somethings remain unsaid!

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It's sardonic how we anticipate to say so much but end up saying so diminutive, that too with a perpeutal fear of being judged or if you may hurt others feelings. Isn't it what we all do?? That persistent fear of being judged and thoughts of how you may ruin everything and hurt others feelings...for what? Even if people judge you and end up being hurt by what you say so what! The least that could happen is they will stop talking to you, they may ignore you,pretend like you don't exist. But why do you seem to give two shits about it?? You said what you wanted to and there's nothing wrong in saying what you really intend to say, at least that's what I think. But that's not the case, they are just your thoughts....because in the end you don't really say what you exactly wanted to, you end up saying a whole another thing just to avoid the after effects mentioned above!
We burry those feelings and words somewhere deep down inside us to dodge confrontations and fights with people, let's just say it for a fact that we have a constant fear of being judged and norms on how people will get hurt and all of that...well my question is why? Like simply why? Do others think for a split of second while blurting their feelings out that their words may leave blemishes on your heart forever or that their words will seem to rendezvous you persistently! Do they?? No they don't! Then why do you bother so much. Nobody in this godforsaken world is ever concerned with how you feel, what hell of things have you been through, because that's how we humans are inconsiderate of others feelings though we're even somewhere the cause of their misery!
We know what the other person is saying is absolutely wrong still we seem to put up with that for the sake of our so-called relation with that person. We act as if everything that's happening is all right but we still vacillate to agree on this fact with our  scruples because we know deep down that it isn't right!
So the next time you're having a conversation with anyone remember to speak your heart that you aren't left with something that you wanted to tell them but couldn't for the fear of judgement and hurting their feelings. Because after doing so they for sure won't be hurt but you'll be all alone with your contemplations which for sure will eat you up!!!!!!

A/n: Sorry for the late update. Well very late! But as I told u all about the school and stuff so yeah I was completely into that only for few weeks now! But as I promised you all that I would update so I did! I hope you all like it its something that we can relate to as well. Also thank u so much my lovely readers for your unwavering support till now! We've reached 1.1k reads on 4 am thoughts and well that's insane! But again its all because of you all so thank you so much! You guys are the best people I've ever come across ...all ur sweet comments and compliments are highly appreciated! Its absolutely incredible how you all have shown so much love and support for my work! I can't thank u guys enough for thisur messages and comments make my day! Well once again thank u everyone you guys are the best
Love you all


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