Chapter 7: Jack Daniels and Macaroni

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I'm a bit late, but you'll love this chapter
Kaley's POV

If i thought that it can't get worse than it was, I was wrong. Really, really wrong. Why? Because apparently, I'm not who I thought I was.
And what else? Another thing to be added to my list: Lucas is dead.
It all started when I woke up in unfamiliar room. In Nikolas' room.
When I opened my eyes, I realized that the place I was currently in wasn't the one I was used to waking up in for the last two years. It was dark, so I guessed that it was night. In next few seconds as I stared at the celling, memories came in flooding in my mind. I was kidnapped, sold and saved in the same time thanks to Nik and I yelled at him when I saw him and oh, God! I told him who I am.

Glancing around, I saw that I was all alone, so I removed the blanket from my body noticing that I'm in male's shirt and shorts. Oh God, does this mean... I hope it doesn't. I'll break his nose if he dared to change my clothes.
Getting out of the bed, I headed towards doors I believed lead outside and slowly opened them. Popping my head outside, I saw that there was no one there, so I stepped outside. Then I remembered that I haven't been to my leg exercises. Cràp, Dr. Flynn will kill me, he'll show me no mercy for forgetting about them. Oh my God, I'm dead. Literally.

"Hello! Is anybody here?" I called out, but heard nothing in response. So much for having help, I thought. I felt like I did something wrong, but sneaking around someone's house in the middle of night isn't really considered as a good and friendly act, so yeah, I could understand why was I feeling this guilty.

Just as I stepped downstairs, I heard the sound of gunshots being fired making my body tense. Where the hell was I? 

"H...Hello?" I asked again, it's better to know who am I dealing with than just sit in ignorance wondering just what will happen. Besides, I really doubted that if someone wanted to kill me, they'd put me in some nice and comfy room.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Nik's voice asked making me jump startled. 

"Umm..." I started "I don't know, I woke up and started looking for whose-ever this house belongs to. Yours?" I asked and he nodded and it was then that I noticed his disheveled look. His shirt was half open and his hair looked like he didn't comb and wash it for days. His face was sweaty and even the blind could say that there's something wrong.

"So, anyway. Are you hungry?" he asked nervously and I reluctantly nodded. I haven't ate since I was with him, how long has it been? Two-three days?

"Yup," I said nervously rubbing my hands "Can I ask you something?" I asked with a gulp and he widened his eyes before nodding. He looked like he was trying to hide something, but I decided not to ask for if there really was something he was trying to hide, then it was none of my business.

"How many days have passed since we went on that dinner?"

"Oh, um, five days," he said with confusion latched in his voice as my eyes widened. Oh god!

"Five days including that day?" I asked again.

"Without it," he replied and I closed my eyes.

"Oh God! It's tomorrow. I need to leave this state as soon as possible," I rambled and he came closer to me.

"Why? What's wrong?" he asked.

"I... Remember what I said when you found me? About who I really am," I continued as he nodded "The guy whom I love, Blake, my husband, is getting married tomorrow," I gulped. Who knows how weird did that sound.

"Alright," was all he said after my reasoning. I just blinked.

"What alright?" what does he mean. You don't just say alright when someone tells you about being dead for two years just to decide to travel to America now to stop her husband's wedding? This is all just wrong, I'm dreaming. When I wake up, I'll be back to my work in Caffè and argue with that blonde bimbo. That's right, I will.

"I'll help you?"
Yup, I'm definitely dreaming. This is not real.

"Why?" I asked and he sighed. 

"Because I feel like doing so," he shrugged and I fell on my butt staring at him with disbelief. He gotta be kidding me.

"Can you hit me with something. I'm not sure I'm still dreaming," I said and he chuckled before sitting next to me on the stairs.

"You mean a lot to me, Kaley. More than you'll ever know?" he said and I frowned.

"What, you love me?" I rose my eyebrow at him earning a heartwarming laugh from him.

"No, not in that way," he said after some time. In what way, then?

"Do you want something to drink? I have to tell you something I'm not sure you'll take well, so I rather confess it to you drunk," he said as I scowled at him. Did he really think that I could hear something worse than what's already happened to me?

"How bad is it?" I asked and he looked like he was thinking.

"Well, first of all, I'm a mafia boss, though I do believe I've proven you that one on that day," he said and u dryly looked at him before shrugging it off. Okay. That wasn't so bad. Here I am at home of England's mafia boss, sitting on his stairs as he's confessing to me and offering me his help to get to Blake.

"That's not that surprising, I've seen worse, trust me. Did you mean on that when you told Ethan not to order you in your town?" Why am I so relaxed? I shouldn't be so relaxed. He's a mafia, Kaley.

"Oh, yes. The guy's been seeking for some time around here, so he became suspicious. We used to follow him for some time, but gave up on him since he did nothing but observe. You know him?" he asked and I grinned.

"Let's get some drink, you'll love this story," for some reason I've started feeling better ever since I started confessing to Nikolas.

"I can bet, come," he stood up offering me his hand I gladly took. My legs been hurting a bit, but then again, I did forget about my exercises for five days.

