6: The First Organism.

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Suggestion: In this chapter I'm going to keep things on a simpler level, but if you want the full complexity of it, I would suggest you research exactly how cells work.

Cells: Now I'm not going to take forever explaining how cells work, because honestly I spent half the school year in grade nine learning about it, but if you take a close look at the complexity of a single cell, you'll realize that if even one thing is out of place in any way, the cell would die.
The reason I bring this up is because, according to evolutionists, the first life-form was very inefficient, and that is why natural selection had to take place. But after months of research, I've discovered that actually, each cell that made up the original organism, would've had to have been perfect. If this is true, then how did it get to be so perfect?

Simple lifeform: It is taught that the first lifeform had to have been simple, then became more and more complex through natural selection. But honestly, it took half a school year for a teacher to explain how a single cell works, so how simple could the first organism really have been?

In Charles Darwin's book 'Origan Of Species' he claimed that after the world was created, there was a warm little pool with chemicals, and one day those chemicals mixed and there was a chemical reaction in which a strange creature was created. Overtime natural selection took place, and eventually we got to where we are today. 

There are three different possible arguements against the credibility of this, however I have not yet proven two of these three arguements;

1: After Charles Darwin had collected his evidence that he used to piece together his theory, it was discovered that he made many mistakes in labeling his specimens, such as getting two species of birds confused. This most scientist (as far as I'm aware of) agree on.

2: It is said by some that the earth is getting a certain distance closer to the sun every year. Now I have not yet taken the time to thoroughly proove this theory as it is an ongoing debate today, but I have not found undeniable evidence either against or for it.

But if this theory is true, then the earth would have been a literal ice cube at the time of the first organism, a far cry from a 'warm little pool'. I do plan on coming back to test this theory once the rest of my arguements have been laid out. 

3: There is a rumor that Charles Darwin himself found his theory not to be true and renounced it, trying to change what the world had now come to believe, but nobody listened. Now, we cannot proove or disprove this, as there are creditable arguements for both sides, but it is an interresting theory to consider. I may elaborate on this later on.

Law of science: There is a law of science that says life can never come from non-life. But the theory of evolution suggests there was a small exception to this rule, which would be every living creature in the history of the universe.

Conclusion: It defys a law of science to say that the first organism came from non-life, the first organism had to be flawless in order to survive, and a flawless organism does not need natural selection to become more flawless as it already is so.

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