Chapter 9: Really now?

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Oki, guys. I'm back. Sorry for the late update, but you know Halloween and that stuff? Well, that... yup.

- Failing doesn't give you the right to give up as long as you believe -

"Naruto Uzumaki"

Kaley's POV

"Are we there yet?" I asked.

"Nope," was Nikolas' reply. He sounded bored, but I was too as well.

"Are we there yet?" I asked few seconds later.

"Nope," he replied back. This was getting boring. Way too boring. They told me that this flight lasted for less than ten hours, but I'm pretty sure that it's been more than nine hours since we departed. I was sure that we'll land at Sea-Tac, and I couldn't wait to set my foot back to the ground I was raised up at.

"Are we there yet?" I asked again.

"Nope," he groaned.

I glanced at those two in front of me, Edward and Daniel. Daniel was slightly snoring while Ed aka Blondie just stared at the clouds through the window. I didn't like the Blondie much, but he seemed like my only hope for this boredom.

"What about now?" I asked.

"Nope," he repeated the same word he's been saying for the last an hour while reading something on the tablet.

"Wha..." I was just about to ask when the Blondie spoke interrupting me.

"We're not, go to sleep or something, you're annoying," he said as I glared at him. I'll kill him, I swear, I'll murder him.

"You ain't a flower either, you're far more annoying than me," at this, his head snapped at me. We had a glaring contest neither of us wanted to give up on.

"Atleast I'm nor bothering anyone," he said and I frowned.

"Nik, am I bothering you?" I asked, but the genius just replied with the same "nope" like in previous hour that I didn't know whether to take him for real or not.

"Okay..." I sighed. This is not leading anywhere. I think I'll go to do... Something? Excusing myself, I stood up and headed into exploration of this private plane. It was huge and all white with wooden furniture and yellow-brownish leather seats... Atleast the part we were currently in. I found this plane similar to the one I once flew with for my honeymoon, but the only difference was that the other one was black and white. I came to realize that black and white was Blake's favourite combination when it came to decoration, and I'd be lying if I said that I didn't like it. His taste was dark, but it was also alluring at the same time... Just like he himself.

God, I missed him so much, I can't wait to see him, but I was scared of his reaction as well. What if he got angry because I left him to think that I was dead? What if he didn't let me explain what happened before telling me to get lost? I just couldn't help with the feeling of fear from that happening. And what if he really fell in love with Regina? That was something I didn't know how to handle. If he was angry at me, I could deal with it. I'd wait patiently until he's in state to talk like a normal person... As if someone would stay that sane after finding their deceased wife still alive.

"Damn it all," I cursed out loud. This was so fùcked up. I hated to admit it but I didn't know what to do. I seriously didn't know what to do in case Blake loved Regina.

"What are you doing?" I turned around to see Blondie behind me with his hands tucked in his pockets. His head was slightly tilted on the right side as if he was trying to understand a wounded animal and I couldn't help but chuckle at that - I really was like one myself.

"Just thinking," I replied. I didn't like him especially, but he was the only one here to talk to since my other options were zombied Nikolas with his tablet and sleeping Daniel.

"About what?" he sighed and I guessed that he was just as bored as me. I shrugged, I seriously didn't know what was going on with my head anymore.

"About what will happen after I come to Blake," I replied, that sums it pretty much.

"Oh, well..." awkward? Yup, I know, I have a pretty messed up life "I guess that all you can do for now is believe that everything's gonna end up well, there's no saying as to what's going to happen in the future, but... No matter what we'll always have hope for better one, so..." he rubbed his neck with a frown "You can guess what I what I want to say, I hope," he said and that made me chuckle. He's not so bad after all.

"Shut up, stop mopping around now, we'll land in thirty minutes," was all he said before turning around and going back to those two. On the other hand, I'm not so sure in my previous statement anymore, he's the devil himself. But I had to admit that his words made me feel better though, he was right. I have no idea what will happen once we land in Seattle, but... I can only hope that everything's going to be alright. And that's exactly what I'll do.

With a newfound confidence, I decided to return to my seat. I was surprised to see Daniel wake up and Nikolas standing up. His eyes met mine and he smiled.

"I was just about to look for you, come, we're above Vancouver right now, we'll be landing soon so we need to put our belts," he said and I nodded before remembering that I was shoeless.

"Oh, that's right, what will I wear on my feet?" I asked and he frowned before glancing at them before his eyes turned back to my face as he shrugged.

