14 - Epilogue

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Chapter 14 epilogue


:::content warning –Death, grief, suicide attempt:::


The Queen ordered that her grand-niece be brought to her. The Blood Queen and the two Junior Queens were all shadow walkers, and a Sun-walker queen was a new incarnation. Trinity was also the only female hybrid sun-walker with a gargoyle warform, none of the other were or fae hybrid females had evolved beyond their mortal, their shadow and their other form. Everyone wanted to know how it happened. Only a few cared about the why.

The sun would rise and set but Trinity didn't care. She didn't care if tears ran, unwiped, down her cheeks all day and night. She didn't care that wolves and walkers looked on her with pity as she clutched Cami or Callen's hand like her only lifeline. Two months had passed, and she just didn't care if she lived or died anymore. Trinity had moved into the room Callen shared with Coen and insisted on sleeping in Coen's bed after his funeral and Gabe's suicide attempt. Her wolf was almost dead inside from losing Coen. Her demoness stilled from battling to overcome the remnant of remembered evil of Lord Malak and his coven. The queen of the day was unrepentant that she killed so many and struggled to remain in the Light. Her mortal felt lost and grieved with no idea of what to do or how to cope. She wished Epimetheus would come but Gabe needed him more and Trinity refused to even ask. Spending time with Lizbeth and Leah helped but Trinity missed Gabe.

Camillia seemed to be holding up the best, but refused to talk to anyone about her ordeal beyond the parts needed to legally prosecute those who survived the night. Camillia declared boldly, she was stronger than Fang and that he had failed to break her. The Darkwood Luna had identified several of the shadow walkers who visited Fangston's pack for the Guardians, who then raided their covens. Camillia tagged along to speak with the rescued children in the futile hope of finding more of the missing Darkwood pups. There were children from several other smaller packs and covens rescued but only one more of their pack's pups was recovered alive.


Callen threw himself into training. He pushed himself to be as good or better than his brother had been.

Blake asked him, "Why are you pushing so hard? You never trained like this before."

Callen looked at him as if he were ashamed to have survived and stated, "I have to fight hard enough for both of us now. I have to protect our pack and Trin's clan because Coen isn't here to do it with me."

"Both aren't your responsibility, son. You have a pack to support you. Goddess Dammit, Callen, if you hadn't gone off with Coen to save your sister without..."

"Don't! Coen had a plan, a good one and we took a pack of our friends with us. Everyone made it out. Cami and Gabe weren't recaptured, and we found out why the Alpha Commander was stalling their rescue. Coen was right about something being wrong in the Guardians and we did what we had to."

"I'm not disparaging your brother." Blake shook his head, never had he regretted anything more than staying behind while his sons did what his wolf wanted to do all along. His attempt to let the authorities handle the situation had cost his pack half their children and him, his heirs. One died and the other two were broken wolves now. His and his mate's relationship with their surviving older children might never be salvaged. "I am very proud of all of you."

Callen stared at his father like he didn't believe him, then walked away.

Slowly, the survivors struggled together to overcome that week which started with their birthday and ended with the loss of their innocence.


Two agonizing days ago, Camillia felt the pup inside her stir and could no longer deny the horror of that week. She made herself sit calmly instead of pacing until Dr. Reynolds came to his office. She told him exactly what she wanted. When Dr Reynolds tried to explain that she could not have an abortion as mundanes did because her wolf wouldn't allow it, she became so violent they had to sedate her. Waking up in a hospital bed the next morning, Camillia escaped the hospital, leaving a note saying she vowed she would not bear 'that monster's mongrel spawn'. She stolen enough silver powder and liquid wolfsbane toxin from the safe in her father's office to kill several full-grown warforms. She mixed it with hot chocolate then carried the thermos to the cemetery and drank it while sitting next to Coen's grave. In minutes, she was dead.

Callen and Trin felt her dying and could do nothing, but cling to one another in horror as she screamed from the painful poison. Camillia's last thought was to tell them she was sorry but she couldn't bear it anymore. Cerese found Callen and Trinity passed out from the ruptured link. They were rushed to the hospital and only allowed to attend the funeral last night, but she escaped this morning.

