《chapter 4》

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Jungwon's hand was shaking, a constant tremor throughout his entire body, as he punched in the code to the dorm entrance. Another deep breath later, the door gave a melodic sound and unlocked.

He felt so anxious about what could be expecting him behind that door. It was the same colour as always, in the same place as always, and the same people as always possibly inside. 

But it was also not at all the same. Really, it felt as if the entire world had shifted. Like everything had become so entirely different in nature, that he didn't feel like he really knew any of it. A weird parallel universe.

But really, it was only him that changed.

He was the alien, but to him, everything else seemed foreign, like he had to get to know every object once more, to make entirely sure it was still real.

From the wardrobe, he hung his jacket on, to the wood marbling of the floor and the lights on the ceiling that he walked in, as he entered their living room, held a different vibe to them as they used to, when he had walked around within the same space not even a week ago as a puppy.

Now, now he felt like he was here for the very first time. Like the light seemed a little brighter. And the smell. The smell he smelled within every meter of their home was overwhelming his honed senses.

It smelled right. And for some reason, he knew exactly what, or better, who he was smelling. Like his brain had always known their scents but kept it secret from him as a cruel joke, which was exactly why it felt so wrong to him.

Even Niki had a smell. Light and soft, like babypowder with a hint of marshmallow. Even though it was the most softest of all, it seemed to be most prominent. He just knew Niki must be here somewhere.

"Niki?" Jungwon asked into the living room. 

A head turned towards him, almost hidden by the back of the couch.

"Hyungie, you're back!" And between all of the things that had changed, Niki was the only constant.

"You're back too," a sigh of relief threatened to escape him as he felt a wave of emotions rush over his exhausted body. The last week had taken a tall on him, and Niki's presence felt like the first breath of fresh air in a while.

"How long have you been here?"

Niki shrugged his shoulder.  "About an hour, I think. My flight landed early." 

"You know you could have sent us a message, I would have come home earlier." Jungwon frowned, somewhat unhappy noone had greeted the puppy back in Korea.

Niki just rolled his eyes a little and nodded.

"Yes, hyungie. I know, it's fine, though."

Being so close to the tallest little one again suddenly made Jungwon want to hug him. He had really missed them last week. Had wanted nothing more, than have them close to him during that borderline traumatic event.

However, Jungwon knew that Niki would find it severely strange for him to pull him out of his seat and smother him in a full-blown hug, for no apparent reason at all. So he didn't. Despite being a pack and skin ship very common, Niki was still a teenager after all. 

A puppy that, except for during horror movies or at night to fall asleep, thought hugs were very much uncool.

Jungwon decided to satisfy the crawling need under his skin by just sitting down next to niki and letting his head fall onto his shoulder instead.

This was still something normal Jungwon would have done, right? 

He wasn't being weird or suspicious, was he? 

Had he always nagged Niki so much about messaging them? Would last weeks Jungwon have greeted his member differently?

Thoughts swirled inside his head, and before he got too caught up in them, he decided to distract himself. Otherwise, he feared he would do something stupid, like scent the puppy to death,  which would expose him. 

"So how was Japan? Did you like your holidays?" 

"It was amazing," an unconscious smile lit up Niki's face. "I ate so much food. My mum's cooking is the best, Jay should learn how to make curry from her. And my sisters got sooo old." 

The typical boyish grin on Niki's face as he said the last sentences made Jungwon huff in amusement. Niki really hadn't changed within one single week as Jungwon's overdramatic mind had feared. And his side jabs gave Jungwon much needed familiarity.

But this only heightened his desire to embrace him and never let Niki go again.

"I'm so telling Jay-hyung you said that."

"Please do," both were laughing now.

"How about you, how was your Christmas break?" Niki had returned the question to Jungwon.

"It was fine, I... actually stayed in bed the whole time, " Jungwon replied, not lying, but also not giving the youngest a full picture of his torturous last week of fever and sweat. 

Niki then tried to adjust a little bit on the couch and as he wiggled around to get comfortable, he snaked a hand around Jungwon's waist, to not accidentally throw Jungwon's head, that was still resting on his shoulder, off.

