Chapter 3: Gun 'n' Dinner

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- Sometimes, silence speaks more than the words do - after all, silence IS the most powerful scream -

Kaley's POV

"Here we are," Nik said pointing to the restaurant "One of the restaurants in London that serves Mediterranean food, NOPI," he said with a smile making me scowl. I don't know anything about Mediterranean food none less of this place. And I can't believe I've never been in Warwick Street London before.

"B-but, I don't know what to order!" I exclaimed and he chuckled.

"Don't worry, just leave it all to me, I'm a regular here," he said before heading inside.

Once I entered, I lost track of Nikolas since I was dumbstuck by the elegant furniture of this restaurant. God knows just how expensive it is. Oh, fudge! I don't have much money!

"C'mon miss Niall, we're going up," I jumped when I heard his voice. When the heck did he get here?

"U-up?" I asked confused and he nodded before taking me on the second floor of this restaurant. Holly fudge. This place is awesome.

"Here," he pulled a chair for me one we got to the table and I sat down holding Chris in my arms as Nik sat across me.

"I can order for both, right?" he asked and I nodded, not like I'd know what to pick.

Just as the waitress came to take our orders, without even looking at the food chart or letting her say something, Nik spoke.

"Two Whole Twice-Cooked Baby Chicken with Lemon Myrtle Salt and Chilli Sauce, wait do you want chilli sauce?" he asked me and I shook my head, I don't even know what that is " Ok, chilli sauce just in one. Sides... Surprise me with a chef's choice. Also, white wine. Krug, Grande Cuvee, Brut NV whole bottle and as of dessert... Do you want pudding?" he asked me again and I nodded "Good, two chocolate ones, with orange oil and Crème Fraîche," the waitress was staring at him with her mouth open as I was blinking for a long couple of seconds.

"Um, okay sir. Do you want some d-drink?" she stuttered and I didn't know if it was because of his look or intensity of his voice.

"White wine as I already said miss," he said with amusement in his voice making me scowl at him. He really liked to torture poor girl.

"R-right. Sorry, sir, I'm on my way," she said before she scurried away. Poor girl.

"You're evil. You did that on purpose," I said and he rose his eyebrow questionable.

"On purpose, what exactly?" he asked and I rolled my eyes.

"You know what, you saw in what state you left that girl and went all 'I'm the Alpha here' on her and she was so lost that she even didn't know what was she doing," I said it all in one breath and I noticed his lips twitching.

"Alpha? Interesting choice of words miss Niall," he said and I groaned.

"Shut up, and please don't call me miss Niall. Just Ava is fine," truth to be told, what troubled me the most was that he called me miss and I was married... Somehow.

"Oh, okay," he said with his eyes harder for some reason "Only if you call me Nikolas," he said and I nodded. I called him Nik in my head most the time, which made me giggle.

"You find my name funny, Ava?" he asked and I shook my head immediately.

"No, not at all," I said "It's just that... Um, can I call you Nik instead?" there's no way in Hell I'm going to tell him that I already call him Nik when he was on my last name basis.

"Um... Sure," he said scrunching his eyebrows in confusion. Yeah, buddy I feel you too,"

"Your wine sir," another waitress came, though she way more composured than the first one.

She placed two glasses and opened the bottle, but Nik took it and poured the wine instead of her. She was shocked for a second before she glanced at me and warmly smiled.

"Would you like some milk for your son, Mrs," she asked and I smiled at her.

"Sure, I have the bottle if you wouldn't mind to pour it in," I said and she shook her head.

"Not at all," she said as she took it.

"Thanks," I said and she left.

"He's cute," Nik suddenly said and I rose my eyebrows in confusion before pointed with his glass to Christian.

"Oh, he is," I nodded glancing at him trying to eat handkerchief from the table.

"Po-pik!" he suddenly exclaimed making me frown.

"You ate too much today, already," I said and he pouted.


"What's the 'popik' thing?" Nikolas asked making a huge smile appear on my face.

"Popsicle, it's his favourite food," I said rolling my eyes "Well, it's not really food, but he loves it, so... You get what I mean," I shrugged and he laughed.

"Sure, he has your eyes, and you seem like a type that loves sweets," he said.

"How do you know I love sweets? Maybe I'm more of meat type," I said and he shook his head.

"All woman love sweets, they told me my sister was also obsessed with them, so I guess you are as well," he said and I rose my eyebrows. What does he mean by that 'they told me'?

