Chapter 15 - a plan

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Knuckles then was hearing the whole story of what really happened to Sonic. Knuckles said as he felt sad, I see...but why all this?..why kill all these people and our friends?...why? Manic said in a darkened voice, this was all for our mother...he's planing on bringing her back to life...but to us...EXE has tricked him into being one in the same with him so he used the resurrection thing to get to Sonics head... Knuckles asked, if what you said was true then how did you survive the explosion? Manic said, I escaped in the neck of time after our home was friends and Sonics old friends came rushing to my aid and I had to be far away from my own brother until I recover...but our mother and sister...*sighs sadly* they didn't stand a chance...our father disappeared before all this...though Sonic thought he lost all of us... Knuckles said, and he has no idea that your actually alive? Manic shook his head no and said, no...I was planing to return home and see my only little brother...but I gotta call from one of Sonics friends saying that EXE returned...I came as soon as I could before it was too late... Knuckles felt scared but slightly sad for what happened and for Sonic. But that's when Silver asked, order for this to work we might as well kill him. Manic gasped before Knuckles said, NO! Silver got startled before Knuckles said, I don't want him to die!...sure he killed three of our friends but I can't loose him too...he's my best friend...*mumbles: more than a friend to me.* Silver said sadly, ...Knuckles. Grey-Sky said, there's got to be another way. Manic said as he had a solution, there is one way to bring him back without killing him. Knuckles asked, there is? Manic nodded and said as he smiled the same way as Sonic, yeah man...but I can't promise it be easy...we're going to haft to perform exorcist. Knuckles asked, how is exercising gonna free Sonic? Silver said, no you idiot!..not exercise...he mean an's a ritual that can remove the demon inside the persons body though it's a painful thing for the demon and the host it possesses...though it won't be pretty. Knuckles said, oh... Manic said, there is a less painful way to get the demon out of him...I'm going to do the exorcist my way. Silver asked, and how are you gonna...*trails off as he realized what he meant* oh... Rika said as she raised a brow, are you sure about this Manic? haven't done it since Sonic was a teen. Manic said, what other choice do we have...besides my brother needs us...follow me. Manic walked off as the group followed.

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