"Hyung... have you lost weight?" Concern shone in Niki's eyes as he mustered his leaders face. 

His cheeks looked a little less squishy, though red, maybe even feverish. 

"Did you catch a cold? You're a little red. " Niki tried to hold his hand against Jungwon's forehead as if to check the temperature, but Jungwon was quick enough to catch it midway.

"What? No, I'm fine! It was just cold outside. " Jungwon tried to reassure his dongsaeng. 

But Jungwon himself knew, he probably looked like shit. Eyes puffy, lips bitten raw and cheeks still red from the fever that hadn't entirely vanished yet.

He hadn't really been able to take good care of himself over the last week. He was locked up in his childhood bedroom, bottles of water on his bedside stand and towels and blankets lining his bedsheets. 

Every time the newly presented leader smelled food, it was absolutely nauseating.

Every time he tried to move the slightest bit, his entire body cramped up and left him shaking.

He didn't think he had ever cried so much in his life before.

At one point, his pain became so unbearable that he started begging for someone to help. For someone to do something. 

He didn't know what exactly he had been begging for, as his mind was hazy and he couldn't remember the past few days very well, but he could imagine that it wasn't very puppy appropriate.

Not that it mattered. As of last Monday, he officially wasn't a puppy anymore.

His worst fear had come true, and his mother had held him as he felt like he couldn't breath, while his hopes had crashed to the ground, burning in flames infront of him, and then burning his insides with unbearable pain.

A heat, he had never thought possible.


Niki, too, looked like he didn't believe his leader. But he didn't say anything. Instead, he just let Jungwon be. 

Maybe he had missed his family just as much as Niki had, and was sad he had to leave again. Niki knew that kind of pain all too well and didn't want Jungwon to think about it too much. So he changed the subject.

"When are the others coming back again? Maybe we can have dinner together later." 

"Jay and Sunghoon are coming back at 5. The others said they'd be here before 7. We've got another 2 days before we have the end of year performance. " Jungwon repeated what the managers had texted him that morning.

It was currently 4.30 pm.

Resisting his urge to snuggle even deeper into Niki's arms, Jungwon got up and grabbed his bag instead. He still had to unpack before the others came back.

"I'll go and upack," he let Niki know and went to his room.

He needed to get away from him a little. Now that Jungwon felt the instinct of his inner Omega full force, he finally knew what Sunoo meant, when he said he felt better, after he scented Jungwon.  That he just needed to keep him close for a bit.

His instinct told him to never leave the puppy out of sight, when no one else was home to take care of him. And he wanted to scold his inner Demon, as he called his wolf, for babying Niki so much. He had hated when his Hyungs got so overworked and worried about him. Niki wasn't much younger than him. Actually, he should be presenting anytime soon. 

But his little Demon couldn't help it.

Just like it couldn't help, but sneak a black hoodie into Jungwon's bag when he left for his parent's house.

A black hoodie, which he now knew smelled so so devine that he was almost sad he hadn't smelled it the first time he held it.

A black hoodie he now didn't even want to look at because as soon as he saw it, images of his heat popped up before his eyes. 

Unholy images.

Of him, in that exact hoodie, doing things he never thought he would.

Now that he looked at the hoodie lying in his opened bag, he felt dirty. Just as dirty as that hoodie had been, before he had washed it twice and drowned it in scent neutralising solution. 

Heat rushed to his cheeks as he thought about the little bits he could remember of his week. 

The incredible need he had felt, the desire for more than just a hoodie from his pack member. 

The sounds he had made, he never thought he could possibly produce.

It's normal, he had told himself. It is completely natural for an omega in heat to be needy. And to want their packs alpha. And Heeseung was the oldest. So, of course, as an omega, he would be attracted to him, right? 

It was nothing more than his hormones pushing him to crave things he didn't actually want. It had nothing to do with Heeseung himself, but everything to do with his Alpha.

A luna, as his mother had called him, would naturally feel drawn to their pack's most mature alpha. It didn't mean anything. He was still Jungwon. No matter if he was an omega or not. Luna or not. 

He was Jungwon, and he was Enhypen's leader. And his instincts could go and fuck off.

He also told his mother so. 

