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I awoke to the sun hitting my eyes. My father was asleep beside me. I smiled kissing his head. I jumped up and got a shower. I walked out to find the spider cyborg fixing the bed. I dried my hair off and opened the drawer slipping on lace under clothes and a cute lace white dress. I felt someone touching my hair. When I looked at the mirror to see someone had put my hair up to where it looked like flowers. The next thing I know I'm facing the cyborg spider.

"Close your eyes please." She asked. I closed my eyes I felt something touch my eye lids and lips. Moments later I was racing the mirror again I looked gorgeous like a real woman.

"Thanks I look great." I squealed.

"Your welcome dear call me Arachne?" She asked, I hugged her.

"Can I just call you momma since I don't have one." I asked. She smiled putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Sure sweetie whatever you want. Now go knock them dead. You look stunning." She said, kissing my cheek. I took off down stairs I grabbed my house keys kissed my dad's cheek.

"What do you look so good for? Not that I'm complaining you look stunning." Father said, when I sat on his lap.

"So can I go out to day by myself?" I asked.

"Fine but be careful." He said, kissing my head I squealed hugging him. He gave me some money in case I needed anything. I kissed his cheek and ran out the door and down the street to a building where I seen Blake. He was with a group of cyborgs outside a bar. A huge smile formed on his face when he seen me. He motioned me over to him. As soon as I walked over he pulled me into his arms.

"Man you look stunning but I told you I'd come get you." He said.

"And be stuck in the house all day with my old man no thanks I was stuck in a lab for three whole years. I'm never allowed outside. Any chance I get I take it honestly I was just gonna walk around untill you picked me up anyways." I said, as he wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his head against my neck.

"Not on my watch you aren't it's to dangerous for you to be alone sweet pea." He replied. 

"You do realize I'm built to be indestructible." I muttered.

"Your a cyborg well there goes ever having kids." He muttered.

"I have a working reproductive system dingus I might be a cyborg but unlike other I'm bioengineered so my body and organs are made from a humans. Even if you tore me apart you wouldn't be able to tell the difference because my engineering." I chuckled.

"I hit the Jack pot." He joked grabbing my hand.

"Bye man see you guys later." He said, pulling me along down the street to a lake.  It was beautiful surround by trees and such he walked me over to the water.

"Want to catch so fish?" He asked.

"Ya sounds like fun but you'll have to show me." I said, he nodded. Slipping. Off his shirt, pants only leaving his boxers on and jumping in. He dove in grabbing fish with his bare hand.

"Now reach in my pants pocket and grab the rope put the fish on it and put the stake part in the ground and put the fish in the water." He yelled surfacing and throwing a big fish at me. Which hit my face smearing my makeup. He started laughing hysterically. I pulled the thin rope out of his pocket. One end had a metal loop and another had a small metal stake to put in the ground. I slipped the stake part through its gill and out its mouth. Put it through the loop put the stake in the ground and put the fish in the water. I looked over at him hesitantly for a moment.

"Your doing good honey keep it up." He said, giving me a thumbs up. I smiled giggling happily.

"Yay I did it right." I squealed. He laughed. Then he dove down to get more when some much older men walked out. They set their chairs down and put their lines in he came moments later bringing up an arm full of fish getting out of the water, dropping the fish and putting his pants back on. I slid the fish onto the rope. He left his shirt off, he handed me a knife and put his hands over mine showing me how to filet a fish. He let go when I started doing it on my own and started setting up a fire.

"Ew this is so gross." I squealed pulling out the inner part.

"Sorry babe that how it's done want to trade you get the fire while I take care of the fish." He asked, I nodded washing my hands off in the water he handed me his shirt to wipe hands off with. I walked over to the fire and blowing on it making fire shot out of my mouth catching the wood on fire.

"I thought I heard someone talking well you mind we join you." One of the older men asked. Blake looked at me questioningly.

"No go right a head. We don't mind." I smiled. They brought their chairs over and sat by the fire drinking some whiskey. I dragged over a big log and sat on it in front of the fire. While Blake put the fish on to cook. He sat beside me pulling me on to his lap wrapping his arms around my waist tightly. When I realized he was shivering.  I took off the jacket my father gave me and slipped it on him.

"It's father's so it should fit you." I said, when he snuggled up against me. I turned to lean my side against his chest and petted his head.

"Thanks pumpkin." He said kissing me.

"Young love its great. But your only young once so cherish it." The one said, we nodded.

"Oh Wayne there to young to be given lecture. Do either of you drink." The man with the grey bushy bread said.

"I do but she's to young but she's a cyborg so don't know about that." Blake replied.

"No shit a cyborg well I'm really damn impressed I can't even tell." He exclaimed.

