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"Han Jisung waw..."I said dreamily while squealing.Like those fangirls obviously Im lying down on the luxurious couch.

"Ayeee Nakyung-ssi your like my niece always fangirling on her favorite group"Jisoo said while cleaning the living room table.

"Im just so in love with StrayKids they produce good songs like give my boys—-wait no my kings some love that they needed!"I said ranting how under appreciate they are to some netizens.

"Whatever floats on your boat Nakyung-ssi"Jisoo said before storming off when the door open revealing Hyunjoon with a bruise cheeks and bleeding lips.

"You looked wreck what happened?"I asked putting my phone down when he sit on the couch panting heavily.

"Lets just say our enemy more like rival is having a meeting with me but turns out I did something stupid that pissed him and walla here I am being like a dick.Its supposed to be a week ago but I cancelled it cause I wanted to bring you out.."Hyunjoon said making me soft

"Im getting the aid kits stay still.."I said walking into the kitchen while grabbing a first aid kit.One of the maid say that she can do it but I insisted.

I pull out a towel and cover it with ice cubes with that I put it onto Hyunjoon's cheek where it bruised.He wince making me chuckle.

"Seriously? This make you feel hurt but when your rival punch you your fighting back tsk"I tease pressing it deeper.

"YAH it hurts eeeeeeek"He shrieked while holding my hand and pulling me closer.Now our face is like 10 cm away but nonetheless I focus on cleaning his bruise cheeks.

Pulling a new towel I clean his lips and gave it a cream at where it bruise after that.I swear I can see him focusing looking at my face.

"Your really pretty Nakyung"He mumbled and I swear I saw a tint of red on his cheeks.This goof.

"Does it really hurt that bad that you need to distract me with saying Im pretty? I dont joke around Hyun"I said rolling my eyes walking away with the aid kits.

"This kid is making me unhealthy"I said while putting it into its original place.Im sure he owns 100 aid kits since he's a mafia.

It was late at night but Hyunjoon and I were watching white chicks.It cracked me up all the time even Hyunjoon who's cold also laugh.Its nice hearing him laugh his laugh is like an angelic laugh—-

"Stop smiling when Im laughing I know my voice is pretty"He said teasing me while throwing his home made popcorn towards me.

"Eww you sound like a dying camel"I said and sit crossed leg on the couch comfortably.Tossing his popcorn back.

"But you should laugh often rather than being a cold boy.You can smile or laugh with me Hyun"I said reassuring him that he can be comfortable around me.

"After I bought you a phone your now soft with me?"He tease again and I just sigh loudly like can we have a conversation without teasing each other?

"Say you like StrayKids right? Whats his name again the member that you like. Minsung? Oh Jisung"He said making me jerked up.

"He's CUTE RiGhT?"I said dreamily for the nth time well its kinda hard for me to not fangirl at him unless I have another bias.HuHuHuHu.

"Eyh Im more cuter no offense."He said proudly while shoving his hair to be back making me cringe.

"Cute my ass have you not see him? He's way 100x talented unlike your toes"I said sarcastically defending my bias.Trust me I hang his poster—-no his picture on my wall with a frame.Jennie suggested me to hang it in a frame for protection.

"Pftt your just jealous that he cant be just like me"He said chuckling.ThIs AiNt FuNnY mAHn.

"Want to play truth or dare?"Hyunjoon asked me when he saw an empty bottle on the table.

"Unless your afraid going against my dare"He said wiggling his eyebrow and wink at me.Why is he such a flirt like he's technique is a negative -1 for me.

"Oh your on!"I said plopping onto the ground while sitting the opposite of Hyunjoon infront of the table.

I spin the bottle and waited to where it stopped.After a spin it stopped at me.Wow this is my so 'bad day'.

"So Mrs.Yoo truth or dare?"He said smirking widely.Oh god should I choose truth or dare?maybe truth.

"Truth this is just the beginning Im saving the fun for later Hyun"I said with my old fashion hand gesture.

"Have you ever been in a relationship Nakyung?"He asked mischievously tapping his finger on the table.

"No but I confessed to someone but he ended up rejecting me I like him for a long time that I could remember but sadly he likes my bestfriend.My bestfriend say that she dont like him because I like him but she's being a snake and dated each other behind me.Its just a puppy love I guess"I said remembering my ex crush back then in middle school.

"Im sorry Nakyung, that sounds sad but my toes are sadder than yours"He jokingly said and spin the bottle again.It ended up pointing at him and he pick truth.

"Well then Mr.Heo what do you mostly do when doing your so called mafia business huh?"I asked curious about his working life.

"Well thats a complicated question but my work is dealing with another mafia or a drug dealer but even though I deal with them it doesnt mean I do drugs.I only do it for money."

"I also beat up and often got into fights and that includes gun and knives.You dont want to do Nakyung.Once your involve with a mafia its either you got kept alive or dead.It depends on your luck"He said bluntly.

"Then why do you kept me alive? Why dont you just kill me?"I asked he could have just killed me rather than keeping me alive its just going to be hard for him.

"I uhhh—-I dont have a friend to keep me accompanying me at home other than my friends its nice having someone to talk or specially to annoy her"He said and spin the bottle before it points at him again.And being he coward ass he pick truth again.

"Have you ever been in a relationship before?"I asked dont know wether to ask him or not.His smile instantly fade away and I kinda panic oh GoD.

"O-oh you can just not answer it its not li———"

"Its fine Nakyung I can answer it"

"I dated this girl once.She doesnt know Im a mafia.I love her so much with all my heart I literally can took her to the outside of Korea just to satisfy her."He laugh a bit before continue

"She then knew Im a mafia when she found out I was working in my office.She still love me yes she didnt leave me.She's an angel but..."His voice trailed a bit

"An angel can turn into a demon right? He chose my rival instead of me ,being his girlfriend and told him about my weakness and my secret.But heck I still have feelings for her.But now I dont know I think Im loosing feelings because I think I found someone new"He said making my heart skipped a bit even though I dont know why.

Judging the way he stare at me with his hand puffing his cheeks its like he's indirectly confessing at me but I know its not true because c'mon we met less than a month.Unless its love at first sight.Right?

"D-dont stare at me like that"I stuttered backing away using my hood trying to cover my face.Im fLuStErEd Af RIghT nOw

"Why did I make your heart beat faster?"He asked winking flirtatiously at me making me want to puke but at the same time my heart beat fast.

"Urm no thanks"I quickly said and jogged to my room.This ass is so disgusting.

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