Well, not with those exact words, but he had convinced her to take him to the nearest pharmacy to get suppressants. And scent blocker. 

A necessary protection within his industry, he had assured her.

And Jungwon hated how easy it felt for him to lie to her. Hated, how he knew she wasn't the only one he would be lying to.

He would be a puppy, for as long as he could. And then, when the time was right and he found a way to mimick someone's scent artificially, he would "present" to the public. As an alpha, of course. Just like they all wanted.

Jungwon took the hoodie that was still staring at him accusingly from inside his bag and rushed through the hallway, down to heeseungs room.

He had to put it back before Heeseung could miss it.

As soon as he had reached and entered the room, he had to hold his breath, however, as the scent that was so deeply engrained in the furniture almost chocked him with its intensity.

The smell was so Heeseung that all of Jungwon's senses felt clouded.

He smelled heavenly. 

His insides clenched and his eyes closed for a second because God did it smell good.

But he couldn't think like that.

Puppies wouldn't think like that.

A frustrated growl threatened to escape him.

He pushed the hoodie into the closet and left the room just as fast as he had entered, heading straight for the bathroom instead. 

He needed a shower. A long and cold shower, to shake of the residual heat that still seemed to affect his thoughts.


When Jungwon had finally left the shower, he changed into comfortable clothes that wouldn't touch his now much more sensitive neck too much, as the spray he had to apply directly to his scent glands stung the delicate skin.

He had to supress a whine as he resisted the urge to rub his hands over the skin, scratching off the irritant.

It was sore and burned as they were exposed to air, but anything on top of the already irritated glands would have probably made him scream.

So he sucked it up like the big bad alpha he was supposed to be and made his way towards their living room instead. 

It was 7.30 now and he knew the dorm was fully alive again. A text message from Jake had confirmed they had all arrived safely and were waiting for him to greet them and eat with them now.

Jungwon didn't give himself enough time to think about how anxious he was  before he entered.

They were all chattering away happily, seated around a table. When they noticed his presence, they smiled widely and greeted him.

"Jungwoonnn-ah" Sunghoon called his name. A smile made his way onto his lips too. He had really missed them.

It was one of the worst parts of his heat, to not be with his pack. He had felt so lonely and heartbroken all alone locked in his room, that his heart leaped as he finally saw them again.

And smelled them.

It felt so right to smell them, so satisfying. Like puzzle pieces linking together.

"Sunghoon-hyuuung" Jungwon immitated him grinning as he was pulled into a hug. 


"Jungwon-ah, how are you?" 

Jake had almost yelled excitedly. From the force of the hug you'd think he hadn't seen him for a year.

"I'm good" Jungwon smiled, his voice much softer than Jake's.

He didn't dare to breathe as Jake's neck was so close to his face, his head just above Jake's shoulders.

"Okay, that's enough, Hyung. I missed you too, but I'm hungry, and I also need to greet the others. "

With another playful squeeze Jake let go of the leader and Jay took his place.

The beta had always had a soft spot for their leader and Jungwon appreciated him just as much.

Jongseong smelled a little bit like an expensive aftershave. Not too strong and overwhelming, but just the right amount that if you were to bottle it, you'd be able to sell it for a couple hundred at your nearest fragrance shop.

It was nice. It felt like home.

Next was Sunoo.  Sweet like vanilla, a deep but sweet scent with tones of roses and some spice in it, that Jungwon didn't know the name of.

As Sunoo's arms went around Jungwons middle, Jungwon loved how much the Omega smelled like warmth and security. For the first time ever, he absolutely loved being smothered by him. Actually, no, he wanted to smother Sunoo with his own scent. 

He wanted to make sure everyone knew the precious smiling sun in his arms was not someone to mess with. To let Sunoo know how much Jungwon loved and appreciated him. To tell him how much of an amazing job his packs Omega had done with keeping the pack so contend.

His inner Luna wanted to protect him just like he had wanted to protect Niki.

Even though he knew, every part and cell of his body knew how strong Sunoo was, as he had dealt with their shenanigans every day as the packs only Omega. 

He marvelled at Sunoo's ability to keep going through his schedule and practices while fighting against hormones and heats and instincts.

