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Today was the day they were able to take Zoella home. It was finally happening. Percy and Nico couldn't believe it. It seemed like this journey had been a long, never-ending one. But here it was, ending. Everything that had happened will always be a part of them, something they will never forget- but will be more than happy to leave in the past.

They were ready for the next chapter of their lives. Even if they were scared. Even if they knew nothing of what was coming. How hard could it be? Right? Okay it was going to be extremely hard- and terrifying. But it wouldn't be anything like the past months- and that was enough for them. Zoella was safe. And that's what really mattered.

"Do you have the carseat?" Nico asked as he had to be freaking wheeled out of the hospital. Apparently it was a requirement, but Nico thought it was stupid. He'd literally been at war with the gods before but yes, he can't walk out of a hospital.

"Yes, it's in the car already," Percy said, opening the door to the outside. It was a little cold, kinda rainy, but nothing too bad.

"The bag?"

"In my hands,"

"Right," Nico said, all in his head, making sure they had everything. They had a long drive back to california ahead of them, and he didn't want to forget anything. "Oh, gods, Zo-"

"In your hands," Percy said, laughing lightly. "We have everything and everyone. Stop worrying,"

"You clearly don't know me all that well if you think I can "stop worrying"," Nico said in finger quotes.

"Everything's going to be okay,"

"Yeah, okay," Nico said. trying to reassure himself with Percy's words.

"You guys are gonna do great," Annabeth said as she walked out of the building. "I can tell,"

Nico smiled weakly at her.

"Be safe driving up there will you?"

"When have I ever not been safe?" Percy asked, opening the car door.

"Hm, around 8 months ago," Nico chimed in.

"That was on both of us," Percy laughed.

"I'm glad you weren't safe, look how cute she is," Annabeth said, looking over Nico's shoulder. "But don't get in a wreck,"

"Yeah, yeah okay," Percy laughed, helping Nico get in the car, Zoella still in his hands. "We'll be safe,"

"Thank you,"

Nico started working on buckling Zoella up. He wanted to give Annabeth and Percy time to talk. There was no telling when they would see each other again, and she had done a lot. Nico was pretty sure she no longer had feelings for Percy. So it really wasn't even a problem.

"Thank you for everything," Percy said, hugging Annabeth. "I can never repay you,"

"You already have," Annabeth smiled, pushing his shoulder. "You've been there for me for years,"

Percy smiled. "You're a sap," There was a pause and then Percy smirked. "Anything you want me to tell Reyna if I see her?"

Annabeth's face went into a shocked expression. "What? Why would I want you to tell her anything- How- How'd you know?"

"I know things," Percy shrugged. "And if you do want me to deliver a message, keep it PG-"

"I don't need you to deliver a message me and her talk all the time, now if you don't mind, I have to get back to camp, lots of things need to stay running,"

"Yes, the whole place is just going to collapse without you,"

Annabeth shrugged. "This life chose me,"

"Oh shut up," Percy laughed.

"Go start driving, you have a very long drive ahead of you, and the sooner you get there the better,"

"I know," Percy said. "Goodbye, and thank you again,"

"See ya around,"

"See ya,"

Percy got in the car, and cranked it. Nico was in the backseat, