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Fun question: would you rather be stuck in a desert with an enemy or alone??

Chapter dedication
This chapter is dedicated to @naina1cholke for being the first person to vote on this book. Thanks dear.


"Please let me go," I screamed for mercy from my kidnappers for the umpteenth time. My voice was now barely audible due to my throat hurting from too much screaming.

"Keep quiet," Raghav came into the room with a plate of potato paratha and black lentils in another. He placed the dishes in front of me and ordered me to start eating.

"I'm not eating these dishes," I protested, adamantly. O didn't need food from them, I needed my freedom. That was all I wanted from them, not some stupid food.

"Then don't. I don't give a damn," he answered and left the room, slamming the door harder this time. I flinched slightly. I didn't like it here, I wanted to go back home. But why isn't Raj coming for me? Please come soon Raj, we need you.

Suddenly, I felt my stomach contract violently. I cried out in pain and clutched my it. The pain I was feeling was indescribable. All I could do despite the pain was pray for my child's safety. I would die if anything happens to my baby and if I manage to survive, I will forever live with the guilt of not being able to protect my own child. It'd destroy me.

The door flung open and the three men walked in. They all had an angry demeanor worn.

"What's wrong?" Ajit asked, but I couldn't reply. To utter a word from my lips was like lifting a rock. I just couldn't.

"She's obviously not going to give you a reply. Let's leave her alone," Raghav said. There was not even an ounce of pity in his eyes for me. He is a monster, all of them.

"But we can't-" The man whom his name was still unknown to me interjected. "- she looks like she's in pain or something."

"In pain?-" Raghav huffed. "- I'm sure she's only pretending to get away from here."

"Hey, are you alright?" The guy with no name asked.

"No...oo,"I managed to utter through the pain. I closed my eyes and clutched my stomach tighter in an attempt to numb the pain, but it wasn't working. Nothing was.

"Do you-"

"Arrghhh!!" I screamed. The pain was becoming unbearable for me. I  couldn't control my screams anymore. I needed to let them all out, else I would suffocate.

"Why won't her stomach hurt when she hasn't had anything to eat since we abducted her?" Raghav asked. His question was not in any way directed to me. I didn't care, it was better he stayed out of my affairs and away from me.

"You're absolutely right, Raghav," Ajit supported.

"Eat this," Mr unknown ordered softly, pushing the plate of potato parathas closer to me.

Why is he being nice to me when he's among the people who had me abducted? They are all the same, despicable set of humans. I will never forgive them for this.

"She won't eat this way," Ajit interjected. His statement directed to Mr unknown.

"What should we do now-" the man asked. "- boss has specially told us to make sire she's well fed."

"We have no choice than to do one thing then," Raghav said.

Fear crept up my body. I continued to groan and clutch my stomach as the pain had not subsided.

"What?" Ajit asked.

"We will have to force the food down her throat then," Raghav said, then averted his gaze to me smirking. He was enjoying my misery. He didn't have any humanity in him. None of them did.

He came forward to me and I started backing away with tears streaming down my face uncontrollably. My back touched the wall and I knew I couldn't back away anymore.

He reached me and grabbed my chin roughly, holding it up high. I couldn't beg. I couldn't struggle. I couldn't scream for help, it was useless. I couldn't fight back. I couldn't do anything. I was helpless and I was weak. He took advantage of my weakness and started forcing the food down my throat. I coughed and choked severally, but that didn't give him the cue to stop. He didn't care if I died. He was a heartless beast.

The food was almost over when my stomach pain came back in full force and I felt everything I had just ate rushed out from my stomach and splattered all over Raghav's face, hands and body.

"How dare you!" He said through gritted teeth. He's going to hit me. Just as I thought, he swiftly connected his hard palm to my face, making me taste blood in my mouth. I held my cheek and cried, I didn't know what I was crying for anymore. The pain in my abdomen? The pain on my cheek? The pain of being weak or the pain of knowing I would never be able to escape the hellhole? Raj was not coming for me anymore, otherwise he would have found me. It was just me and my unborn baby now, no one else.

"Raghav!" Mr unknown yelled and pulled him away from me. I hugged my knees to my chest and cried like I had never done before. My fate was terrible.

"You don't know when to stop, do you?" Ajit asked, hitting Raghav on his chest, aggressively. He didn't have to do that, because to me they were not better than each other. They were all dangerous and heartless on the same scale.

Raghav shrugged and left the room, throwing his arms up in the air in exasperation.
Curled up into a ball, I cried myself to sleep in that position.

I awoke to my puke being cleared and mopped. The man finished up and left the room in a hurry with scrunched up nose. He was irritated.

My stomach ache had subsided but it couldn't stop growling aggressively. I was very hungry, but I didn't have an appetite to eat. I had to eat for the sake of my poor baby. The baby is suffering as well.

The tears started streaming down my face like a loose faucet when my thoughts drifted to Raj. He had not come for me yet, but my heart told me he would. I completely trust my husband. He will surely come for me. Who the... Who kidnapped me? And what does he or she want from me?  Why isn't the mastermind appearing before me? What a coward!

I couldn't keep still anymore without getting answers for my questions so I stood up. Thankfully, the tapes had been removed from around my toes and wrists.

I went closer to the door and lay my head on the door. I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but I needed to do that if i wanted to know who the mastermind of my kidnapping was.

"What will we tell boss now?"

"We lie. We don't have to tell the truth to him."

What they were talking about didn't interest me. I just wanted to know who had me abducted,nothing else. I hoped for a clue.

"Sam is really angry with you for hitting the girl."

"I didn't mean to, but—"

I couldn't hear anything more. It was as if his voice was floating in the air. My heart thumped painfully and  knees went weak, making me fall to the ground with a soft thud.

Sa...am, Sam again? She...she is the mastermind of my abduction! She...

The knowledge of Sam's betrayal again agitated me. It made me more determined to escape the hellhole right away and expose her in front of everyone. This time, she would surely be imprisoned.

I need to escape from here this instant.

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