chapter 12: sullivan

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chapter 12


       Even though I gave Rhea and Wilson an alibi for Caelus around the time Valerie went missing, they still seem to think that Caelus has something to do with his sister's disappearance. When I return to the Major Crime's floor after letting Caelus go, I hear Rhea and Wilson discussing possible motivations for Caelus.

       "He has an alibi," I remind when I walk over to them. "Caelus has nothing to do with it."

       "Alibis don't always prove an innocence, especially when they have an accomplice," Rhea says.

       "I get that, but what about a motivation?" I ask. "Caelus doesn't have one. He hasn't spoken to or seen Valerie in a year. Why would he suddenly harm her? It doesn't make sense."

       "It wouldn't be the first time," Wilson says.

       I furrow my eyebrows. It certainly would be the first time since Caelus has never once hurt his sister. "What are you talking about?"

       "Ruth has said that Caelus would physically hurt Valerie during their arguments," Wilson says.

       Unbelievable. Ruth knows that Caelus has nothing to do with Valerie's disappearance, so lying about Caelus physically hurting Valerie in the past is only doing more harm than good. I get that she doesn't like the fact that Caelus has never welcomed her into the family, and I don't blame him, but this is a new lie.

       "Yeah, that's a complete lie," I say. "Caelus has never once hurt Valerie."

       "How can you be so sure?" Rhea asks. "I get that he's your roommate, but didn't you say he only moved in with you recently? How would you know if he hurt his sister or not?"

       "Because I basically grew up with him," I say. "I've known him and his family for years. Caelus is not a violent person at all."

       Major Crime's superintendent, Milo, walks over to us. Having heard at least part of the conversation, he asks, "How confident are you that Caelus has never once hurt Valerie, Sullivan?"

       "I am one hundred percent confident," I say. "In fact, I'm willing to put my job on the line. If it turns out that Caelus has been violent and that he has something to do with Valerie's disappearance, I'll quit my job on the spot."

       "That confident, huh?" Milo asks. I nod. "Well, I know you wouldn't be saying that just to protect your roommate, so I trust you. Let's get Ruth back here and ask why she lied about Caelus being violent. Maybe she knows more about the disappearance than she's letting on."

       When Ruth gets back to the station for more questioning, I'm allowed to stay in the room attached to the interrogation room just in case Ruth decides to tell more lies. Milo is with me while Rhea questions Ruth.

       "So I would like to know why you lied about Caelus being violent towards Valerie," Rhea says.

       "I wouldn't lie about something like that," Ruth says. "Why do you even think I lied? Because Caelus said so? He would say anything to clear his name. I'm telling you, Caelus has something to do with this." Either Ruth really hates Caelus or she truly does know more about Valerie's disappearance than she's letting on. Why else would she be so convinced Caelus is involved?

       "Caelus hasn't seen or talked to Valerie for a year," Ruth says. "There's no motivation. Besides, Caelus has an alibi."

       "Okay, but that doesn't mean I lied about Caelus being violent towards Valerie," Ruth says.

       "We have a third party denying your claims," Rhea says. "He said that Caelus isn't a violent person."

       "So you trust this third party more than me?" Ruth asks. "Valerie's stepmom?"

       "Quite frankly, yes," Rhea says. "He's a trusted third party who I know won't lie in a missing person's case? If Sullivan knew that Caelus as violent--"

       The mention of my name causes Ruth to cut Rhea off by saying, "Hold on, Sullivan? Sullivan Osborne?" Ruth laughs. "Of course Sullivan will say anything to make it seem like Caelus is innocent. He would do anything to protect his husband."

       It's official; I also can't stand Ruth. All she has been doing since she and Abe reported Valerie missing is lie. 

       But unfortunately, this particular lie definitely messes things up a lot more. I didn't tell my co-workers that Caelus is my ex because I didn't want to complicate things. Him being my ex has nothing to do with this case but now because of Ruth, I might get sidelined from the case because of conflict of interest.

       Rhea is taken aback. "What do you mean husband?"

       "Sullivan is Caelus's husband," Ruth says. Since Rhea still looks confused, Ruth continues. "You didn't know? Huh. So much for Sullivan being a trusted third party, huh?"

       Milo looks at me. "Sullivan, you better have a damn good explanation as to why Ruth is calling Caelus your husband when you have said he is only your roommate."

       I don't have time to explain because Rhea temporarily leaves the interrogation room to come to the room Milo and I are in. "What the hell, Sullivan? Way to throw me off guard."

       "Ex-husband," I say. "He's my ex-husband. We got divorced two years ago and Ruth knows that. But I really am serious about Caelus not being a violent person. I'm not lying just to protect him."

       "So why not tell us to begin with?" Milo asks.

       "Because he really is just my roommate," I say. "We never talked since our divorce, but he desperately needed a place to stay. I know it doesn't look good for me, but this is the second thing Ruth is lying about. She knows Caelus isn't violent and she knows I'm not his husband anymore. I don't know if she's doing it to spite Caelus or if she knows something and is just trying to find a scapegoat."

       Milo sighs and rubs his forehead. "Okay, for the time being, you're going to have to stay off the case, Sullivan."


       "No buts," Milo says. "Look, I don't think you're lying to protect Caelus and I don't think Caelus has anything to do with Valerie's disappearance, but there is still a conflict of interest with you being married into the family in the past. It's just protocol."

       "Right," I say.

       "In the meantime..." Milo looks at Rhea. "Find out why Ruth is lying and if she knows more than she's letting on."

       "Will do," Rhea says.


"he really is just my roommate" uh huh sure sullivan.

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