"We'll deal with it when the time comes," he said and I rose my eyebrow with disbelief written all over my face. What right time? We're about to land, that's the right time, you baboon.

"We'll stop by the way, come now," he said and I groaned. My fourth time in the plane and I'm walking barefoot, this would be the real gold if I placed it on my bucketlist... If I had one that is, but unfortunately I don't. I should make one, with all those miracles that decided to happen to me, I wouldn't be surprised if I managed to fulfill everything I'll put on it in less than a month. That would be fun, though.

"Kaley?" I heard my brother's impatient voice and glared at him before getting to my seat and sitting down with a huff. He's sabotaging my plans for the future.

"What have I done?" he asked more to himself that me before putting the belt on my and taking his place next to me as he repeated that action to himself. Okay, maybe I overrated it.

"Sorry, it's not your fault. I was just thinking something," I apologized and he only nodded. That's it? We're okay now?

"I guessed that you were," he replied making me close my eyes. God, I wish that all this ends soon so that me and Blake can live our happily ever after with Chris.

"Nik?" that reminded me "Can you please send someone to my apartment? I know that Alis would be able to deal with anyone, but... With Ethan still out there somewhere, I can't help it but worry for Chris and her. Could you please do it?" I asked and he nodded without sparing a second to my question.

"Absolutely, I'll do it as soon as we land, is any of our men free in London?" he asked Daniel who seemed to be thinking for a while before nodding.

"Jack should be coming back from Russia today, I think that he'll agree immediately. It's your nephew after all, boss," he said and Nikolas nodded. Right, mafia. I shouldn't forget about that one. It's so weird that my brother's part of it, not to mention the boss. I never really had time to think of it since he just told me everything the last night after getting me drunk, and I kinda passed out not much longer, so yeah... But, looking back at it, I don't know who are my parents. Nikolas didn't say a word about them and for all I know, they may be dead. I just don't get it. How do I take it all in?

Just then, the flight attendant came before notifying us that we're about to land, so that we mustn't remove our belts. She seemed to be the only one here, but I guessed that it was because we were in the private plane, but I saw many movies with a bunch of them... And then some crazy psycho would come threatening to destroy the plane kill all passengers and blah, blah. Yup, I used to watch the TV too much when I was younger.

"Alright, me and Edward will go to get us a rental car. Our captain has secured us South Satelite gate, so that's where will part. You two get her shoes, you have mall there, but be fast, we'll wait for you at carousel no. 15, we got us earlier audi, is that fine with you boss?" he asked and I was surprised by the way he was so sure in his words. Has he been to the Seattle already?

"You know me, I do," he said "Did you book us apartments?" he asked and Edward shook his head.

"Not yet, I wasn't sure as to for long will we stay here, so I didn't want to rush into it."

That seemed like a valid answer. Though, if everything turned out just great, I'm sure that there are just enough rooms for them in my and Blake's house.

"In case we do, I'll take the usual. You chose whatever you want," he said and I frowned.

"What's the usual?" I asked and he chuckled.

"One and only, Alexis, a Kimpton Hotel. Suite. It's in the downtown Seattle, you know that part where businessmen gather? That one, this is the best five-star hotel I've stayed at so far, I love it there," he said and that confirmed my thoughts that they have been here already "Besides, it's just 14 miles from Sea-Tac," he added.

"Oh, rich bastards," I grinned and he only shook his head while hiding his smile. It was kind a typical to expect for him to go for some five stars hotel. I sighed, no point in thinking over that, deal with it Kaley; your brother is a rich mafia boss and... Wait, he can't possibly just be that.

"Big brother?" I asked, it was so weird but somehow nice as well to have an older brother "Aside from mafia, what are your other occupations?" at that moment, Daniel spilled the drink he was drinking before starting to cough like crazy. I guessed that it was because they were unaware that I knew about that... Or they didn't know it at all! Holly crubge!

"Yes, Kaley I do," he laughed as Edward just stared at me in disbelief. I just gave him one of my 'what?' looks as he shook his head.

"We'll talk later, we're here," he said and I glanced through the window to see the grounds of Tacoma International Airport under our plane.

I'm home, I'm finally home.
I'm late and this is kinda filler, but it took me more than 30 minutes for all that research on Sea-Tac and Alexis hotel.

Hey, a book is only as good as much as an author adds details and devotes times for research on them, okay? So gimme a break :-)

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