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~Trigger Warning: Smallest mentions of abortion~

Nico walked into his cabin and the first thing he did was punch the wall. He and Will were over. It was his fault, and he knew it was coming, but hearing the words, made it all so real. For the last two years, Will was the constant. No matter what changed in Nico's life, he had Will, and Nico fucked the up.

He found himself crying a lot less than expected. He just had other things to be thinking about. He had to find someone to take care of his baby, and who would do that now? Not anyone in the Apollo cabin, and mortal hospitals wouldn't know what was going on. . . unless, there had to be a demigod working at a hospital somewhere! They would know what to do!

Nico walked out of his cabin, calmly before going to the Big House. Chiron was sitting there, in horse form, clearly awaiting the son of Hades' arrival. "You raised some Hades in Olympus," He said, his face masked in disappointment.

"Good," Nico said, not wanting to sound rude, but things have been pretty hectic for him lately. "I need to know of any other demigods, ones that work and lead normal lives, like. . .that work at the hospital,"

"Why don't you just go to the infirmary?" Chiron asked. Nico knew that the centaur knew the answer to that question, but simply wanted to make Nico feel guilty.

"You know why, if you don't want to tell me, I'll find help in other means, but I'm not doing this right now," Nico said, turning around, but the centaur stopped him.

"New York Presbyterian Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology, it's in Washington Ave. Look for Dr. Katelyn Holt. Tell her the situations, only her, no one else,"

"Thank you, was it that hard?" Nico said, before turning back around to walk away.

Nico was stopped again. "Nico?" Chiron croaked. Nico turned around to face him.

"Yes?" He huffed.

"I wish you luck," The centaur said sadly before walking away into a room. Nico sighed before walking down. Was it really going to be that bad? If Chiron was worried about it, maybe Nico should be more worried as well.

The next thing he had to deal with was if he should tell Percy. What if Percy doesn't want to come along, but comes anyway, the last thing Nico wanted to do was to trap Percy. If Nico had to do this by himself, he would.

He sighed, which he had been doing a lot of lately, and made a beeline for, not cabin three, but cabin one, he was going to tell the son of Poseidon, but he also wanted to give Jason some indication of why he wouldn't be at camp.

He knocked on the door and Jason answered before he was finished.

"NICO!" He said, relief present on his voice. "How'd everything go, what she did was horrible, are you okay?"

"They might hurt the baby, it was, and okay as can be, I have to go talk to. . .someone, but I may be gone for the next bit, I'll be at a hospital, somewhere on Washington Ave. If you want to see me, I'll be there, I guess, um, thank you for letting me talk to you and everything, goodbye," Nico said before walking away, not wanting to hear a response. He wanted to make sure the baby was okay.

He was getting more and moe concerned as everyone gave him warnings, especially Chiron's warning. It was getting to him, and he wanted to see Dr. Holt, and wanted to make sure everything was okay.

When he arrived at Percy's cabin, he knocked hastily, getting more and more anxious. Before the son of Poseidon answered the door, Nico took a few deep breaths. He wanted to look as collected as possible.

Percy looked shocked for a moment before relaxing. "I need to go to a hospital, there's someone who has a demigod working there," Nico explained hurriedly. "I wanted to let you now, just so you knew, but I don't want to force you to come, you have so many things here, and I can't make you leave that, but I just wanted to let you know where I'll be," Nico said rushing through the sentence, thankful for the fact he didn't stutter.

Nico turned around quickly to avoid a awkward conversation of how he couldn't go along with him. If Nico was being honest, he wanted nothing more than for the green-eyed demigod to come with him, but he didn't want to force Percy into anything like he explained.

Luckily, moments later, Percy was by the son of Hades' side, a confused expression on his face. "There is nothing more important for me here,"

Nico couldn't help the small blush that appeared on his cheeks. He knew Percy probably meant the baby, not HIM and the baby, but still, the phrasing of the words made blood rush to his cheeks.

