i quicky graved a (i really don't know the name....i suck)

i held it tight like my life depended on it the door slammed open only to a hallway.i took my weapon with me just in case i walked down the hallway that seem to be a hallway of a hospital i was about to open the door until teleported in front of me making me fall. i looked up to see...RUBEN i got up to and hugged him as tight as i could but than got pushed away '''s me (Y|N)'' i said only to be chocked by him making me drop my weapon and graving his wrist ''do you really think i would think i would fall for that acted" he said he through me back to the end of the hall where the library was supposed to be ''your nothing here" he said he teleported in front of me i slowly got up and looked up at him ''if i'm nothing than how can i do this'' with no time to reacted i gave him a quick kiss.i than ran not giving him time to say or do anything i ran out of the building i wasn't going to let him me once again BEEP BEEP!!!!!! i turned to see a hospital car coming toward me i jumped out of the ways it stop and the door swings open ''COME ON GET ON" a man said with brown i quickly got graved his hand and pulled me in the car went off ''you okay" the man asked i nodded "(Y|N)..." i looked up to a see someone i wanted to "jimenez" i took this  moment to kick his ass ''you-stupid-perk" i grunted while i punching him but soon  got taken off of him by the man before i giggled " looks like i right seeing your ugly ass face in hell" i said the others tried to clam me down until i heard a sweet voice i looked over to see leslie ''LESLIE!!" i got myself out of their grip and hugged him "angel" he said i was happy to see him not hurt but that moment soon stop when i looked up in the little mirror to see ruben and when leslie said fall many times i graved him as tight as i could and soon the ambulance.


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