9 - Jason

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"Piper!" Jason called over the loud immature perverts in the hallway as they were exiting the cafeteria. Piper struggled as she made her way towards him. "What's up?" she asked, "I-I-I have a football game today after school, and I was wondering if you-" he stopped, and she raised an eyebrow, "If I what?" He sighed, "Would you come to my game?" he asked shyly, Piper smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "I'd love to" she said with a smile, Jason smiled. "Great! See you there" he said and with a wave, turned around to walk to his next class.

He walked into his last class of the day, and sat down next to Percy. "What's up Bro?" Jason asked "Not much bro" Percy replied. As Jason looked toward the front of the classroom, he saw a very familiar purple sweatshirt 'oh fuck' he thought.

Reyna and Jason had started dating in freshman year. They were like the power couple, they would do everything together, they could finish each other's sentences, they were practically inseparable. But soon Reyna started to drift away, Jason grew suspicious, and took it the wrong way, he began to give her silent treatment. After a couple weeks of that Reyna cornered him, she questioned why he was ignoring her, and Jason yelled at her and accused her of cheating, She tried to tell him that she wasn't sure what was going on with her, that she was still figuring it out, but he refused to accept the truth.

News of their breakup was spread around the school fast, and people began accusing Reyna of causing the breakup. They accused her of cheating on Jason with a boy from Midtown high, a school in Queens, that competes against Goode in sporting events throughout the year.

"Jason you okay?" Percy said next to him, he jumped, forgetting that he was still in class. Percy raised an eyebrow, "Yea" It came out as a whisperer, he cleared his throat, "Yea I'm fine bro." Percy gave him a look of doubt then gestured toward Reyna with his pen. "Who's the hot chick?" Percy questions, and Jason rolled his eyes. "I'm not sure" he lied. "Listen Up!" Mr Kane, their history teacher yelled at the already pretty quiet classroom. "This is Reyna Ramirez, although she is not new to this school, there have been some... scheduling issues, so she had to transfer classes."

What really happened was that Octavian, a sexist, white, dickhead, said something sexist to Reyna and she didn't take it too well. And so, she punched him in the face, which resulted in him receiving a fractured nose. Because most of the students of Goode despised Octavian, they defended Reyna. Due to that, she was not suspended, but she did receive detention for the next two months. Prior to that, she got her whole schedule rearranged because she had multiple classes with Octavian. If you were to ask her if she still would have punched Octavian if she knew the consequences, she would have said that she would have punched Octavian a million times no matter the cost. Now, if she knew that her ex boyfriend, Jason Grace was in her history class, she probably would've had to think about it.

Jason looked around the classroom, trying to look anywhere but at Reyna. "Ms Ramirez, why don't you sit with Mr Angleton in the back." Jason let out a breath he did not know he was holding, but then remembered that Shane Angleton sat right behind him. 'Shit' he cursed internally. As she walked to her seat, he tried his best not to look at her, and he could tell she was trying to do the same. As soon as she was seated, Mr Kane began his lesson.

As soon as the bell rang Jason and Reyna were the first to leave the class. Jason bolted all the way to his car and got into the driver's seat. He checked the time; he had forty five minutes before he had to get to the locker rooms to get ready for the game. He sighed and decided he would get something to eat before he had to start getting ready. He started the engine, and drove to the nearest Starbucks. He got out and walked inside, accidentally bumping into someone. "Sorry" he mumbled. "Jason, can we talk?" the person asked. Finally looking at them he realized that for the second time today, he was staring straight into the face of his Ex girlfriend.

"Alright," he said bluntly. "Can we sit?" Reyna asked. Instead of replying, Jason gestured towards an empty table. Once they sat down an awkward silence fell over them. "Are we gonna talk, or are we just gonna sit" Jason asked. Rena looked at him and sighed, "Look" she said "I just would like to apologize for ruining our relationship." She was about to say something else, but Jason interrupted her; "I have a girlfriend now" he said accusingly. "I know, and Piper's great for you. You guys are perfect for each other, but I just wanted to say sorry." she said, got up, and walked out the door to her car.

Jason stared at the place where she just sat, his eyebrows furrowed. He finally looked up at the clock on the wall across from him, realized that he had ten minutes to get to the school, and ran out the door to his car and raced to the school. As soon as he parked, he ran into the locker room and got his stuff.

As soon as he changed, he ran out to the field to see that warm ups had already started. "Grace, where the hell have you been?! You were supposed to be here ten minutes ago!" Coach Hedge screamed from across the field, but because of how loud he was it sounded like they were right next to each other. Jason ran up to Hedge apologizing, and started to warm up immediately.

Before the game Jason tried to call Piper to see if she was already in the bleachers. He tried three times but with no response. Him being the optimist he is, assumed that she had her phone on silent, or it was dead.

As he walked onto the field, he scanned the crowd. He figured that he would instantly recognize her. His eyes searched through the stadium, but he could not see anyone who resembled his girlfriend. Jason Grace hardly ever worries, and when he does it passes quickly. But this was different. The feeling of dread lasted the entire game. He was hardly able to concentrate.

They won the game. No one noticed Jason's anxiety (except for Coach Hedge, but he didn't care as long as they won the game and didn't embarrass him.) As they were walking out of the field Leo and Percy caught up to Jason. "Nice game bro" Percy said, clapping Jason on the back. Jason gave them a tight smile. "Thanks" he replied, "Did either of you see Piper?" He questions. They thought for a moment, after a few seconds of pure agony for Jason, Leo finally responded. "I saw her walk into the library, but after that" he paused "Yea, no I haven't seen her" Leo said. "Anyway, good job man" he said and walked away with Percy.

As Jason changed he tried telling himself that maybe she sat somewhere else, away from Leo and Percy, but he knew that she didn't show up.

A few minutes later he realized that he was alone. Everyone had left, he had been staring at the wall for over five minutes. He sighed and walked out of the school. As he started walking towards his car in the rain, he saw someone hurrying towards him, as the figure got closer he realized who it was.

He began to walk faster towards his car, not wanting to have to talk to her. But the faster he walked the faster Drew walked. Right before he got to his car he felt a hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off, "Fuck off Drew" he said glaring at her.

She ignored his comment and took a step closer so he took a step back and his back hit his car. She put her hand on his chest, the other one holding an umbrella, and before he had a chance to stop her, she kissed him. Before he could pull back she deepened the kiss. Before anything else happened, she pulled back and started walking away, "Have fun telling Piper about this." she sang over her shoulder.

He stood by his car in pure shock for a few minutes, when he noticed someone else running towards the field from the school door. "Fuck You Drew" he mumbled under his breath and started to walk towards her to strangle her, but as he got close he saw that this was definitely not Drew, this was his Piper.

Piper stopped, not seeing Jason, and looked around. He came up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. She turned around and started making an excuse, but as soon as she started talking, rage clouded his vision. He was furious at her. He cut her off and told her to drive herself home.

He went back to his car, got in, and started driving. He soon realized that he could not go home since his sister and Piper were really close. He knew that she would soon find out what he did and It would not be pretty.

So, he decided to head over to Leo's house. He sincerely hoped that they had space for him to spend the night.

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