~Chapter 1~

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Chloe's POV.

"The suspect is waiting for you in room three," Jane's voice rings through my tiny office. I look up from the papers in front of me and towards her.

"I'll be there in a second I just need to finish this jigsaw puzzle," She nods her head making her black hair bounce slightly.

I put the last puzzle piece into place and stare at the picture with a satisfied grin on my face. The puzzle pieces all formed a picture of an adorable dog. I loved it so much.

I grab my phone, snap a picture, and quickly post it to my social media page. I don't have a big following but it's not like it really matters anyway.

I put my phone into the pocket of my jeans and get up and make my way toward room three. I have been on this case for weeks and we finally found a suspect to question.

I grab a file that Jane offers to me on my way towards the room. I nod in appreciation.

Two months ago a famous college basketball player was killed in the middle of the night. He was found lying in his bed with his limbs cut off and his throat cut.

I assumed the reason was probably a sports rivalry but it seems to be a little excessive to kill someone.

We had researched all his rivals but we could find nothing. It was beyond frustrating but finally, someone came over to our station and claimed that they knew someone who had information.

So some of the other detectives tracked him down and that's where it leads us to now. I haven't met the suspect yet so I'm not really sure what I'm up against.

I open up the file to see some basic information. His name is Kai Maddison, he plays semi-professional soccer and has a history of street racing and illegal fighting.

I groan internally, sounds like a nutjob. I reach room three and gently knock on the door.

The door swings open to reveal Josh one of the heftier detectives. He usually watches the suspects until questioning since he's the most intimidating.

"This is going to be a hard one, Chloe," I roll my eyes and brush past him into the room. He says that every time.

My eyes widen when I see him. He is sitting on a chair in the far left corner of the room. He is leaning back his arms crossed in front of his chest his legs spread making him look completely relaxed.

His black hair is shaved on the sides and the top is grown out longer so that it falls into his eyes. His eyes quickly flick towards me and the shocking blue of them scares me.

His eyes study my face before trailing down my body. I shake myself out of my daze and clear my throat as I walk over to the chair opposite him.

"You must be Kai, I'm Chloe nice to meet you," I extend my hand towards me and a flirty smile forms on his face showcasing his dimples.

He takes my hand and shakes it and I immediately notice how small my hands are compared to his.

I shift uncomfortably as I sit down and let the file with all his information rest on my lap. "I think you know why you're here right?" I ask folding my hands on my lap.

He cocks his head to the side and his eyes fly around the room as if looking for a camera. There are no cameras in this room yet since the company hasn't had enough money for that.

"So I'm going to ask you a couple of questions and I expect you to answer truthfully." His eyes finally come back to me.

"Whatever you say," His voice is deep and it makes my body react in ways that it shouldn't. I open up his file and flip threw some of the pages and glance over some of his crime history.

"I noticed that you have quite a history with street racing," He chuckles slightly and shifts in his seat now resting his arms on his knees so he can lean closer to me. "It's not funny," I grumble and this makes his smile bigger.

"Really? I find it quite amusing," I narrow my eyes slightly and close the file.

"I'm going to get straight to the point, do you have any information on James Landon's death?" He raises one of his eyebrows.


I roll my eyes," He was last sighted going home with you from a party."


"Don't lie, do you have anything, any information, any guess to his killer."

"Nope," He smirks as amusement dances across his face.

I groan in frustration," You must know something."

"If I did why would I tell you?"

I clench my fists on my lap as I try to compose myself," Don't you want to find out who the killer is?"

"I don't find the issue that pressing at the moment."

I bite my lip as I study him. He obviously wasn't going to give me any information willingly. Or he could be telling the truth and maybe he doesn't know anything but he must.

"Why won't you tell me?" I ask as I grab the file again and look threw it.

"I don't like giving away information for free," I glare at him.

"Do you expect us to pay you for the information?" Though that could be an option our company does not have enough money to use on that.

"Yes," He answers bluntly and I roll my eyes.

"Well we don't have money to waste on you," He laughs and the noise echoes around the room somehow making me more on edge.

"I didn't ask for money," I raise my eyebrows.

"Then what do you want Mr. in control?"

"I'm not sure yet, but I already know I have more than enough money," Oh, he's rich.

I stand up," Well I'll leave you to it. Let someone know if you think about your ridiculous payment."

He smiles and I walk away from him frustration bubbling inside of me and I'm almost ready to explode.

I don't look back at him as I open the door and walk out. I make sure to slam it behind me.

"So? How did it go?" Jane asks as she stands up from her desk and quickly scurries towards me.

"He's a dick who won't let up any information without some stupid payment," I angrily say as I continue walking towards my office.

"What payment?" She asks.

"He's still deciding," I say in a mocking voice. I walk into my office and slam the door behind me.

I throw his file onto my desk and fall onto the couch opposite my desk.

Maybe I was bad at interrogating people but I didn't care. He doesn't deserve whatever he wants anyway. He should give up information without any payment.

I can only hope now that whatever he comes up with is something easy to fulfill. 


  I hope you enjoyed the story so far!

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  What do you think his payment will be ;)

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