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~Trigger Warning: Small mention of abortion~

(Before the campfire))) "Nico, I wish I knew what to do to help, but I don't," Jason said as Nico wiped his eyes from the tears that kept falling. Nico shook his head in reply.

"I shouldn't be helped, so it's fine, Jason, Will is so amazing, I cheated on him! Will is so amazing to me, and I cheated on him, and somehow got pregnant? Not exactly sure how that happened, and he's going to know soon, and I need to tell him, and I need to tell the other father, but I don't want him to be trapped, and I'm so fucking thin, and that means I'm showing already, and it just keeps piling up," Nico rambled with a shaky voice.

Jason didn't reply. Nico continued.

"And when I tell Will, he most likely won't want to take care of P- someone else's baby,"

"It's Jackson, isn't it?" Jason said, cutting off Nico's rambling.


"I didn't notice anything until I know this now, he was all worried, and you guys don't talk anymore, now knowing, it makes sense,"

Nico felt blood rush to his face as he looked down. "There just details,"

"Neeks, I thought you were over him," Jason said, sitting across from Nico.

The son of Hades felt more tears gather in his eyes. "I thought I was too, but now all I want is him, I want so badly, and I can't, and now I made him break up with Annabeth, and I still want him, despite everything that has happened, I want him," Nico rambled, noticing how he said "i want him' way more than necessary and sounded like a little baby.

Jason was silent for a moment, "Well," He sighed. "What do you want to do?"

Nico thought for a moment, "I w-want to call R-Reyna, she - I remember she was telling me about a guy who got pregnant once, I think she would kn-know what to do,"

Jason smiled before getting a bowl of water and a golden drachma, "I'll step out," He said. "When you're done, you should take a shower because we should go to the campfire, and your face is red and puffy," Jason walked up to the son of Hades, wrapped him in a hug, and moved into a different room.

Nico sighed before placing the golden coin in the water, asking for Reyna. Moments later the screen was switched to the Praetor in her night clothes, sitting on her bed, looking over papers, Nico noticed the daughter of Athena was also in night clothes, sitting on the bed with the child of Bellona. They were laughing and drinking wine, looking over, what Nico could see, blueprints.

Shit. He thought, he needed to talk to Reyna badly, but with Annabeth there, then again, she didn't exactly know who Percy had slept with, Nico chose not to dwell on the thought.

"Gods, Nico? What's wrong?"

Nico stuttered a lot before finally saying what he needed to say. "I slept with someone--" Annabeth cut him off.

"I'll go, call me when it's over," She whispered to Reyna, the brunette nodded and the grey-eyed demigod walked out of the room,

"I slept with someone, and now I'm pregnant, and I'm calling you to tell you this because I don't know why it happened, and you know things,"

Reyna smiled at this explanation before frowning. "Nico, I don't know what to tell you, the only case I've seen had the baby aborted and that was very early on,"

Nico sighed. "I know that, but do you know how it was possible for this to happen, ever more so, do you know what I should do, the other person doesn't know, Will doesn't know, and I need help,"

The daughter of Bellona seemed to ponder for a moment before looking at the red eyed son of Hades with pity. "I don't, you should tell Will though, and you should tell - who was it?"

Nico wiped his eyes. "I shouldn't tell, but. . .I have a feeling you already know,"

Reyna nodded. "And so does Annabeth, and no, Percy didn't tell her, she figured it out herself,"

Nico began to cry again, but quickly tried to stop, which resulted in him keeping a straight face, but tears still rolling down his face. "I should tell him," Nico mumbled to himself, but Reyna heard and she agreed, "Yes,"

Nico nodded before waving the screen away, not even saying goodbye, he then walked into the bathroom where he took a quick shower, but cried the entire time. When he got out, he dried his hair, but it was still damp, took a look at himself in the mirror and took time to really observe the bump growing on his stomach.

If he wasn't extremely thin, he wouldn't be able to see any difference after a month and a half, but since he was so small, he was able to see the small difference of the child growing inside him. He put on his clothes, before looking back in the mirror and examining his stomach.

Did babies this little have ears yet? Probably not. Yet, Nico didn't care. He placed his hands on his stomach, his shirt lifted a bit and began to speak. "I know I keep talking about you like this is the worst thing to ever happen," He sighed. "But it isn't. I hate the circumstances," That wasn't a lie. "But - I love you, and I promise, I swear on the river of Styx, I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, no matter what, no matter who you are, what you grow up to be, I will love you with all my heart,"

Nico sighed at how stupid he was being, knowing the baby couldn't hear him, but put his shirt down and walked out the door, a protective hand over his bump. He called out for Jason, who quickly joined him as they walked down to the campfire.

Nico took a quick glance at Percy before sitting down next to Will. His boyfriend quickly took Nico's hand, but Nico was to nervous to do anything more than to hold it back, he was going to tell Will soon.

The songs played until it was rudely interrupted by one of Nico's least favorite goddesses showing up. Aphrodite. Every Aphrodite child cheered, except for Piper. Everyone else greeted the goddess, Nico didn't even look at her. He despised everything she stood for.

