Chapter 12: The Graveyard

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Here it is, ladies and gentlemans and tomboys or whoever is reading this (I'm not sure I fall under any of it, but fúck, atleast I'm who I am)

Go read.

- They say that the first inhale of air when we're born is the moment we breath in our soul and the last exhale is the moment when that soul leaves our bodies. So, our breathing then means that we take the parts of our souls outside while inhaling other people's souls in the meantime. And that all means, that no matter who and where we are, we'll always be connected with the ones that surrounded us -

Kaley's POV

It's been a while since I last came here. This place was much different than it used to be, but the good ole tree Ryan and I planted was still here. Blooming in the middle of summer. Giving the cold protection from the sun to the graves of my parents. Christian and Valeria Evansville, died on December in 2008.

Those were the names of people who raised me up to who I currently am, and it turned out that they weren't even my real parents. I remember, I still remember the quotes my mother would say out of nowhere and then explain them to us, so that we knew their meanings throughly. Sometimes, she'd even just say it in situations that suited their meanings and then let me realize it myself. I was good at that. I also recall when I liked some of them, I'd try to paint what I'd feel when I heard them. She rarely used some scary and creepy quotes, so my paintings were usually colored in cheerful shades.

Few hours ago, I left Blake's house to see my parents graves. Since there was press, they wanted to know all about me, but Nikolas pushed them aside telling them that he'll send them proper explanation with Blake's consent and the wedding was stopped. I was surprised that Ethan was nowhere to be seen, but that was probably because of those three that stayed glued with me until the very end. Chris and Alis were both safe in our apartment with Jack keeping an eye on them, while Ayden is staying with Blake who was keeping a close eye on him. When I was about to leave, Ayden said that he wanted to come, so I immediately agreed but Blake informed us that he had a school the next day. That's why, I promised to Ayden that I'll spent the entire day tomorrow with him before I leave and will be back in few days the most. Even if Blake decided to avoid me, I'd come back to my hometown on my own. He, on the other hand, was avoiding me haven't talked or looked, but was still around me. I hadn't tried to push him into making a conversation, I've waited patiently for him to begin because I was ready to start whenever he was. There was hope that we'd make it and I tightly held onto it.

I wasn't so long with Blake to say I know every aspect of his mind, it was barely half an year since I lost contact after the first night we meet for the next two months. I went into the early labour and had Chris after eight months of pregnancy thanks to the those three, so I honestly can't say I understand him completely.

I fell in love with him after so short period of time that I sometimes even doubted that I truly loved him and it took me being separated from him for two years to finally realize that I did. I loved him too much to take it all, that's why I used to cry a lot. It doesn't matter if we close our eyes to the things we don't want to see, we'll never be able to close our hearts to things we don't want to feel.

If I recall correctly, there was even a time when I was afraid of that love for him. I was utterly terrified, I had a feeling that he could break me easily because I didn't know what would I do without him. It was because I loved him so much that I knew of the power he had wrapped around me. Still, I blindly followed. I never regretted that blind trust of mine, he never gave me a reason to, after all. He was always there, always making sure that I was alright. His love could do the things to me that even I myself couldn't explain, that made me feel the happiest woman in the world.

"It's getting dark," it was Nikolas' voice that made me snap out of daze "We should go. The flight will be in few hours and you need rest. I need to take you to the hospital, I know about your legs," he said and my eyes widened. I forgot again. I rose my head at him I weakly smiled before returning my stare to the gravestones.

"I see, I'm ready," I replied before thinking a bit. Then I asked what I really wanted to know.

"Who are my real parents? Are they still alive?" I asked and heard him sigh. That didn't sound like good news, but I wanted to know. I had to.

"Our father is, he's the CEO of marketing company, which is now in my arms," he spoke "But our mother... She died twenty-one year ago... No, she was murdered then," my eyes widened and my breath stopped.

"H-how?" I managed to ask, I needed to.

"Just before she gave a birth to you, she was kidnapped. When you were born, that took you a sent you at orphanage, atleast that's what I managed to dig out. They left her alone in the old warehouse they took her. She died like that, she didn't get proper medical aid," I gulped, both because I didn't know what to say and because his voice sounded so cold and distant when he told me that.

"Is... Is our father in that job too?" I meant on mafia side of his life. I didn't think that our mother would have been kidnapped our of nothing.

"Yup. Our grandparents too. You see, there was a time when there was a mess all around the Britain. You had all kinds of people living there and all. Our family, Crescenta famiglia, but now we go by Tylers, moved from Italy to London because there was even worse shit going on in our hometown. To cut the story, as our family's only goal was to protect it's members, we started getting bigger and bigger while getting rid of people that didn't deserve to walk the Earth."

Oh, that's... Not what I expected to hear.

"Wow," was all I could say. I was really speechless after hearing that kind of history from him.

"Yeah, it's actually really interesting if you ask me. You can say that our family is stronger that most of royals there. We know and do a lot, and we did a bunch of important stuff back in the World War, so..." he grinned "You get it, come on now," he offered a hand I gladly took getting on my feet "Now to see that doctor," he added and I gulped. I couldn't walk properly and Nik noticed that because he lifted my body and carried me all the way to the car.