Trinity sat on the icy ground in the pre-dawn next to Coen' grave, picking leaves off the turned dirt and newly fallen snowflakes. She could hear the shushing sound of each as they fell. It was funny though; she couldn't feel the cold at all.

She rambled quietly, "Do you remember when we were twelve and you pretended to drown in Long Pond?" She laughed quietly, "You were under for so long and I was panicking because I thought you drowned. But you had surfaced on the other side, in the reeds... That was a terrible prank and I cried so hard because I was so happy that it was a joke and then I got mad and ran away... You found me in the tree that you had carved our initials in and promised you'd never do that again... Do you remember? You promised to never do that again, Coen." Her fingers began to dig into the soil and snowflakes, "Jokes over, you can come out now." Her voice took a desperate edge as she clawed viciously at the grave, tearing her nails. "Come out Coen, please... please come back, and please make Camillia come back too."

Suddenly strong arms seized her pulling her against a broad chest, holding her tightly as she cried for what seemed like the millionth. Callen made whimpering sounds as he held her, his tears falling on her hair, as they grieved together. They were alone in the cemetery, sitting between his siblings' graves after they buried Camillia at moonrise last night as was customary on the last sliver of the waning crescent.

Finally, Callen spoke in a hushed whisper, "Please, don't leave me like that again. I can't lose you too... I was so afraid." He couldn't make himself say he was afraid she would kill herself all alone, like Cami did, he didn't want to give her any ideas that he had not already had for himself. "If you want to go, I'll go with you."

She looked up at him, wiping tears from his cheeks, "I won't, but you have to promise you won't leave me like that either. Coen did and he... he... he lied." She struggled not to start crying again, "I can't feel my wolf, Callen."

Callen closed his eyes and reached into Trinity's soul, her demoness greeted him, powerful but gentle, like an old friend. His wolf nuzzled hers. It was lying in a coma, weak but not dead. "She's not gone Trin, I can still feel her. It's like she is in a deep sleep. She won't die, your demoness won't let her. Like I won't let you."

"I won't let you either, Callen," Trin promised. "Besides, who will love Lizbeth and Leah and teach them how to be brave, if you go? And I have my own clan now. If I die they all become renegades and die and so will Gabe. I have to go to Bloodstone next week and see him before I leave to train under the Queen. But I... I don't want to leave y-you."

"I have to go too, Trin. Alpha Nathaniel has offered to train me as his second in command, I am going to stay with the Guardians, I can't imagine coming back here, l-living here with... without th-th..." he stammered painfully to a stop.

She pressed her fingertips over his lips, whimpering, "Shhh, don't say it." Her ice blue ice met his dark forest green ones before she turned back to the sunrise, leaning against him.

He squeezed her tighter, pressing a kiss into her white hair. They watched the sun rising over the winter forest. Icy mists swirl among the trees and over the waters below. The cemetery on the highest hillside had a great view, so the dead could be closest to the moon while they watch over the pack. It overlooked all of the eastern Darkwood territory. The view was breathtaking as the sun shown for a glorious moment between the dark and pale patchwork forest and the silvery gray sky. Snow covered the ground all around them except where it was cleared for the funeral.

Together, they watch the hazy sunrise progressing, and the dusty clouds that promise heavy snow by noon. Neither realizes they were being carefully observed. Epimetheus waited as his grandmother Queen Alya of the Fae slowly drew their grief away. Trinity's demoness studied her curiously but says nothing more than, 'Thank you, Queen of Light.'

'You are welcome, Queen of the Day. I look forward to meeting you again.' Alya reached out and brushed the snow off her grandson's wings.

'Grandmother, did you and Levena know she would suffer so to become a queen?' Epimetheus ached for all the times he was held back from interfering.

'Her suffering has not just changed her. The young Alpha will one day unite all the weres and hybrids with her aid. Her grandfather has repented his youth and seeks to root out the darkness of your brothers and sisters so all may evolve, even the humans who only have a few generations remaining will become something new,' Alya answered hopefully, then she vanished in a glimmer of golden sparkles that swirled like fireflies. Her last words whispered to his mind, 'Evolution is never easy.'


