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When the two demigods got home, Percy unloaded everything from the car, Nico grabbing as much as he could without major back pain. Speaking of back pain, it was getting worse and worse as the baby grew. He knew all pregnant people received back pain, but he couldn't help but wonder if it was just a bit different since he was male.

Then, he told himself that was just what Reyna called, male brain, which is to make every situation worse for him even if a girl goes through the same thing. Nico was blaming his male brain on a lot of his pain lately, and that made him think of Reyna, he wanted to see her soon.

When everything was put up into the house, Nico made himself and Percy some lunch. They ate while talking on the couch, planning where to put things and other things. When done, Nico took a swig of Nectar, and it helped his back just a bit, but not enough.

Percy cleaned the dishes, well, he ran them under the water and left them in the sink. Nico decided to deal with it later. They then scooted everything that was in the living room/hallway into the empty room where their daughter would be living for hopefully the rest of their lives. Then, that scared the living shit out of Nico because the rest of your life is a long time, but the fear was quickly gone as he saw Percy carrying the crib and the bassinet AND the changing table, trying not to drop them.

He realized how much Percy would do for their daughter and it reassured him. Nico followed after him, carrying in the rest of the crab, really enjoying the fact the Nectar had soothed his pain to an extent.

The two demigods decided to change into something a lot more comfortable. Nico changed into fluffy pajama pants, and a black tank top. Percy going into joggers and a blue T Shirt. Nico slid on grey socks because socks are great and the hardwood floors were cold.

When changed, they went back to the nursery and opened up the crib box. "I have no clue how to put this together," Percy stated as the two looked at the pieces and the very confusing directions that weren't in greek so neither one of them could read it.

"I have no clue, either," Nico states, his hands on both his hips as he looked at the white pieces, then up at Percy and smiled, receiving one back, and looking back down, slightly blushing. Nico slowly sat down on the floor and grabbed one of the four pieces from the sides. "I think - I think if you put this one, with this one, then - no, that wouldn't make sense,"

"I know they're four legs, and then four walls, and a bottom," Percy said, know kneeling on the ground.

"Thank you, Sherlock," Nico laughed. He looked around for the instructions, trying to make sense of the pictures. "Okay, from what I can see," Nico started, reaching for a certain bag of screws. "We put these two together, then - do we have this?" Nico asks, gesturing to a weird twisty thingy.

"A screwdriver?" Percy asks, holding back a laugh.

"If that's what that is, yeah!" Nico smiled, putting down the instructions and looking at Percy.

"How do you not know what that is?" He asked, getting up and walking out the nursery.

"I don't know, when I was born, it was really different, I didn't have anyone to teach me crap like that," Nico shrugs, getting up and leaning against the doorway as he saw Percy walking around. "It wasn't really important, and I was only like nine, then I went into a hotel, then camp, then you kind of know the rest, plus when the Athena cabin can just put it together for you, it seems kind of unimportant,"

"Well, this," Percy said, opening the hall closet and grabbing a bag that was on the top shelf. He reached in the bag and pulled out a 'screwdriver' that had a blue handle. "Is a screwdriver," He said, making a motion as if he was about to toss.

The son of Hades side-stepped back into the nursery, popping his head out from behind the frame. "I swear to the gods, Perseus Jackson, if you throw that in the new house I am going to literally murder you,"

"One, no you wouldn't, and secondly, don't call me Perseus, it usually means I'm in trouble, and I really don't like that," Percy laughed as he walked into the empty room. Nico went to sit back down where he was, and Percy going back to his spot.

"Well, that's the point, I used your full name to get a point across, if you throw a fucking screwdriver, I will murder you,"

"Ah, well," Percy said, tossing the tool in the air and catching it again. "Point taken,"

"I'm glad," Nico smiled, then leaned over to kiss Percy quickly on the lips, blushing lightly, then sitting back down. Percy smiled goofily before coughing a bit and asking what to do next. Nico grabbed the instructions.

