Exit - 4

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Chapter 4
" Aegis! You came back!" The excited cheer of Siren broke the morning silence. " Shush! Please don't wake the others up! I just came to get something." Aegis pleaded quietly, stopping in her tracks. Siren chuckled and pretended to zip her snout shut, dipping back under the water. Her Sea Viper plunged in after her, making a small splash. Aegis trotted silently over to what used to be the storage den, quietly passing the sleeping dens. The sun hadn't risen yet, and the sky was still a serene dusky blue. Quickly finding the ruins, Aegis sifted through it, trying to find the book. " What are you doing?" The preppy voice of Snowfall suddenly sounded behind her. Aegis slowly turned her head, and bared her fangs briefly. Snowfall leapt back in surprise, and flattened her ears. " What does it look like, powder puff? Looking for something." Aegis responded curtly, turning back to the ruins. " Don't call me that. And you can't take anything! This is our stuff!" Snowfall retorted, taking a step forward. " Our stuff? Honey, last time I checked, this stuff was mine. So go powder your fluffy fur elsewhere." Aegis growled, finding the cover of the book under some ashes. " You're just mad that Shrimp loves me and not you." Snowfall laughed, a little too loud. Pulling up the book and quickly tucking it in her satchel, Aegis whirled around. " Go ahead. If it takes me five years and it takes you two days, so be it! I don't care." She snarled, pacing towards her.
" Ok. It's quite easy, really." Snowfall glared, reaching up a paw and out stretching one claw. Aegis turned her head back, shifting one of her wings. A flash of the Alien spike was revealed for a moment, but she quickly tucked it away. " What was that! Wait..." Snowfall perked her ears up in amusement. " No wonder you only walk around! You're downed from the fight, aren't you?" She barked out in mocking laughter. Aegis pinned her ears, baring her teeth and padding forward. Snowfall had an odd glint in her eyes, and Aegis quickly recognized it. She suddenly raised her paw, and slashed her claw down her own shoulder. Letting out a fake cry of pain, Snowfall collapsed on the soil dramatically. Heads immediately poked their heads out from dens, hearing the wail. " Shrimp! She tried to kill me because I found out she's downed! She can't fly anymore! And because you love me more than her!" Snowfall cried out, pointing to her barely bleeding shoulder with puppy eyes. " Aegis!" Forge snarled, taking a step out of his den, claws extended. Smolder and Patch looked outraged, and they both looked ready to pounce. Aegis whirled around into the forest, sensing Shrimp's eyes locked on her.

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