Chapter 19 - attacking Knuckles

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When they arrive Knuckles stopped. The echidna catches his breath before looking to see Sonic with a knife. Sonic let out a real angry cry before stabbing Knuckles in the chest, the heart, and the left lung. Knuckles grunted from every stab he took before he looking at Sonics eyes filled with anger, sorrow, and darkness. Sonic whispered in anger, I hated you from the always think I'm nothing more than a complete scrawny weakling...a useless piece of trash...and a mess up waiting to keep taking all the credit about being leader...and I don't like that...I tried so hard to be a good friend and a natural leader...but you and those idiots excuses for friends always bring me won't stopped being an idiot even if it hits you in the and the others made my life a living I'm getting what I want...once your out of the way mom will be alive and we will be outta here...I won't let anyone stand in my way again... he digs the knife deeper into Knuckles chest as he bled. Though Knuckles was in tears hearing that he still clung to life...blood started to poor down his mouth. Sonic whispered, any last words? Knuckles whispered to him, y-yes..I-I know you won't forgive me...I-I-I'm isn't you Sonic...t-true I did those horrible th-things to you b-but I-I regret it...y-you been something more to me as l-long as I can remember...I-I maybe an idiot but it doesn't stop me from loving you Sonic...y-you been so caught up on-on the bad times y-you didn't look at the good times we had...y-your my best friend..n-no you-your more than that... you've been my crush for a long time...b-but... I-I May have messed up Sonic but I can't even l-leave a hog hanging...especially you... The instant he heard Sonic yanked the knife out of Knuckles chest as Knuckles screamed in pain before pushing him to a tree. Knuckles crash landed on a tree as his leg was turned into a unnatural angle. Sonic turn back to Exe and said, hmph!..your love ain't enough you idiot! to finish you off! Exe float into the air but before he can jab the knife into Knuckles skull he was stopped by a light.

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