"Wh..." just as I wanted to ask, the arrival of our food interrupted me. I licked my lips from the sight inferno of me, all this well prepared food I wanted to dig my fork in! Oh my, I think I've died and and got reborn... Oh, the irony of that.

"Why haven't you tried the wine? Do you not like it?" he asked and I shook my head.

"No, I don't know. I never really tried it," for i never had money for it, not to say that I was pregnant since the first time I was with Blake. Or second, if I count our meeting.

"Really? Never drank the wine?" he asked and I nodded rocking Chris on my hips. He was never this calm around other people, why is he so calm?

"Mrs, your milk," the waitress from before said giving me now filled Chris' bottle of milk.

"Thank you," I said as she smiled again and left.

"Here buddy," I said giving the milk to him who gladly took it and started drinking. Other than popsicles, Chris loved chocolate milk more than anything, which reminds me to buy his some tomorrow.

"Eat," Nikolas said and I nodded before I grabbed my fork and knife and started slicing the chicken, or baby chicken as it's name states.

I almost moaned when I bit on it, oh god it's heaven.

"Try the wine now," he said and I nodded taking a smile sip of it. He was right, it's good.

"What you say, not so bad for a Mediterranean restaurant, huh? Well, actually there is Asian food her as well..." he started taking a bite of his own as I interrupted him.

"Thanks it's lovely," I said and he only shook his head with a scowl. What? Have I said something wrong? He must have noticed the frown on my face, because he immediately gave me an explanation.

"You're uncultured, I'm not used to people cutting in my speech," he said and I almost wanted to brush him of by telling him that it's what he always do, yet I decided on a calmer, more thoughtful answer.

"I told you that I'm not a lady before we came here, you should have been prepared for it," I shrugged with my shoulders. Not like I care, if he can't accept me for who I am, then fine. I have no intention of changing myself for other people, it's enough that I no longer have my look and the name anymore.

"You are very interesting person, Ava. But you should learn to act properly around other people, especially in a place like this," he said clenching his grip on his fork and I sighed in annoyance.

"Well, then I hope that I won't be going to place like this, or anywhere at the question, with you," I said that before taking another bite and removing my eyes from his confused state and widely opened eyes. I heard him sigh as we continued with our food silently.

By the time I finished with my food and was about to leave, I heard him say.

"I apologize for my behavior, it was out of my place to say that," I looked at him to see him looking anywhere but me and realized that it was probably hard for him to say it.

"I... I'm sorry too," I finally said "But please realize that I had to give away and change myself because other people wanted it, because I had no choice. My personality," ...about which Blake never said a thing "Is the only real thing about me that remained," I rose my head to see him looking me questionably, so i only smiled at him. I still didn't know anything about him, it'd kill me that the first person I told about Blake and my real self was working for Lucas.

"Oh, I..." he started "I don't know what you mean, but I see that it's not something you trust me enough to say, so nevermind on it. Let's eat the dessert," he said and I weakly smiled. Good, he wasn't pressuring me.

"Momma, what that?" Chris asked pointing to the pudding and I smiled at him.

"It's a pudding, munchkin. You wanna try?" I asked him and he curiously nodded his head giving me back his half drank bottle of milk.

"Is su-it?" he asked and I kissed his forehead.

"It is. It's very sweet," I replied as I took a spoon of it and gently put it in front of his lips as he slowly wrapped his lips around it, trying it. Now that I think of it, thank god I've chosen to wear this dress and pull my hear in a bum so I looked classy more or less.

Chris suddenly smiled and started bouncing in my lap as I took a spoon of pudding for myself. This is definitely Heaven. I love it! I glanced at Nik who was staring at my scar and I lowered my gaze from him.

"May I ask... How?" he asked and I knew what he meant. He was wondering how I got the scar on my eye. I don't really have much to lose if I tell him, do I?

"Two years ago," I started "A car accident. I was eight months with Chris," I looked at him as I gave him more pudding "Just as I started crossing the street, someone got out of the track and hit me before running away like a coward. Both Chris and I survived by some miracle, but the traces of that night ate still there. Uneraseble," I said with a sad smile. I'd never forgive myself for rushing out and not giving Blake a chance to explain. To talk to me. For I fell like a fool for Lucas' trap.

When I looked at him again, I saw a scowl on his face like he was thinking about something, like something didn't up with my story, but it must've been my imagination. It definition must've been...

What are you waiting for? Comment now. And vote by the way, I'll go write next chapter, expect it in few hours ;-)

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