He grabbed the screws with the right label on it, which was very difficult due to the dyslexia, "okay, these are used to put this, this, this, and this, with that," Nico explained, pointing to the parts of the crib, Percy picking them up and pulling it away from the stack.

"Okay, and how does that go?" Percy asked, setting up the pieces to the best of his abilities.

Nico laughed and leaned over the stack of crib parts. "No, this one, this goes here, and then this one here, and the other one, there, and the last one over," Nico looked back over at the picture. "I think right there?"

"So reassuring," Percy laughed, smiling down as Nico blew the hair out of his face. Percy was baffled at how just beautiful Nico could be without even trying. He truly was just a perfect human-being that Percy couldn't believe existed.

If Percy were to make a list of everything he liked about Nico, it would be really long. Like really long. It would probably be his face. Just like, everything about it. He had this really adorable nose, and wide brown eyes, a pink lips that would make any man fall to his knees, like, some straight men. Not to mention his face shape, and how easily he blushed, and how his skin was pale, and his perfect ears, and his messy hair.

He had an amazing sense of humor and was just - perfect.

The son of Poseidon ignored these very gay thoughts and went back too screwing the crib together. Nico was staring down at the picture, concentrating on the pictures, trying to read the words. The very dark brown, almost black, hair fell in front of of his eyes and he blew it out of his face again.

Percy screwed in the last piece and stood up, excusing himself, and walking to the bathroom. He grabbed a hair tie and walked back into the room and sat being Nico briefly. "Wha?"

"Just let me do this," Percy laughed, carefully pulling Nico's hair up, Nico rolled his eyes but wanted the hair out of his face, so he didn't protest.

"I look like a potato with my hair up, so be warned, Jackson," Nico rolled his eyes while laughing as Percy continued with his hair.

"I doubt it, you couldn't look like a potato is you tried," Percy reassured the son of Hades. Nico blushed and tried focusing on the paper to stop himself from getting even more red.

When Nico's hair was up, they went back to what they were doing, Nico trying to make sense of the images, and Percy trying to make sense of Nico's instructions, until the crib was finally up, and tested by gently nudging it.

"I think it's good," Nico said as they picked it up and put it in the spot they both liked. (a/n: I'm going to be putting a picture of the nursery at the end, along with a layout of the house, drawn by, mwah)

The two demigods began to unwrap the changing table, which was constructed as a shelf with two platforms, then on top, having the place where you would lay the baby. It did take awhile to construct it, the pictures not as descriptive as the crib.

"You would think," Percy began as they put the changing table in the place they had decided. "They would be more considerate for parents with dyslexia,"

Nico smiled at the word parents as he grabbed the sheet to put over the cushion thing on the top of the table that was green and blue with polka-dots. "Well, most the time, the dyslexia isn't as bad as a greek descendant may have, and most the time, BOTH parents aren't dyslexic,"

Percy laughed, grabbing a stuffed monster plush and placing it on the changing table before wrapping his hands under Nico's bump and leaning his chin on Nico's shoulder. "It's kind of cool isn't it?"

"What?" Nico asks, flattening out the sheet and bracing his hands on the white wooden table.

"Really the entire thing, I mean, you're pregnant, but you're a boy, that makes you like, extra fucking cool, because, well not a lot of guys can carry children, and I've heard it's not exactly enjoyable,"

Nico gave an amused laugh before the two demigods went back to work on the bookshelf. "I guess it is, I wish it happened a bit more, you know, so I could read up on it, I kind of hate the whole not-knowing thing, but it is cool, it's actually really fucking cool,"

"That's what I'm saying," he smiled, making grabby hands for a plank of wood. Nico handed it to him, along with the screws and then instructed him where to put them.

After finally constructing everything, both of them wanted dinner. Nico had no clue what to make, but he asked if Percy could put up the used dishes from Lunch, which the son of Poseidon did begrudgingly.

"What do you want to eat?" Nico asked, opening the fridge, then the pantry.

