Chapter 10 - darkness approcahes at midnight.

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Later at 11:54 PM in the night and suddenly eerie sky Mayor Fink was working on some work in the town hall despite the warnings he gets from other villagers he needs to continue his duties. But about 4 minutes later the lights went out and things turned scary as before before sounds of thunder and lighting suddenly approached though the mayor heard about the unknown blood rain. But before Mayor Fink finished the lighting and thunder approached as the mayor had a bad and strange feeling that he felt like he's not alone. Mayor fink said as his breathing became unsteady, uhhh...h..h..hello?..a.anyone here? Mayor Fink felt uneasy before he saw something in horror. The bright lighting revealed Sonics crazy fan Mark the taper dead in front of his eyes his body was mangled and broken while his head was laying on the floor with his mouth and eyes sewed shut and his nose yanked off revealing bone, muscle, and blood dripping from his skull. Mayor Fink gasped in horror before he attempted to escape but he doors didn't budge open as he yelled, HHEELLPP!!..I'M TRAPPED!!..HHEEELLLLLLPPPPPP!!! Then a shadowy hedgehog figure with an ax slowly approaches the mayor. The figure kicked the mayor in the gut so hard Fink kneeled down before his eyes widened. The figure raises the ax ready to kill. Mayor Finks eyes widened more as the bright flashes of lightning revealed the figure to be Sonic.EXE dresses in black from head to toe with a sickening grin before he instantly chops Mayor Fink on the head causing it to split in half. Sonic.EXE with his Toothy grin looks at the clock which was pointing at midnight and said, hehehehe...I was hoping I killed him before least I killed some time...*picks up Marks head* there's a lot of things you don't know about me you stupid excuse of a fan...but I rather not tell cause I don't like wasting my time with a so-called fan like you... Sonic throws the head on the wall before throwing a knife at it hard enough to pin it to the wall. The knife went through his forehead and deeply to the wall. Sonic.EXE grinned and said as the blood rain began to pour down while he watched it pour, so many souls to collect so little time...wouldn't anyone agree?...hmhmhhmhmhmhehehehehehehehehehahahahhaahhaahhahahahahhahahaha!!!...AAAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The night sky filled with the blood red cloud pouring down bloody rain as he cackled the most maniacal laugh similar to a demon laugh as he grins reveals his sharp teeth while looking at the night cloudy sky. Sonic said as he looked up, I will bring you back to life mother!..EVEN IF IT TAKES ME AN ETERNITY!!!...I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART MOTHER!!!..YOU WILL SOON BE RESURRECTED ONCE AGAIN!! The lighting strikes down the jungle as the thunder roared while Sonic laughed so demonic and so maniac-like.

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