"How do we plan on getting to this hospital? Personally, I don't think shadow travel is the best option, but, I have Blackjack--"

"I'm not flying on that horse again,"

"He is not just 'that horse' he is one of the best horses to ever exist," Percy defended.

"Says the son of Poseidon," Nico teased. "That's like your fathers thing, horses and oceans, or whatever,"

"He's more than just that,"

"Whatever," Nico laughed. "I have this zombie driver, he's Italian (a.n you be wrong, no judgement please)and can drive me anywhere,"

"That's...fun?" The green-eyed boy laughed. Nico felt a strange feeling in his gut when he heard the older demigod laugh. He felt as if he should smile, but with everything that had happened, he found it hard to be carefree.

He walked out of the strawberry fields and called for Jules-Albert. He appeared and the two demigods hopped into the black car, the son of Hades telling him the name of the hospital in his native language, which made Percy's heart skip a beat.

The two boys drove in silence. Nico couldn't tell if it was comfortable silence, or awkward. It was definitely a bit tense... The two demigods hadn't talked much lately and it was very awkward, even when they weren't just captured by the gods, openly talked about how much they cared for the baby that they created, and were now driving to a hospital, so now that all that had happened, it was definitely tense, like both of them wanted to speak, but neither knew how.

Percy was still shocked at the fact he was going to be a dad. He wasn't really granted the time to process it. Yeah, he was happy, he knew he always wanted kids, but was he ready for it at simply 19? Probably not, not to mention he managed to get a boy pregnant.

How was that possible? So, he was very shocked. Yet, he was happy, and also terrified. He was just having a rush of emotions, and the most powerful one, clouded over all, was anticipation. He didn't know what to expect, what was to come next, and that made him anxious, but also curious. So. Many. Emotions.

Then he felt guilty. He was sure Nico and Will might not make it. He didn't know if Nico wanted to keep the baby, or felt he had to keep the baby. Percy was 19, and Nico was even younger, 17. Percy knew for a fact he wasn't ready for kids at 17, he planned to have a completely normal life, with kids, and Annabeth at maybe 25? Not 19, and Nico was probably planning on a normal life, maybe kids, and probably with Will. And here they were, arriving at the hospital on Washington Ave.

"Grazie, saluta Serena per me e il piccolo Marco," Nico smiled at the zombie driver before climbing out of the car, Percy following.

"What'd you say to him?" Percy asked as he watched the car drive away, then took a glance at the hospital.

"He has a family, I've met them, very nice, told him to say hi for me, basically," The Ghost King said like it was one of the most obvious things in the world. He turned towards the hospital before taking a deep breath, clearly anxious. "Katelyn Holt,"

"What?" Percy asked, looking puzzled at the paler boy.

"The demigod who works here," He paused and sighed. "Chiron said to find her and only her, probably because the whole boy being pregnant thing will freak mortals out," Nico said with a small laugh, before walking in, followed by Percy.

The brown-eyed boy arrived at the counter and nicely asked for Katelyn Holt. They said she was busy, Nico insisted it was important, urgent even, and the nurse said what she was doing was also important.

She recommended someone else but Nico just sighed and told the nurse he would just wait for Dr. Holt. The nurse sighed before waving over in the direction of some chairs and going back to whatever she was doing on her PC.

They sat in silence again. Neither of them were sure if it was a good silence or a bad silence, neither of them seemed to care.

They sat for at least an hour before a women, probably 5'6, very thin, her face showing her cheekbones. She had blonde hair with darker streaks in it. She wore light pink scrubs, and had the warmest golden eyes Percy had ever seen.

Nico was a bit pained at the eyes, reminding him slightly of the golden flakes in Will's eyes, but quickly found them warm inviting. His eyes went right down to the name tag, revealing the name 'Dr. K. Holt.'

"I was told I had some very anxious patients waiting for me?" She said nicely. Nico sighed. He was confused on how to say what he was about to say.

