Chapter 1

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" Swing harder !" A voiced echo to me swinging my sword harder as I aim for my opponent head Sir Harrold surprise gaze met mine we both began to breath heavy are body's covert in dirt and sweat a smile appeared on his face as he aim his sword down " Good job Princess " Sir Harrold said I could only smile back as  I put my sword back at my side " Thank you" I applied we made are way back to the stands that held the swords Sir Harrold had train me for years ever since he was more like a second farther to me  then my Farther swords man and my body guard he and I would go to are secret location where he would train me ever since I was 6 my Mother wasn't a fan of me being a swords man Farther and Sir Harrold made a place for us a couple miles away from the cript where we could practice a loud roar broke me out of my trance as I look up I saw Ageon my beautiful dragon and my best fiend other than my twin sister Rhaenyra he slowly flap it wings down and landed on the ground next to us Sir Harrold look a little terrified and amazed at the same time.

" That dragon is going to be the death of me " Sir harrold mutter under his breath .

A laugh escaped my lips as Ageon made his way towards me I pulled off my glove and began to pet his scales he purred in delight " Ready to go for a ride bud" I whispered to him Ageon roared in response as I climbed onto him . Sir Harrold came running to my side " Are you sure you want to fly at this hour?" Sir Harrold asked I shook my head at him " It's not to late " I answered knowing it was to late in the night my Farther and Mother would worry sick if they knew I was out this late " Okay just be careful I'll meet you back at the cript!" Sir Harrold shouted as Ageon began to take off I held onto to the reins .

Ageon flew above the city I could hear the music and the city bell ring as we got closer to the cript I held onto Ageon as he began to flap his wings slower to land in the cript " Look out !" I heard a soldier say as Ageon landed I slipped off his side and petted his shoulder " How was the ride Princess ?" a soldier asked i smiled " It was wonderful " I say as I watched the soldiers lead Ageon away sir Harold came running in on his horse " Let's go " I say to Sir Harrold we went inside the castle it was still pretty dark you could hardly see the floor we finally made it back to my room " Goodnight Princess " Sir Harrold smiled he began to keep watch at my door again .

" Goodnight Sir Harrold " I smirked as I shut my door I dropped my sword on my bed me and Rhaenyra room were door to door next to each other we are every close most time people call us one person I quickly chance into my night attire and laid down on my bed the next couple of days would the big tournament that my Farther was having for my brother that my Farther claimed he was having . Me and Rhaenyra always knew that he would love his son more than us that's why we were so close because we only had each other and are Mother Amma she was in a hard condition I shut my eyes and started to drift off asleep dreaming of a different life .

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