"Here's the kitchen," he exclaimed once we got in there and I gasped. Holly cow, it's like entering Blake's renovated kitchen again. It was huge, half the things were made of glass and some black marble, but God did I wanted to stay in this place.

"I don't know how to cook, but my best friend is a freak when it comes to it, and he's staying over a lot, so I made it for him. What do you say? Nice, right?" he asked and I could only nood. Nice? This thing was gorgeous!

He went to the fridge before grabbing a plate with what I believed was food and bottle of Jack Daniels. Oh, joy.

"Tomorrow morning, I'll have a private plane take you to America, but until then I need to take care of you. Macaroni?" he asked showing me the plate and I shrugged it off. I'm too hungry to complain, anyway.

"Alright," he removed the folia from it and placed it on the table with a fork before instructing me to sit down which I did. I hesitantly took a bite and almost moaned, holly fudge, this was good. I could feel cheese in it, but it was so soft that it simply melted in my lips. I gotta meet that friend of his. He's a master of cooking! 

"Great, right? He left that two days ago, but it still tastes so great. I love that man's cooking," he added and I nodded. I love it too. Somehow, it reminded me of Blake's. I can't believe I'm really going to see him tomorrow.

"So," he said pouring the drink in two crystal glasses "What's the story?" he asked as I took one and holding my breath drank it. Holly cow, this thing was horrible. I coughed few times as he only laughed at me while I couldn't scowl him from burning sensation in my throat.

"Sh-shut up!" I whisper-yelled as he grabbed another glass pouring water in it before handing it to me. I instantly drank it and could feel my throat going better.

"Thanks," I said and he only shook his head laughing.

"Sorry about that, but it was hilarious," he said making me scowl at him. I almost died, where's his soul. 

"Yeah, right. I guess you don't want to hear the story after all," I teased and he coughed twice before turning on his serious look. Right, as if that'd work. Ok, it would.

"So... Listen to this. Blake's father, Lucas who's an unbelievably annoying arsehole, long ago married his sister to Ethan whom she didn't love. He didn't love her either, but the dude wanted to unite their companies," he poured me another one I drank again and started choking again for next few seconds. I was getting used to it "So, nevermind that, he was bullying Melissa, Blake's sister and apparently died years ago in a car accident. But, the Dracula he is, he appeared two years ago, and bang he hit me with car. You know, I told you of my scar," I was feeling a bit lightheaded. I already loved this drink.

"So anyway, he came here to spy on me in case I decided to go back to Blake, but I already am," I giggled "And I have no idea as to why I'm blabbing this to you," I mumbled "You're weird, I feel comfy and you're even a mafia dude, but I don't mind that. I'm going nuts, arent I?" I asked. I have no idea what I've just said, but it had some sense... I think. 

"Don't look at me, I have no idea why. But if it helps, I am weird and people do confess lot of things to me, though not willingly, but still, it counts," he poured me another as I took another bite of my food. It really, really reminded me of Blake's cooking.

"What, you torture them?" I asked and he weakly smiled. That's yes, right? I drank another as he followed.

"So, what's the thing you wanted to say? The one I need druuuunk," I hicuped "...for?" I think I'm drunk... Nah, I'm just thinking. That made me giggle. 

"What are you laughing for?" he asked with a smile and I hit his arm.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking," this is cool, I can't see clearly. I blinked few times.

"I... Nevermind, you wanted to know?" he asked and I nodded, we came here for that, right? Speak, man!

"Yup," I hicuped again. I loved being drunk, it's so cool.

"Lemme see, I don't know where to start from. I guess I better cut to the chase," he sighed and I frowned. I've picked his bad habit about frowning after all "First of all, Lucas... Is dead," he said making me frown even harder.

"He's not, he's like a vampire, he's everywhere!" I literally trashed my hands to show that he was all around.

"He is, I killed him myself," he said and my jaw fell. Oh. Well... I don't know how to respond to that.

"He did some bad things including your planned death, at that moment I was investigating the case of Ava Niall. She was pregnant with my child, but she suddenly dissappeared after a car accident. I tracked the traces and found out about girl with that name suddenly appearing here. That's how I met you," holly cow, that's... 

"That's not all, since I digged something about Lucas, I found about his hidden aferas and his family, but among that I found out that his son's wife died the same night Ava dissappeared. Digging even deeper, I found out that she was named Kaley Evansville and so I digged her past too," he sighed now "That's not all, I couldn't stop, so I found out something even more important aside from fact that he was the one that plotted her death, I now found was fake and you're alive."

Okay, I already didn't like where was this going.

"And..." I encouraged him to continue.

"You... Were adopted. Your real parents weren't Christian and Emily Evansville," he said and I shook my head frantically. Nope, that was not possible. We looked alike. I even looked a bit like Ayden. That's not...

"It gets even better. Do you want to know who your real family is?" he asked and I only lowered my head.

"Who?" I asked after some time. 

"Tylers..." he mumbled scratching his neck.

"What?" if I'm not mistaken, that's...

"Tylers. That's your real surname," he said with a gentle smile "That's mine surname as well."

"Th-that means..." Oh God!

"I'm your brother, Kaley,"

I was definitely wrong to think that life couldn't bring me more surprises than it already had.
So... Yeah, vote and comment
And have a nice day

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