"I'm a--" He dropped his voice to a whisper. "--demigod," He brought his voice back up. "I was told to come to you, something has happened that I would really like to talk about, not in a waiting room," Nico glanced at all the other people in the room.

Katelyn understood immediately and ushered the two boys into a private room that reminded Nico of a office, so he just assumed it was her office.

"Okay, who are you two?" She asked, clearly confused, which Nico understood, he couldn't imagine she was approached with 'we're demigods' a lot.

"I'm Nico, Nico di Angelo," The son of Hades said with a smile.

"Okay, and you are?"

"Percy," The green-eyed demigod answered.

"Didn't you too like, save the world?" She asked, not meaning to sound so confused, Nico could tell, but how could you not?

"Yeah," Percy said nonchilantly.

"He saved it twice," Nico added, before getting back on subject. "Anyway, I'm not going to dance around this, I'm pregnant, one month and 3 weeks now,"

Dr. Holt looked shocked for a millisecond before putting a professional face on. "Okay? Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Uh, sure?" Nico replied, watching the blonde pull out a clipboard.

"Okay, first one, what was your birth sex?"

"Male, I thought, but here I am," Nico said, gesturing around the room.

The doctor let out a small chuckle before writing down the answer. "Okay, so you have no clue how this could happen,"

"Nope, not a single clue," Nico replied as the doctor put on a puzzled expression.

"Why isn't the Apollo cabin helping you?" She asked. Nico hated the question, but he couldn't blame her for asking it. It was an honest question.

"I was. . .See, the thing is, I pissed them off, majorly, but. . .maybe, I uh," Nico didn't want to start crying, but he didn't even know how to word it without him seeming like a horrible person, who was he kidding though? He was a horrible person. "I just pissed them off, when I went there, they said they wouldn't help me,"

Percy was shocked by this information. Was Will really not going to help him? Maybe they messed up, but this was Nico's life, not keeping your ex's belongings after a breakup.

"Oh, dear, um, have you asked the gods fo help?" She asked. Nico and Percy both glanced at each other before Percy began to explain. He could tell Nico was having a problem not tearing up.

"They think the child's a threat. They want to exterminate, they also said, when they get a clear reading on it, they will try, so there not any help,"

Dr. Holt was shocked. She seemed to be wearing that expression the entire time of this conversation. It was always a battle between shock and confusion. "So you saw the gods, and they won't help, not at all,"

"Not at all," Nico confirmed.

"Sorry for asking, but why?"

Percy spoke up. "I'm the son of Poseidon, he's the son of Hades, so it's the grandchild of two of the big three, meaning it could be a major threat to the gods--"

"And the gods always eliminate a threat," Dr. Holt finished for Percy. "Trust me, I know, anyway, I guess we can do a check up, see maybe why this happened, you should be able to go home today, maybe stay overnight, depends on the results, If you two can follow me into a private room, no one else here is a demigod, so it will only be me who can help, but I have one other patient, it may be half an hour of a wait, then I'll be with you," She said while walking out her office into a hall with maybe 12 rooms, then going to the one in the very back left.

There was a bed, a chair, a counter, and some other medical devices, all of them worried Nico. Dr. Holt smiled. "I'll be back as soon as possible," She promised before walking out. Nico sat on the edge of the bed, then patted down next to him, motioning Percy over.

"Did you see her face the entire time," The son of Hades smiled weakly. "We're probably one of the first demigods to come to her with this,"

"Yeah, I feel bad, she was trying to keep a professional composure but it was just to shocking," Percy laughed lightly, followed by a small chuckle from Nico. There was a small silence. "You said earlier, when we were leaving," Percy began.

Nico hummed to let Percy know he was listening.

"How you didn't want to trap me into anything, going with you, the baby itself,"

"Oh," Nico said. He wasn't going to lie, he began thinking of 100 outcomes and almost all of them were bad.

