1: Microevolution VS Macroevolution.

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Big Bang: For now we're going to save some time and skip this temperarily, because if natural selection didn't happen, then we wouldn't be here and the big bang theory wouldn't be reasonable. So we'll start with natural selection as our discussion. However, if anybody really doesn't like this, or has a theory that would replace natural selection, we can come back on this.

Micro, Macro: Over the last year I've taken several school courses on evolution, mainly ones against it, and there's one huge factor that I've found that people need to understand when it comes to the subject of evolution. That is the difference between micro-evolution and macro-evolution.

Micro-evolution is when a creature's DNA uses a new gene, one that previously existed but wasn't really put to use. This is where all of the examples of creatures changing slightly comes from. Such as bacteria becoming a new type of bactera.

Macro-evolution however, is when brand new genetic information is added to the DNA.

The problem with this is: It's never been observed, and facts of science say there is no known way to add new genetic information to DNA.
DNA loses information over time, it doesn't gain it. Changes are limited by number and type of alleles in the genetic code.

"The present is the key to the past." -Sir Charles Lyell.

This is what one of the forms of mentors taught Charles Darwin, basicly saying that if something doesn't happen in the present, it didn't happen in the past. I haven't seen anything similar to the big bang in my life, have you?

The four laws of logic:

This fact alone brings us to the four laws of logic, one of which is The Law Of Identity: A=A, B=B. This means that monkeys are monkeys, humans are humans, girls are girls, boys are boys, ect... 

Law Of Non-Contradiction: A doesn't equal B. Meaning if there's contradiction, it cannot be considered 100% true.

Law Of The Excluded Middle: It is said that we are 98% monkey, but what about the other 2%? Somehow this 2% enables us to read, write, speak, train animals, build cities, ect... Also, in theoretical physicist and nobel prize winner Steven Weinberg's description of the big bang he says: "In the begining there was an explosion and in three minutes 98% of the matter there is or ever will be was produced." Again, what about the other 2%? Where did it come from? And somehow that 2% includes all living organisms. How could that be possible? I've heard during science class that there is no way to create or destroy matter, so how did the other 2% come into existance? The law of Non-Contradiction also applies here.

Law Of Rational Interference: It is impossible to gather 100% evidence, however it is possible to gather enough evidence to be unable to consider something a fact. You can't prove gravity's existance, but I've never met anyone who doubts it. Macro-evolution is not even a theory, as it hasn't been observed even once, it is actually an unconfirmed hypothesis, basicly just an idea without any proof.

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