"Dude does no one notice the fact my hairs freaking white. My eyes are like a snake and violet." I blurted crossing my arms pouting. Blake laugh.

"Don't take it offensive she's sixteen only been out and socialized twice so she still used to being around anyone who isn't her father. So she still learning." Blake exclaimed.

"Ah I see so that explains why I never seen her I'm king Serious by the way young lady and this is my main commander Rick." He smiled, I shook his hand when he kissed the back of it affectionately.

"I thought I recognized you my apologies Serious." He replied. 

"No Blake thank you for introducing us to your lovely partner. Shes gorgeous your father would be pleased." He answered.

"Ya if only he came and seen me but that's my father for you I the eldest and he still picks my brother." Blake replied squeezing my waist. I put my hand over his when a much older man that looked like Blake walked out and sat down with three men you could tell were his sons all around seventeen and eighteen.

"Serious I was wondering where'd you run off to." He said, Blake hid behind me.

"Oh it's alright besides I'm happy one of your sons has a good taste in women. They have my blessing." Serious smiled, his father I looked over at me and looked back at him questioningly. When he pointed behind me. He froze when he noticed Blake trying to hide behind me.

"Blake?" He muttered. When his brothers looked at him.

"Damn you grew a lot." His father said when he squeezed.

"Relax dear your kinda squeezing the crap out of me I can't breath." I said, hugging him.

"Sorry pumpkin." He replied, loosening his grip and putting his head to mine.

"Sweetie you gotta remember your a lot bigger then me." I said wrapping my arms around his head. He chuckled kissing my head.

"Who is that young lady I've never seen her before?" His brother asked.

"Why you curious Franky." He mocked.

"Very I mean a fine distinguished woman like her picking you. If you can win over someone like that she probably a flossy or your paying her." He said, bluntly when I got up. 

"Call me a flossy one more time." I growled smiling. He leaned forward.

"Flo..." I shifted into a sabber tooth tiger be for he could finish. I jumped on him snarling showing my fangs get up in his face.

"Darling no." Blake yelled picking me up off him. He wrapped his arms sitting down pulling me onto his lap petting and snuggling me. I struggled but he kept a from grip on me till I calmed down.

"There there that's my girl. You shouldn't let what he said bother you so much I love you that's all that matters." He whispered in my ear I nuzzled up against him licking his face.

"See that's my girl." He chuckled as I changed into a fairy like creature.

"You should've told me you were a shifter." He teased smiling when I noticed I had scratched his arm I leaned down licking it.

"Aquarius what are you..." He stopped when he seen his arm was healed.

"Wow shit didn't know you could do that." He blurted when I chuckled. I reached up cupping his face. He touched my cheek.

"Well come on pumpkin." He said, pulling me to feet and grabbing his shirt. His father stood up.

"Sheesh you really have grown." His father replied sizing him up he was slightly taller then even his father.

"Dad I'm twenty five now last time you seen me I was fourteen." He replied, picking me up.

"Damn twenty five that's how much time past?" He asked.

"Ya time doesn't just stop because you give up one on and desert one of your sons. Why you think my people are always giving the soldiers hell." He exclaimed.

"Dad do you even know what I go by now?" He asked, His father shook his head.

"I go by Chaos." He said, running at break neck speed. Running to a clearing.

"So want to talk about it?" I asked.

"You mean about my family?" He questioned I nodded.

"But I'm not going to force you if it makes you uncomfortable." I informed him.

"When I was fourteen I got jumped on my way home from school. Turns out they were hybrids. After my parents found me half dead and mangled they took me to the doctor when they found out I was infect they disowned me and through me out on the streets luckily luckily female wolf hybrid found me and nursed me back to health her husband and her raised me like their own son." He exclaimed.

"My mom left after I was born because I had a fatal disease I was only expected to live up to my sixteenth birthday at the most that's why my father made me a cyborg so I'd be immortal. My mother hates me the day she gave birth to me she said she wanted nothing to do with a defective daughter. So he made me perfect as a human I was average at best. So I can relate." I said, he kissed my head.

"Come on there's a cute cafe near by I know you'd like." He said, carrying me through the woods to a cute little store. As soon as he walked in everyone stopped and stared.

"What can't a guys take his woman out without getting stared at." He growled they all went back to what they were doing. When I seen my dad checking over a young girl.

"Daddy!" I yelled I ran over jumping on him hugging him almost nocking him over.

"Hey pumpkin Daddy love so you but please don't do that your getting to big to be latching on to me like that." He said ruffling my hair and kissing my head. When Blake walked over handing me a cup. I sipped it.

"Aww I love it it's so sweet." I squealed. 