"And I want you to know, you aren't," Percy placed a hand on the son of Hades' knee. "Trapping me, not at all, and I thought I just had to say that, if you had to move to Ohio or something," Nico laughed a bit. "I would still go, my own free will, you aren't trapping me, so just, don't think that way, okay?"

The younger boy smiled and didn't know what to say. He simply chuckled. "I don't think I'd have to go to Ohio,"

"You know what I mean," Percy laughed. There laughs weren't happy, it was more of a sad laugh, yet, genuine. "And if you ever need anything, I'll be here for you,"

Nico knew he shouldn't have felt as touched as he had by those words, but he did. He also hated the blood that rushed to his face, causing his cheeks to be slightly pink. It wouldn't have been as bad if his cheeks weren't so pale.

"Thank you," Nico said shyly.

There was silence and Nico's mind roamed. He was here now and didn't have much to think about besides the fact as he sat there with Percy, with his baby, he felt even worse about Will. Nico had dated him for two years and didn't get the time to truly sulk.

A few moments later, Dr. Holt walked in, her blonde hair now in a bun. She walked in, grabbing a clipboard off the counter and taking a breath. "So, I think we should start with a basic check up, then see where we should go from there,"

The two other demigods nodded in agreement, Percy jumped off the bed and down into the chair. Nico was told to scoot back a bit and relax and he felt a bit awkward.

"I can feel the baby is very malnourished," Dr. Holt started. "Have you been eating enough?"

Nico shook his head. "Not really. Everything I eat comes back up,"

"Okay, well," Katelyn placed her hands on Nico's stomach. They were warm, but he was taken aback by the sudden contact. "You need to find what the baby likes, because it is very weak, especially being a demigod, and in a male, it's going to need a lot more food and water, it may take awhile to find food they like, but you should definitely try and just eat a bit every day, then start eating more, the puking will stop eventually,"

She moved her hands around, "Honestly, you and the baby need more food," She started. She removed her hands and ripped a piece of paper from the clipboard. "Try smoothies, here's some good ones, recommended by parents,"

Nico looked at the small list before showing it to Percy, Percy took the paper and read over the list. They were simple smoothies and he made a mental note to ask his mom how to make them.

"Now, I just want to get a visual of the baby, since it's very blurry to see, the entire thing is blurry to see, I probably wouldn't be able to see anything if I didn't know what to be looking for,"

She pulled out a few things from a drawer, then moved one of the medical machines closer. It had a monitor and a weird wand thing. "This ultrasound won't show much, the baby will just look like a little dot, but they'll be a heartbeat," She said, smiling at the last part.

While Nico thought he should be ecstatic at this news, he got worried. What if there wasn't a heartbeat, what if he didn't eat enough and now the baby had died.

This entire time, he had his hands by his side, but he couldn't help wanting to reach out for Percy's hand. Dr Holt pulled out a tube thing, and it reminded Nico of lube, and he felt bad for thinking that, then she told him it would be cold and if he could lift up his shirt, and he did, and then she put some of the jelly on Nico's stomach.

She was right it was cold, and Nico got the urge to put his hands in Percy's again.

She then took the weird wand thing and rubbed it around on his stomach. It was silent for a moment, neither boys knowing what to expect, and then there was a noise, similar to a drum sound.

"Dr. Holt?" Nico asked. "What's that noise?"

"It's the heartbeat," Nico was so shocked at her response, he didn't even care, he turned to Percy a smile plastered on both of their faces, when he turned away, there hands were now interlocked.

"Really?" the son of Hades asked, still shocked.

"Yes," She laughed, "A very strong one," She moved the wand around, and her smile from the heartbeat disappeared.

"Dr.Holt?" Nico asked again. "What's wrong?" The smile was slipping from the pale boys face.

"Call me Kate," She said before sighing. "I think we should be on a first name basis,"

~Author's Note~

Is this going to shit? Who knows.

~This work can also be found on ao3~

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