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1. What's your favourite school subject? Why?

My favourite subject is Biology because it is very interesting

2. Do you think that English will be useful for you in the future?

Yes, I do because English is the world language and I will find easier a job

3. What are your plans after school?

After school, I will return home, have lunch, take a nap and then go up to the school library to read and do homework

4. Tell us about your English teacher. (character, physical description, hobbies...)

My English teacher is cheerful, sociable and enthusiastic. She has a long hair and is beautiful girl. Her hobbies are read books, listen to music, go shopping.

5. Tell me about your day at school.

The morning, I go to school at 6:30 to learn English

The afternoon, I go to school at 12:30 to learn Biology

End day, I feel tired but I learn a lot of things

6. How often do you come to your English class?

I usually come to English class because English lesson are very interesting

7. How many days a week do you do school?

There are 6 days in the week

8. How many students are there in your English class?

There are 28 students in my English class

9. How do you usually go to school?

I usually go to school by bicycle

10. What do your hobbies?

My hobbies is drink coffee, read books, listen to music, cooking and play football.

11. What do you like doing in your free time?

I like drinking coffee, reading books, listening to music, cooking cake in my free time

12. What do you enjoy doing in the spare time?

I like listening to music, doing my homeworks, cleaning my house, reading books in the spare time.

13. What do you like doing when you're not at school?

I like drinking coffee, reading books, listening to music, cooking cake when I'm not at school

14. What do you enjoy doing in evening?

I like listening to music, doing my homeworks, cleaning my house, reading books.

15. Do you play any sports? What sports do you enjoy most?

Yes, I do. I enjoy most playing football.

16. What kinds of books do like reading?

I like reading philosophy (novel) books

17. What do you do to keep fit?

I usually run in the morning to keep fit

18. What's the best day of the week for you?

Sunday is the best day of the week for me because I have more time to relax.

19. What season do you like most? Why?

I like most summer because I like going swimming

20. What are your favourite foods?

I like chocolate and cake

21. Tell us about your best friend. (character, physical description, hobbies...)

The name of my best friend is Huyen. She is my good friend and cares for me a lot. She has long black hair and is very cute. She behaves me well and helps always. She is good in sports and academic activities.

22. Tell us about your father. (character, physical description, hobbies...)

My Dad is more than forty years old. How many worries, struggling with time to make black hair day time point of silver. Years of hard work have made the announcement (/əˈnaʊnsmənt/) darken the skin for the sun. At home, he is often plant tree. In the evening, he is often read newspapers. He is always help people. I love my father.

My Dad is my real hero because he is the most special person in my life.

23. Tell us about your mother (charater, physical description, hobbies...)

My mother is the one who I love most in my life. For what she's done, she deserved with the whole world. My mother is a 36 year old household wife. She's tall, slim and especially she has a beautiful long black hair. She always smile thus everyone consider her a friendly person.

24. How many people are there in your family?

My family has a lot of people: my father, my mother, my sister, two brothers and me.

25. How many brothers and sisters have you got?

There are two my brothers and one my sister.

26. What did you do yesterday / last weekend?

I did my homeworks and I went to watched football

27. What did you do during your last holiday?

I went with my family to Da Lat on the last holiday, I like the cold air there. It was my best holiday.

28. Where do you live in Buon Ma Thuot City? Do you live in a house or flat?

I live in the cemetery stress in Buon Ma Thuot City. I live student hostel

29. What do you think of Buon Ma Thuot City?

Buon Ma Thuot is a beautiful city, the people here are friendly and coffee is very good

30. Describe your favorite town/city in Vietnam.

Da Nang is my favorite city, because Da Nang is a beautiful, modern city, people are friendly and good.

Past 1: Personal Information

1. What your name?

2. How old are you? When were you born?

3. Are you married?

4. Hou many brothers and sisters have you got?

5. What do you do?/ What's your job?

6. Do you like English? How long have you studied English?


1. Your favourite hobbies

2. A book or a story you like best

To me, it is the book named "Please look after mom" of Shin Kyung Sook that impressed me most. The book tells us the story about a mother who is lost at a subway and from then her family members try their best to find her. The special feature of the content is that although she is illiteracy and devoted to family, she only acquires love and care from other when being lost. Her husband, sons and daughter only feel lonely and disappointed when there is disappearance of mother. The book is a good example about mutual love and little care between human relationship. I really love the meaningful books that teach me a lot of valuable lesson in life.

3. Your study

I am a Medical student. I lead a disciplined life. Regularity in work has become a habit with me. Hence my daily life follows a very simple routine. After my breakfast, I prepare my self to go to school. On reaching school, I make it s point to occupy one of the seats of the front benches. We learn various subjects accordung to the school time-table. I prepare my lessons well everyday. In the classes I listen to the teachings of the teachers with rapt attention. In the recess time also I talk of the topics taught in the classes with my friends. The school breaks at 5:30 P.M. after school hours I return student hotel at 5:45 P.M.

4. Your free time (Your favourite hobbies)

I have many hobbies, but I like reading most (My hobby is reading knowledgeable and interesting books in my free time).. Reading is such a good habit which healthy for your brain and keeps your brain functioning actively. Reading is a wonderful way to keeps you relax and happy. For me, there is nothing makes me happier than to have a stack of books on to reading in free time. It's the great source of enjoyment, inspiration, and knowledge. Reading book can make us disciplined and most importantly a very successful person in this life. While reading books, noone can feel disturb or alone. I think this hobby is more precious than other precious stones in the world. Books are always a good friend to me

5. A speacial day for you

There are several holidays held in a year. It is Christmas holiday that is interesting. It is usually held in the last month of year, when people prepare for new year. I love Christmas for many reasons. First, it maintains cozy atmosphere and mutual care and share between people. During the holiday, people gather together to decorate house, prepare delicious meal and spend time doing good things. Although Christmas weather is cold, one feels cozy and not lonely when being with their beloved.

6. The way you keep fit

There are many way for you keep your fit. But I think you can notice some point. First, you should do exercises regular such as swimming, jogging, or ride bicycle. The second, you should have a good diet, eat enough the nutriment and usually have breakfast. You should eat less meat, more and more vegetable, fruit, salad, and drink a lot of water, about 1,5l to 2l per day. Next, you should go to bed early, not stay at late, and at least 6 hours per day. And finally, you shouldn't work too hard, reduce the pressure and stress. That is many way to keep your fit, you can do it.

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