"Ya okay I see how it is so that's why you wanted to get out to day is someone seeing someone behind my back?" He teased.

"Maybe oh come on he'll grow on you he's actually a real big sweetie. Plus I'm sixteen I'm at my peek." I chuckled.

"Oh really so I'll take Your word for it." Father laughed when his father, brothers and Serious walked in.

"Following me?" Blake asked, when his father walked up.

"We need to talk?" He asked when the owners of the cafe walked out and over. They were wolf men hybrids. The husband put his arm on Blake's shoulder.

"Sorry if our Chaos is bothering you your highness." He said, bowing his head slightly.

"Not in the least." He replied.

"We'll talk later." Blake answered.

"Fine but I want you to come later and talk me and your mother." He commanded and they left. When I noticed the little girl my father was examining looked like a smaller vision of me mother. She had her long blond hair and blue eyes. My mother was beautiful and enchanting. That's why when I was born she was so disappointed. So she left she said she couldn't be caught with such an ugly heir. She was a model singer, actor, and a celebrity. That's why my father remade me beautiful as a cyborg. Love holds no meaning anymore if you can't produce successful heir your no more to them then garbage. That's just how the world is now.


"This is your daughter she absolutely gorgeous must be from the mother's half?" A woman asked, when I looked to see my biological mother behind the girl. 

"June it's Aquarius surprise surprise surprise you wouldn't recognize the creature you threw away." He replied.

"Aquarius? But isn't she supposed to be dead?" She asked.

"No He cured me of my illness. I'm as healthy as a horse. I'm the picture of perfection." I giggled.

"Then why do you look like a fairy?" She asked pointing at my wings.

"I'm a shifter. I'm a genetically engineered cyborg. Daddy genetically engineered my DNA to try to extend my life but turns out it made me immortal. So I stop growing after sixteen." I exclaimed sipping the cup.

"She's a cyborg?" She asked, he nodded kissing my head and handing me to Blake.

"Shift back sweetie." He said, putting his coat on me as I shifted back into my true from. I noticed my mother smiling intently at me with a twinkle in her eyes. I just gave her a big smile.

"At least you know I'm not a good for nothing like you thought and exceeded way past any of your expectations." I laughed showing my bright smile.

"Even though I made you I still have a hard time believing your a weapon of mass destruction. Your to innocent and sweet." Father replied, when my smiled faded to serious.

"That's because you designed me that you designed me to act perfectly like a regular sixteen year old girl correct?" I asked, as my voice started to change to beautiful and enchanting. Like music to your ears.

"Yes sweetie but I want you to have freewill a choice in how you choice to behave and live your life." He replied.

"But I still don't understand?" I asked.

"Blake I've been trying for years to get to understand emotions can you see what you can do? When I made her I made it to where she could evolve on her on but that only made a supper computer she a genius but she lacks social skills and emotional connections. She seems to really connected with you if anyone can get her to understand it's you?" He asked, Blake nodded.

"Thank you you can stay with her at the house as long as you like." He said, we nodded.

"I love you daddy." I said, kissing his cheek.

"I love you too baby girl. Now I want you to behave." He said, kissing my head. Then Blake carried me home. He carried me inside put me down when he suddenly started kissing me compassionately slipping his tongue in my mouth. Making my heart feel like it was going to beat out of my chest. My face turned beat red. He pulled the coat off exposing my bare body then he grabbed my hand pressing it to my chest. It was weird feeling my own heart beat.

"Feel that, that's love, passion, and embarrassment. Those are emotions you only understand them if you've experienced them for yourself." He exclaimed breaking away. I gasped when he slid my hand to my lower region.

"Feel that that's lust and yearning it's easy to confuse love and lust understand?" He asked, pushing me up against the wall.

"Yes love I understand. But I can tell the difference between the two." I gasped when he moved my hand and then let go.

"Now what else do you want to learn?" He asked.

"Well first big boy your finishing what you started." I said, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him up against me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and straddle him.

"I don't want you doing anything you'll regret." He said.

"I wouldn't regret it please." I begged.

"Damn that's hot. Even though you look so innocent your actually the complete opposite. But it's sexy." He said, kissing me down my neck to my breast. He groped them gently taking them each into his mouth teasing them. Making my breathing much louder.

"My love can you keep going." He said, as I nodded and moved down his waist. I undid his pants pulling them down and boy was I surprised. This wasn't going to be an easy task. But I took his length into my mouth taking care of him. After that he moved down to my lower region he slid his finger in making me moan and I think you know what happened after that.... I had my head on his chest.

"Do you get the concept of emotions?" He asked, I nodded.

"You made me feel in ways I never knew I could." I exclaimed. He smiled and kissed me. I pasted out minutes later.

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