Four years later, a young man in fatigues and dog-tags stood at an airport gate, duffle by his boots. His tousled, chocolate-brown hair was slightly longer than the normal buzz cut of military-style, giving him a boyishly handsome appearance. His forest green eyes scanned the passing passengers, relaxed but wary. Several co-eds smiled and giggled as they tried to get his attention for more than the few moments, so he flashed them a charming smile. The gate clerk announced the arrival of the flight and passengers begin to disembark.

A tall, beautiful platinum-blonde squealed and rushed through the crowd, throwing herself in to the soldier's arms, kissing him on the cheek. He hugged her for several minutes, burying his face in her hair. Their reunion happiness visible to all. The gathering of college girls glared at them as they walked away.

Trinity looked over her shoulder at them, giggling, "Did you get any of their numbers?"

Callen groaned, "Trin, stop! None of them are my mate, they're mundanes. Goddess you're as bad as Lizbeth and Leah."

"You still could have a girlfriend, while you wait," she insisted as they made their way to baggage claim.

He shrugged, "Maybe after I get my officers' commission." His voice had an edge to it.

She glanced at him, raising an eyebrow, "I take it Blake is mad about your decisions to go career?"

Callen shrugged again. "My life, my choice. Maybe someday I'll change my mind but right now... I just can't live there." He ran his hand through his hair.

"Is that why we're staying in the city tonight and at Darkstone the rest of the time?" Trin asked, but she already knew his reasons were the same as hers for not wanting to stay at the Darkwood. To many memories and too few years to make them fade. She would visit Coen and Camillia's graves but she couldn't stay, her wolf was just starting to stir again after several years. If she tried to sleep in Blake and Ceresa's house, she'd wake lying between her mate's and her best friend's graves.

"Why stay at home when I can stay at the vineyard and drink all your wine? Did you really have to call my favorite burgundy Bitches Night Out?" He complained.

"Well, you are more girly than my Queen." She ruffled his hair and he swatted at her hand.

"The entire Guardians Spec Ops Corps are more girly than your demoness and she knows it," Callen grumbled.

Trinity's giggles echoed around them, drawing several admiring glances from men in around the carousel. They all looked away as Callen stared them down, letting his Alpha wolf exert its authority. He was grateful for the bell. Her luggage was quickly pointed out.

He grunted as he pulled her rollaway off the turn-about belt. "By the moon, woman! What did you pack in here?"

"Bricks and bodies." She blinked innocently. He glared at her as he retrieved the second one.

"Feels about right. Why can't you pack unicorns and fairy wings?"

The three weres working at the other side of the luggage concourse. They all tipped their heads and bared their necks. It was obvious they were wandering wolves without a pack. Trinity eyed the middle one. He was a hybrid so she made her way over to them.

"Hello, I'm Trin Charlain," she started, but the eldest held up his hand. They all looked down respectfully.

"We know who you are, Princess. Can we help you?" He murmured.

"I was wondering if I could help you. I am returning to rebuild my father's clan, The Darkstone. We are going to be building a school for hybrids on the part of the grounds not used by the winery." She smiled beautifully at them, and held out a business card, "If you know anyone who's interested."

Callen flashed them a smile with no teeth, too.

"But... but you're a royal and he's an alpha!" the youngest blurted out then looked down as if he feared their reaction.

"So what? We are all living beings, worthy of a chance to better ourselves and our lives," Callen responded.

They stared at them in surprise, the stout one disagreed, "But that isn't the way things are. We have to keep my nephew safe."

Trin and Callen glance at each other grinning, then she says, "We understand but we believe that it is the way it should be. Think about it and call me. I would be happy to make a place for him at our school."

Together, they walked away toward the auto rentals. Things were changing and they were going to be the ones to help birth the change they wanted.

"Do you think they'll call?" Callen asked as he put their luggage in the back of an SUV.

Trinity looked over to see the youngest one watching them. "Yes, I think they will. A change is coming." She looked up at the sky and the thunderstorm over the mountains, "I hope it doesn't storm." 


I hope you enjoyed this 10 day story challenge novella. 

Be blessed and happy reading. 


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