chapter 33: caelus

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chapter 33


       I take my phone out of my work locker, only to see a dozen missed calls from my dad as well as a few texts asking me to call him back. I don't want to call him back. I don't care why he's calling me. He can just deal with the fact that I don't want to be in his life anymore.

       I put my phone in my pocket and leave the staff room, heading out to the parking lot to wait for Sullivan. Ever since the whole situation with Paul, Sullivan insists on driving me to and from work whenever he's off of work, even thought I got my car fixed.

       It's a good thing he did because Paul walks up to me as I'm waiting for Sullivan. "We need to talk, Caelus," he says.

       "No, we don't," I say. "You were being a creep towards me when I kept telling you to leave me alone. There's nothing too talk about."

       "Was that man even your husband?" Paul asks, completely ignoring me. "Why else would you be looking for a place to stay if you were married?"

       I can think of plenty of excuses, but I don't want to waste my breath on him. I don't have to explain myself to him at all. And whether or not Sullivan is my husband, it didn't give Paul the right to try to force himself on me. Someone's relationship status does not mean that other people are free to hit on them whatever.

       Thankfully, Sullivan shows up at just the right time. Or at least, Kona does. Sullivan lets Kona run ahead of him to get to me and Paul and once again, Kona puts herself in between me and Paul. She doesn't bark but is instead growling at him.

       "Get your dog to stop," Paul says. That's very ironic of him; he wants me to get my dog to stop what she's doing, but he wouldn't listen when I told him to leave me alone.

       I make sure to point that out, too. "No. You don't listen to me, she doesn't get to listen to you. Let's go, Kona." Kona barks at Paul once before following me to Sullivan, who is already walking over to us. I give Sullivan a hug, partially to rub it in Paul's face, but mostly because I'm glad to see him.

       "Are you okay?" Sullivan asks, hugging me back.

       "Yeah, I'm okay," I say. "He wanted to talk and even though I said no, he questioned if you were really my husband. He figured we were lying since I've been looking for a place to stay. But we can go get married right now to prove him wrong."

       Sullivan laughs. "As much as I love the sentiment, I think we should get married again on our own dime and not to spite some creep."

       "Yeah, that's fair," I say. After hugging Sullivan, I give him a soft kiss, also to rub it in Paul's face if he's still watching. He may be right about Sullivan not truly being my husband, but I'm still in a relationship with Sullivan. "I love you."

       Sullivan smiles at me. "I love you too." He kisses my cheek, then leads me to his car so we can head home.

       On the way home, my cell phone rings. I look at the ID and sure enough, it's my dad. I sigh, about to decline the call, but I made the split second decision to answer it. He's going to keep calling. He won't leave me alone until I either block him or tell him to leave me alone.

       It will be better, and healthier, for me in the long run to talk to him than to just ignore him. So once I accept the call, I hold my phone up to my ear. "What do you want, Dad?"

       "I've been trying to get in touch with you for a few days now," Dad says. "I'm glad you finally answered."

       "I only answered so I can tell you to leave me alone," I say. "I told you last thanksgiving that I want nothing to do with you. Do you not understand what kind of heartbreak you put KC through by sleeping with his girlfriend?"

       Dad sighs heavily. "I know that was a mistake."

       "A mistake?" I ask. "Maybe it would have been a mistake if you slept with Ruth just once. But you didn't. You had a full-blown affair and then married her. That is not a mistake. It was a conscious decision. You're just wanting pity because Ruth cheated on you."

       "I'm not looking for pity," Dad says.

       "Then what do you want?"

       "I just want to know if you would like to have dinner at my house sometime. You're the only one of my children who still live in this area. Valerie is staying with your mom for who knows how long and KC refuses to step foot in the province."

       "I wonder who's fault that is."

       "I really am sorry. I've tried telling KC that too, but he just said 'whatever' and won't talk to me still."

       I sigh. I really don't want to feel pity for Dad, but I can't help it. He just sounds pitiful, and he's probably very alone right now. I still don't want to forgive him, especially if KC doesn't want to. I know Dad didn't personally hurt me, but he hurt my brother and I can never get over that.

       "I'll see what KC thinks about me coming over for dinner," I say. "If he doesn't want me to have a relationship with you, then I'm not going to."

       "I understand," Dad says.

       "And Sullivan has to come too." I look at Sullivan. "You'd be okay with that, right?" Sullivan hasn't heard my dad's side of the conversation but still understands what's going on, so he nods. 

       "Sullivan?" Dad asks. 

       "Yeah, we got back together."

       "Oh. That's great. Yes, he can come too."

       "Okay, I'll... talk to KC and see what he thinks."

       "Alright. Thanks for hearing me out anyway."

       "Yeah." I hang up, letting out a heavy sigh as I lean back in the passenger's seat. "I should just tell my dad KC said no."

       "Why don't you?" Sullivan asks.

       "Because... I don't know," I say. "He's still my dad. He was an asshole to KC, but I kind of feel bad that he has no one in his life." I send a text to KC, telling him about my call with Dad and if he would be okay with me going to his house for dinner.

       I don't get a reply until I get home, and it honestly wasn't one I was expecting: of course it's fine. i may still be mad at him, but he's still our dad. i won't throw a fit just because you still talk to him. besides, i do kind of feel bad for him that ruth cheated on him. part of me wants to say he deserves it, but the other part feels sorry that he just got caught up into ruth's game.

       "KC is okay with it," I tell Sullivan. "So... Looks like we'll be having dinner with my dad. Fun."

       "You don't have to if you really don't want to," Sullivan says.

       "I know," I say. "But like I said, I feel bad for him. KC does too. Just promise me you won't end up sleeping with my dad."

       "Funny," Sullivan says. He kisses my forehead. "I'll never have eyes for anyone but you."


kona is so cute and protective i love her so much. i just love all dogs in general <3

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