"Do you know you have a really cute accent?" Percy said, ignoring Nico's question. "It's like, Italian, but mixed with American,"

"Grazie," Nico laughed before turning back around to face the son of Poseidon. "What do you want to eat?"

"I don't know," Percy complained. "Soup,"

"What kind of soup?" Nico said, fake frustration in his voice. Percy laughed in response.

"I want," Percy said, taking a deep breath while thinking. "Mac 'N Cheese,"

"One," Nico began. "That's not a soup, Secondly, didn't we eat that the other night?"

"Yeah, but it's amazing, so - yeah,"

Nico laughed and just began to make it. When the food was done, they ate it, then cleaned their bowls and made the decision to finish the rest of the nursery tomorrow, which mainly had consisted off blankets, clothes, toys and all together organization.

Nico did still want to see Reyna, but he always got anxious when thinking about leaving the house. He felt like a monster would jump out of the ground and attack him and kill both him and his daughter. So, he didn't really want to do that.

He sat down on the couch after grabbing a pregnancy book called 'What to expect when you're expecting' Nico bet they didn't expect for a male to be expecting. Nico laughed at the face someone would make.

Nico flipped through the pages looking for all the information for five months and up, letting his back rest, really wanting to take another sip of Nectar for his back to feel better, but he knew too much would probably harm their daughter more than help him.

He kept reading, just flipping through the pages, how big their daughter was, the chances of a complication at five months, which wasn't the most joyful thing ever.

He also read how she could probably have started hearing them month ago, and Nico's mind went to all the times they said fuck. He mumbled a shit, then cut himself off and continued reading.

It was all pretty interesting, once reading about what would be happening to HIM if he wasn't a boy, he went on to sixth months.

Apparently his breasts should be sore, and he checked, nope, not tender, not swollen, not anything unusual. He then realized that he was going to have to buy a lot of formula. Thanks gods, giving him the power to birth, but not the power to freaking feed his child.

Yeah, it would have been weird, but this entire experience has been pretty odd to say the least, so feeding a child shouldn't be the weirdest part of it. He just sighed and made a note to self to ask mothers living in New Rome the best types of formula.

Then, he thought of going outside and he decided that he would just ask Percy to ask sally because that's much better than dying.

"NICO!!!" Percy yelled as he slide into the archway of the living room, white socks on his feet. "GUYS WHAT??"

"What?" Nico laughed, taking in the sight of his - whatever they had going on.

"The brain named itself,"

Nico thought of it for a second before his mind exploded. "Oh, my gods, it did!"

"I know! It blew my fucking mind!"

Nico laughed before his face becoming serious. "Shh, you can't say things like that anymore, apparently she can hear you," He said, placing a hand over his bump.

Percy's face lit up and he ran over to the couch. He kneeled down next to Nico and kissed his stomach. Nico lifted up his shirt slightly, revealing the pale skin and Percy smiled, which resulting in Nico smiling.

"She can hear?" Percy asked, kissing the pale stomach again. Nico nodded and Percy began talking. "Hi," He said, his voice changing, kind of how everyone's does when you talk to your dog or, well, a baby. "I'm your dad - well - other dad, you get two, you're going to beat everybody in the 'my dad can beat your dad' game, because we'll just fight them together,'

Nico laughed lightly as the son of Poseidon continued talking. "Anyway, I can't wait to see you," Nico smiled at that. Percy was just so amazing in so many ways and Nico truly didn't deserve him.

"I bet you're adorable, I mean there is no way you aren't,"

"That's true," Nico chimed in, Percy looked up and smiled at him.

Percy kept talking to their daughter and Nico chimed in, smiling down at the small family they had. It was dysfunctional and odd, but it was beautiful and perfect in every single way, and Nico couldn't be happier. It took a really long time for everything, all the drama, to dial down, and for Nico to be able to breath and take it all in, but now that he could. He enjoyed it so much. He was so happy with this. With Percy, with their daughter, in their new home.

~Author's Note~


~This work can also be found on ao3~

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