Jungwon's own arms pulled Sunoo a little tighter into him. 

"Hi, Hyungie." 

And Sunoo loved it. He giggled as Jungwon smiled at him.

"Hey Jungwon. How was Christmas?" 

In the background, Jungwon heard the others grow silent as they watched the scene in front of their eyes.

"It was fine. How was yours?" With that, he let go of Sunoo, who went on to fondly recount all the things his sister and him did over the holidays.

Jungwon had really missed them. He loved listening to Sunoo go on and on about how much fun he had, even when he honestly wasn't really listening to his words anymore and was just looking at him fondly.

Sunoo stopped talking as a hand pulled his shoulder backwards. And Jungwon's throat gave an involuntary growl.

How could they interrupt his packs Omega's happiness?

The hand left Sunoo's shoulder as if it had been burned.

Every head snapped in his direction.

Why were they staring at him? He pulled Sunoo away from the hands proximity, and only as Sunoo took a sharp breath in and looked at him with big eyes as well, did Jungwon realise, he had just growled at his pack member.

"Jungwon, what the fuck!" 

He turned back abruptly and let go of Sunoo. 

"Oh god, I'm so sorry, Hyung"

In front of him stood Heeseung. 

Oh god, he had growled at Heeseung.

He almost winced as his eyes met his oldest Hyungs and he lowered them immediately.

He couldn't even look him in the eyes after what he had thought about all of last week.

"I don't know why I did that, please forget I did that." 

"Jungwon, you know I'm not trying to take Sunoo away from you, right?" Heeseung had asked, taken aback.

"No, of course not, why would you. I didn't think it just happened I'm sorry. I really don't know why I growled about that." 

Heeseung just nodded but his gaze cautiously wandered from Jungwon back to Sunoo and back to Jungwon again. 

"Jungwon, we're pack, right? There is no need to get all possessive over your Omega. I'm still the oldest alpha, even if you're our leader. I would never hurt any of you." 

Oh god, and now they thought Jungwon was trying to put some sort of claim onto Sunoo. The concept of that alone disgusted Jungwon. To think an alpha could just run around and get all possessive whenever they wanted over an Omega of their choosing. Alphas like that made him sick. 

"Hyung, that's not... I wasn't..." He didn't even know how to say how far off his assumptions were. He was just so lost within his pack member's happiness that the sudden interruption had scared his Omega into full-blown protect my kind mode. His wolf thought he was in danger, not that another alpha was questioning his authority, or worse,'stealing away his Omega'. He shuddered at the thought. Wasn't he supposed to be a puppy in their eyes, damn it?

"It wasn't like that, Hyung." He said instead.

Heeseung looked sceptical, but didn't question him any further. Despite Jungwon's worry about his own bodily reactions, he wanted to prove his point and opened his arms instead.

"Don't you wanna greet your puppy?" He said it as if to remind the alpha, but also himself, of their dynamic. 

The words had the desired effect and shortly after, his cheek was pressed into the taller's chest, an irresistible scent filling his nose, the incident almost forgotten.

"Of course."

He tried to not make it obvious as he took an extra deep breath in, inhaling the addictive scent so deeply he was sure it was forever engraved in his memory.

Only when Heeseung's face started to curl into Jungwon's neck and a breath of air hit the sore surface of his skin did Jungwon push against Heeseung to free himself of the warm embrace.

He didn't know if he'd survive being scented by the alpha right now, head still to fuzzy from all the new scents and body exhausted from his heat.

"So what's for dinner?" He asked as he settled at the table.


That night, when almost everyone left to bed, jake and Heeseung were sitting at the kitchen table again, a pot of ramen and little bowls in between them. 

"Do you think it'll happen soon?"

"I don't know. It really seems like it. He's been more irritated lately and with all that happened today, it just seems likely."

"I dont think he realised it yet.."

"Should we tell management? The end of the year stage is coming up..."

"I really don't know."

"Maybe" Jake trailed off after that.

"Maybe you could scent him. You know, to calm his wolf a little, so that he knows we're pack. We can't have something like that happen during our show. We can still contact someone after that."

Heeseung thought about that a little, then he nodded.

"It's probably for the best."


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