Wrath's Journal 1

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Memories. Unusual things are they not? Changed by time, attached to some of the most powerful emotions, sometimes gone completely. Enough philosophy though; let me get to the purpose of why I am writing. History forgets. History changes. As for me, what I want is to chronicle the truth.

Someone might wonder, "who are you to tell me what the truth is?" So, perhaps I should tell you about myself. My name is Wrath, one of three angels serving under my father, Ryund lord of dreams and nightmares. Us three were born of divine magic from our father and our mortal mother Myriv, one of the chosen. I know the truth of what happened. I saw it with my own eyes and through the eyes of my mother, whose memories I was born with.

My siblings Valor and Agony do not see much point in keeping a record of what happened, but personally I think it helps pass the time on boring days. Few intrude in the dream realm, so gods know I have plenty of time to pass. So, what I have done since my creation is watch the mortal realm and keep track of my mother's adventures on the continent of Druash. Sometimes, I even listen in on her conversations with father, unbeknownst to them. It isn't hard, seeing as I am telepathic, but that is beside the point.

My point is that someday, centuries from now, I want the world to know the truth of what happened from the perspective of someone who remembers. I'm not omniscient, and sadly was not born until after mother's adventures started, so my memories are not perfect. Unsurprisingly, my memories are clearer the closer it got to my birth, so sadly there are gaps in the details from the start until near when I was conceived. Please forgive me then if some things aren't entirely clear.

I think I have given enough of an introduction at this point. So, without any further ado, allow me to begin.  

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