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A/n: I'm out of ideas in my other fanfiction 😅😅😅 just kidding this is my thank you gift for making He's my boss and I'm his slave in Rank #41 in Wattys2017

Thaaank youuuu every one


I can't breathe that's the only thing that came out in my mind. As far as I remember I don't have an asthma or any problem with my lungs. To make it worst, my head is aching and I feel so hot. I feel suffocated, that's why I slowly open my eyes and I groan hen I felt something pinning me on the bed.

I tried to push it but it's too heavy for me. Who the hell put this heavy thing in my bed--



I shouted at a top of my lungs when I felt another heavy on my thighs. I push it then tried my best to get out in my bed. I even got slipped because of the urgency that rushes through my body. I can't see anything... my room should be dark because of the bloody red curtains that I put there. Hmmm... I frowned when I saw the curtain, dark blue?

My eyes went back to the bed and my eyes got widen when I saw a man lying there--- No! I mean sleeping there. I shouted again on the top of my lungs making that man jump on the bed.

"Damn, you shriek like a frog." he whines.

"Dimwit! Frog doesn't scream they croak." I said frowning.

"Okay fine, you croak like a frog." he said rolling his eyes on me.

"I am not a frog, like you." I hissed. I'm expecting him to say something but there's something familiar about his eyes...

That eyes that I can still remember staring at me ages ago while I writhed with pleasure---



"NATSU DRAGNEEL!" I shouted then I dash towards him and kick him on his leg making him gasp in pain. I straddle him then I start hitting him on his chest.

"Ouch! Lucy... Ouch! What did I do?" he whines while trying to block my hand.

"What did you do? What the fuck are you doing here in my room?" I hissed and I was about to bite his hand when all of the sudden he make a move and on the next second I'm lying underneath him. "Let me go, you jerk." I hissed.

"C'mon Lucy! I should be the one who's asking you? what are you doing here in my room?" he asked me with those impish smile that he had. I tried to buck him off but he just smile on me. "Don't do that, Lucy. You won't like what will happen next if you wake up my little Natsu--"

"Damn you."

"Come on, let's talk like two civilized people. What are you doing in my bedroom? Did you drunk me then you rape me? Lucy if you want me to do that with you. I'll be glad to do it with my own free will."

His bedroom? That's why this room is not familiar on me. "I didn't. Why would I need to do that? Maybe this is some kind of frank." I hissed. I shifted underneath him and I can see his eyes darken with pure want. He swallowed before smiling on me. I mentally roll my eyes on him, if there's a number-one-maniac award in this world. I really nominate this stupid Frog.

"Lucy, I won't do something like that no matter how much I want you. I respect you."

"You know nothing about respect---" my voice trail off when I saw our fingers. I know my face turn into pale and Natsu frowned when he saw my reaction. His eyes went to our fingers...

Maybe... maybe this is just a game. Maybe our friends are having a frank... my mouth instantly dry and I breathe through my mouth. Our fingers there's



A ring.

I remove my ring and I read the inscription insides and my mouth drop on the ground 'J'aime mon mari' meaning... I love my husband.

I swallowed "W-What is inscription inside of your ring?" I asked without looking on him.

"J'aime ma femme." he simple say.

That means... I love my wife.

Is this some kind of joke? But... if they're going to have this kind of joke, they will not brought this diamond ring, right? If this kind of pranks then they will not buy this kind of expensive ring. I look on the other side when I saw a piece of paper; picking it up and I saw the hand written of Erza.

Hi newlyweds!

I don't know what kind of thinking you have yesterday. We just having fun in the party when all of the sudden you guys declared that you want to get married. To our lucky, Mira knows a judge who will perform your wedding ceremony. I just do what you guys say because you give us a death threat. Anyway... the diamond ring is Laxus gifts for the two of you. Ooh! By the way, enjoy your honeymoon.

- The most beautiful woman in the universe. Erza Scarlet - Fernandez.

My mouth drop on the ground, I can't remember what happen last night. Did I really give them a death threat? I can't remember anything. Oh Gosh! Lucy Heartfilia what the fuck did you do on your life?

Okay... Lucy.. you have to calm down.. Calm your nerves...





Calm down, Lucy. Maybe this is just some weird lame jokes of Erza or Mira. Think positive...

"Amm.. this.." I heard Natsu say making me look on his side, and my eyes got widen when I saw what his holding... the... the copy of our... civil wedding certificate, with our signatures.

"YOU! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, NATSU DRAGNEEL" I jump on him then I bite his shoulder making him cried on pain. "I DON'T WANT TO GET MARRIED TO YOU." I shouted, anger is really visible on my voice.

"We're already married." he put the ring on my ring finger.

"No! It's not true.. t-this is just a dream! A nightmare." - me.

"You're wide awake."

I laugh sarcastically "Thanks for reminding me, Natsu." I said sarcastically – picking up my belongings before I decided to leave him there.

I shouted on the top of my lungs when I reach my place. I really hate this day - I really hate everything that happened this morning. Urgh! This is totally insane! A bullshit!

I look on my ring finger and I instantly close my eyes tightly as soon as I see my wedding ring. This is totally insane. Oh Gosh! Lucy Heartfilia what did you do yesterday and you decided to get married on that frog? Massaging my temple before I decided to lie down on my bed and sigh.

"What should I do?" I whisper through the air. I was about to close my eyes to relax my body when I interrupted by the loud knock "What?"

"Princess, You have a visitor." my maid said.

"I'm too tired to accept any visitors today, Virgo. Would you sent him or her out and just come back tomorrow or maybe next week." I say before I buried my face on my pillow.

"You know being like that to your visitor is really bad habit." I heard a familiar voice; making me close my eyes tightly. "Aren't you going to look on me, Wifey."

The exact moment I heard the word 'Wifey' I immediately throw the pillow on his; but of course he catch it before hitting his face. "What do you want now, Natsu?" I hissed.

"I just forgot to ask something."

I frowned "Make sure that it's important or else I sent you fly." I said.

He smiles sweetly on me. "I just wanted to ask...



Where do you want to go for our honeymoon?"

I close my eyes and I counted one to ten in my mind - before I open it and look on him. He stepped aside because I'm pretty sure I look like I'm ready to murder someone; probably this stupid frog.


"Ammm... yes?"

"Dragneel. Go to rooftop--"

"Rooftop? But it's too bright and probably someone caught as there." he say innocently. I smile on him sweetly making his eyes shine with happiness - I guess. I slowly walked towards him while my fake smile still flustered on my face.

I don't want him to touch me... not after everything he had done. I cannot bear it because there is a greater possibility that I might fall for him again.

And I don't want to love him anymore. I'm so done with that. I had enough. I'm done being that pathetic Lucy Heartfilia who kept on swooning over this jerk in front of me. I don't want to remember what he had done. I don't want to remember the stupidity I've commit.

I don't want to be miserable again.

"Go to rooftop."

"Okay." - Natsu.

"Then after that... jump and make sure that you will fall in the ground or maybe on the highway huh?"

He pouted on me before he decided to step forward making me step backward. "I'm your husband now."

"There are a lot of ways to cancel---"

"Yeah it is."

"What is it?" - me.



"Let me near on you."

I roll my eyes then nod but my eyes got widen when I felt his hand snake on my waist as he pulls me closer to his. I shivered when I felt his hot breath on my ears – I tried to pulls away but his holding me tighter this time.

"Lucy, baby, I lied. I don't think we can make any ways to make our wedding invalid... maybe we can do the annulment and the divorce but it will take time. I lied... because I just want to do this."

I gasp when all of the sudden he kissed me fully on my lips.

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