1 - Nico

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I would like to dedicate this entire book to @Marvel_FREAK_101. She inspired me to start writing if it wasn't for her i would not have posted anything. Thank you for being my first follower and great friend!


Our little half sister Hazel is now living with us, she's okay, but she is still not you


It hurts too bad to begin every day, knowing that you are gone. I need you to come back to me please, I miss you, you were my reason to live, and now you're gone.


I miss you so much, there is not one word strong enough to express how much I miss you right now, I'm waiting for you to come back to me, to see you again, but I understand that that will never happen, I don't Know why I keep writing you these, I know you will never get them, but I still refuse to accept that you are gone.

He read through the last three letters that he wrote to her, that she would never get, ever. Because she is gone forever, and Nothing can Change that, nothing will ever replace her, not sweet little Hazel, no amount of time his dad spends with him when he's not traveling, she will never ever come back to him.

Hazel comes up and knocks on my door, "Something came up, Dad had to cancel his flight tomorrow, he won't be back for another month" "I didn't expect any less" he responded as he opened the door, he walked past her and downstairs to get his stuff for school. They both went to Goode high school, along with Hazel's boyfriend, Frank.

"Frank's here" Hazel called from the other room, Nico sighed and picked up his stuff heading to Frank's car, In no hurry to get to school. Slowly he got into the back of the car.

5 and a half minutes later they were in front of the big building that is no different than a prison for teenagers. Frank and Hazel went off to find their friends, so Nico was now alone, he started walking to his math class when he accidentally bumped into him. He had wavy blond hair, and blue eyes. Will Solace. He had seen him a few other times, but only from a distance. There was absolutely no way he noticed Nico.

"You're Hazel's brother Nico, aren't you?" Nico was shocked, someone knew his name and it wasn't Hazel. He didn't respond for a few seconds," y-y-yea" He stuttered, then corrected himself, "yea that's me" he said awkwardly. "Cool, I thought I saw you. See you around!" replied will. Nico watched as Will walked away, his back receding with every step.

408 words

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