Chapter 11

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@conghuannguyen6 thanks for all the support and comments. I've attached a little drawing of RosMaki. Hope you like it! I'm amazed cause RosuMaki was just a guy I goggled "Red hair anime boy" for 😂😂
Thanks @misaka5621-
@mea_maki-chan for all your support and comments! ♡♡

Maki pov

It was Monday again. I was seated next to Rosuke like normal but somehow nothing felt normal. My stomach was churning, my chest felt tight and I could hear my heart pounding in my ears.

"Hey." He greeted me with a small smile, removing his ear piece on one side.

I sat down and whispered a "Hey" back.

"What you listening to?" I asked casually despite my feeling inside.

"Your new song." He smiled with a tint of blush.

I felt my face heat up as well and nodded.

The bell rang and he kept his mp3 in his bag. I was unable to focus throughout the lesson. My heart kept pounding and your hands kept touching.

All I could think of was being with him and the kiss we shared and what this all means.

Then an annoying black haired face appeared.

My thoughts started touching spiral.

What about Nico?

Should I be telling her this?

What would happen when she find out?

Do I still love her?

That's nonsense of course I love her. I've been loving her all these time. Then what is this I'm feeling with Rosuke?

I buried my head in my arms.

"Ms Nishikino." I heard then he nudged me.

The whole class was turned to me including Hanayo and Rin. The looked worried.

I looked at the teacher.

"Are you alright? Are you feeling unwell."

Just as she said that I had a sick feeling in my stomach.

"Maki, you look a little pale. You okay?" Rosuke whispered beside me very worriedly.

I felt something coming up my throat. I had one hand clenching my stomach and the other covering my mouth. I never noticed that I was shaking and sweating.

"Ms Nishikino, I suggest that you visit yhe nurse office. You are excuse." The teacher said concerned.

I nodded and left the classroom in a rush, leaving everything else.

I felt weak as I walked out of the room, my legs could barely hold me and my vision was getting blurry. I slammed my way through into the girls bathroom and fell beside a toilet.

I came out and looked at myself in the mirror. My skin was sick white and my lips had no colour in them. There was dark circles outlining my eyes.

I supported myself on the sink, breathing heavily.

My head was pounding so hard I couldn't hear anything else.

I slowly made my way to the nurse office, leaning on the walls ands I did.

I finally reached, I knocked the door and collapsed into someone's arms as the door opened.

I was carried in and laid on the bed. I let myself drift away into sleep.

I woke up to someone touching my face. I slowly pried my eyes open.

"Maki!" The little girl exclaimed as she helped my sit up.

I rubbed my temple hopping to fend of the headache.

I looked around. I was in the nurse office surrounding by 17 more people.

My eyes found His and rested there for a moment.

"How are you feeling?" I snapped my eyes back at my girlfriend whose eyes were filled with worry.

I smiled and coughing a bit. "I'm fine." I lied weakly.

"You are are horrible liar, Maki-chan." Nico pouted and I saw everyone nodding.

I managed a weak chuckle.

"Maki-chan, you should have told us if you weren't feeling well." Honoka said, leaning on the foot of the bed frame.

"You are one to talk!" Umi scolded.

Kotori chuckled and tired to calm Umi down.

"But Maki, why didn't you just tell us?" Eli was seated beside Nico.

I shrugged "I didn't want to worry anyone."

"My, but this worries us even more." Murita, who was standing on the opposite side of Nico, swept my hair gently out of my face.

"I'm really sorry."

"Here." Fukuri said monotone as he held a glass of water to me.

I thanked him and accepted it, taking a sip.

Nico had her fingers running through my hair.

"We should leave Maki-senapi to rest." Haji said softly with much concern.

"I'm sorry." The nurse in charge walked in. He was the one who caught me as I fell in. "May I request you bring her back to the dorms?"

Everyone nodded and he was about to turn and leave when I stopped him.

"Wait! Thank you for your great care!" I bowed to him the best I could in my bed.

He smiled at me gently "just doing my job." And walked away.

"Well, you heard him. Let's get her back to her room." Majiko announced. Everyone got up and left the room in order to make space.

My feet touch the floor and I pushed myself off the bed. My legs were shaky and I nearly fell when a strong pair of arms grabbed me. I looked up to see Rosuke, a faint blush across both our cheeks.

"Let me carry you." He whispered and I nodded.

I climbed onto his back and rested my face on his strong back, my eyes fluttering close.

I could hear Nico complaining.

"I should be carry her!"

"You aren't able to. She is so much taller than you. You'll be dragging her." Eli scolded back.

Nico crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at the blonde then she walked back and walked alongside us.

"Are you okay, Maki-chan?" She whispered.

I opened my eyes and gave her a small smile "I'm fine, Nico-chan."

She looked down "I'm sorry."

"Hm....for what?"

"I didn't notice that you weren't feeling well. Maybe if I did...."

I interpreted her as I pat his back for him to stop.

My stomach was clenching hard and I winced at the pain.

"Maki-chan, are you okay?" Rosuke asked worry filled his voice as he couldn't see me. Nico looked panicked but I was unable to reply.

"Let's bring her to the hospital." Eli quickly suggested.

Rosuke started to walk again and I felt Nico holding my hand.

There was a hospital nearby and we all walked there. I could help groaning alt the pain but Rosuke kept whispering encouragement to me.

Soon, we reached the hospital and the nurses took over.

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