We drove off in silence, tonight we'll sleep in the apartment he took, and tomorrow at twelve in the morning, we're going back to the Seattle. When I confronted him about my decision, he said that I did the right thing. He assured me that as a man, he'd find it hard to accept that kind of truth after all that happened, what more, he said that it was for the best that I haven't talked longer to him than I already did. It could have ended in more arguing, and since it was still too early, we'd both say the things we wouldn't have meant. He seemed so wise that I could only wonder as to just what kind of things had he been through.

It was almost midnight by the time we came to the hotel we're staying in. My head was still throwing after hours and hours scolding from my brother, doctors in the hospital and Dr. Flynn who joined our conversation on the phone. About me being reckless, stupid and in good need of spanking for almost breaking already weak ligaments in my knees. I just kept apologizing as they scanned my legs, gave me injection, rubbed a creme on them and made me do some weaker exercises before telling me not to walk until morning and get s much rest as possible. I couldn't complain, I had luck that they weren't completely damaged or I'd be in a wheelchair right now.

"Don't, I'll carry you. You heard the doctors," Nik said just as I was about to exit the cars. I frowned, but didn't move at all. I didn't need another round of scowling right now.

"Fine," I said as he came to my side before lifting me for the second time as I enjoyed that I didn't have to tire my legs. Nikolas could be useful from times to times.

Alexis hotel was... Not something I was used to. Just by looking at the lobby room, you could see that it was place for rich people. It was absolutely stunning and beautiful that I could just sleep here instead of room. As he was heading towards the receptionist with my head turned to the entrance doors, he decided to speak.

"I'll let you to sleep, I'll be down to enjoy their whiskey collection. I'll wake you up at six, don't wait for me to come back, because I'll get loose a bit tonight," he chuckled and I followed after him with my eyelids slowly closing "You'll be safe here, don't worry about Ethan," he told me and I only nodded being too tired from today's events. I saw Blake, and I think think that I've become intoxicated with him once again.

I'm definitely not going with Nik to try out the whiskey, last time the alcohol found its way in my arms hell happened, and I'm not sure I want to get drunk again.

I understood that I couldn't stay in Seattle right now because of the press and my son who's in London, so we had to go back tomorrow. I really wanted to take Ayden with me, but he had school and my return to London was only temporally until Blake decides to take me back. I didn't think of him rejecting me, I stayed positive that everything was going to be fine, so instead of living in fear, I patiently waited with unyielding hope.

Just as I was about to drift into sleep, I thought I saw him standing in front of the entrance of the hotel, but it was probably just my imagination. A lot happened today, so much that I started thinking things... Or even better, my Blake.

Blake's POV
(because I'm a great author who loves you all :3)

The guy whom she came today with was carrying her to the room. I've been standing at the entrance trying not to think too much as to who he was, but I couldn't help it. He was attractive guy who had women on his feet, and I wouldn't be surprised if even she saw something in him. Gulping, I shook my head, throwing away those black thoughts. I was thinking too much after all.

The guy, Nikolas, called me tonight to talk and I accepted. I doubted that Kaley knew about this, she seemed so carefree and tired at the moment, besides, he said that he won't tell her unless she figures it out herself. For a moment, her eyes found me and she weakly smiled before closing them to which I assumed she fell asleep. My heart almost melted right then and there, it was her smile whence she'd think too much of something that she got confused at the end. I knew every little thing about her, she wasn't so hard to read after all. When it were her feelings in question, she was a simple girl. When she was happy - she smiled until she'd start crying, when she was sad - she'd just go somewhere where she could be alone before covering herself with a blanket and eating some sweets. When she was scared... That's not the feeling I'd like to recall.

I was a fool back then, I still regret what I did and how I acted on that night. Glancing up, I saw them going to the elevator and decided to come in, Kaley didn't need to know about this meeting.

Getting to the bar and picking some book to read and a Scotch whiskey to drink, those guys had variety of whiskeys that could put some other hotel's collection to the shame, I waited for Nikolas to come. As much as I was jealous and would normally decline this invitation, he was still the guy that beat the cràp out of me when I was into the street fights and made get my senses back. Now, he brought me my wife. I owed him this.

"She bites when she gets woken up," said Nikolas with a frown ten minutes later. I chuckled remembering that one, one time, she tried to throw a lamp on me when I woke her in five at morning.

"That's not the worst, trust me," I finisher the second chapter before closing Steven King's book I've been reading. It was down to business right now. He sat down pouring a glass to himself before fulling mine too.

"Cheers, for saving you from marrying that girl," he grinned and rose my glass. I must say that it was a valid good reason for this.

"Cheers," and with that we drank it all. How did he know Kaley? Where was she all those years? Has she spoken the truth earlier? I needed to know all the answers.

"Who are you to her?" I asked and he put the glass down before grabbing my book to see what I've been reading.

"My sister. There's something about your wife neither of you know... Well, she does now, and you will too. I'm telling you this because I trust you and am giving her to you to protect her," the cold stare from his eyes told me that he was speaking the truth and that I probably won't gonna like what I was about to hear. But I had to know. Putting my glass on the table as well a and pouring another shot of whiskey, I said:

"Bring it on,"

There, bye now. Gotta go back to drawing :)

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