"Hello, demigods!" She smiled. Every straight, pan, or bi boy or lesbian, bi, pan, girl was staring at the love goddess in awe, Nico being halla gay, couldn't care less and simply saw a girl, that was pretty, but didn't stick out to Nico really. "I have gathered here today to collect Percy Jackson and Nico di Angelo, for the gods to discuss there affair, along with the new little ray of sunshine forming in the little belly of the Hades son,"

Will looked at Nico, and Nico looked panicked. Percy also so Nico's face, and the gears spinning in his head, so Percy stood up and did something he knew Nico was debating on doing.

"I have absolutely no clue what you are talking about," Percy began. "I've never slept, or had an affair, with Nico,"

Nico was very grateful for Percy doing that, because Will seemed to ease next to him, his hand still on Nico's.

Aphrodite made a noise of disapproval before waving her hands, a mist screen popping up over the fire. "So this. . .never happened?" Nico looked at the screen and already hated the view. It was the images of that night, that night it all happened. It was before everything happened though, when they were drinking in Cabin 13.

Nico began to panic, but had to contain most of it considering his blonde boyfriend still seemed skeptical.

"What is this?" Percy asked, also clearly panicking, afraid of the same thing Nico was afraid of, they were afraid there secret was going to be displayed on the screen above them. Gods didn't really understand that sex was a personal thing, something you didn't want everyone seeing.

Nico's fears came true as the scene changed to the two boys kissing, there hips rubbing against each other.

"Stop," Nico mumbled, so quiet no one could hear him over the gasps coming from the crowd.

The scene changed, they were on the bed, looking up at each other before Percy began to kiss his neck. Nico remembered the hickeys he had to cover.

"Stop!" He said louder, but everyone ignored his protests. Will's hand had slipped away from his. The blonde son of Apollo edged away from Nico, hurt and disbelief all over his face.

The scene changed and it was them actually. . .doing IT, and the only noise to be heard was the two boys moaning each others names. Nico had tears all in his eyes. Yelling the words 'stop' but no one listened. Percy saw the distress in the son of Hades' face and yelled at the top of his lungs.


The screen didn't disappear but simply fast forward to him in the bathroom, taking the test, holding up the positive test, tears rolling his face. Percy was shocked at this. After the scene finished, Aphrodite waved the screen away. "Condoms people," she sighed happily. "They stop pregnancies,"

Nico was in tears again, Will had left the scene and was nowhere to be found, Percy was still shocked.

Aphrodite smiled before summoning a carriage. "Come on you too, we have a council meeting with the gods, you guys are kind of a big deal,"

Nico stood up, horrified, a hand on his stomach, and walked into the carriage, Percy following after, sitting across from Nico. Aphrodite sent the carriage away and summoned herself to Olympus. She decided summoning the boys with her would be bad, since they clearly had conflict to work out.

After a few moments of silence. Nico spoke up, it was actually really quiet on the carriage, which made it extremely tense. "I was going to tell you, I swear, I just didn't know how,"

Percy looked at the puffy-eyed son of Hades. He didn't know what to say. Nico continued. "I really was, I just, I hadn't grasped the situation myself, I only found out a little over a week ago," Nico wiped his eyes. "I'm sorry,"

"I can't believe it," Percy mumbled. Nico let out a pained laugh.

"Me either, I don't even know how it's possible,"

Percy looked at the son of Hades and wanted nothing more than to hug him and wipe his tears away, but he knew better than that, so instead he sat awkwardly across from him, watching his every move.

"I want to keep it," Nico deadpanned. "But, you don't have to stay, I don't want to trap you in anything you wouldn't want, and I don't expect you to want to stay,"

"Nico, don't be silly, I want to stay, stay for you, and stay for the baby," Percy said, speaking nothing but the truth. Nico couldn't help the small smile that appeared on his lips, because that was the best news he had heard in awhile.

Nico was about to say one more thing, but then they arrived at Olympus, everyone was staring at the two demigods, and Nico immediately bowed.

Percy was almost certain this was the news Tyson was talking about, which didn't put the son of Poseidon at ease. The way Tyson had talked about it, he knew that the situation wasn't good.

Percy didn't care if this was the first time he had even heard of a baby, he loved it. He didn't care for the circumstances, it was his baby, and he loved it, he hated how it wasn't conceived knowingly, and he hated how it's parents weren't really together yet, but Percy was over the moon at the fact he was going to be a father.

He knew he shouldn't be as happy as he was, but after seeing the small smile Nico made, it made his day, and he could just imagine how adorable this baby was going to be.

And then, he was worried again, because if the gods were involved, the baby was either a threat, or in danger, and if it was a threat, the gods may eliminate it.

Percy wasn't going to let the gods hurt Nico or the baby, he vowed to himself, no way in Tartarus wash he going to let that happen.

~Author's Note~

Finally getting to the Percico, sorry for the wait :)

~This work can also be found on ao3~

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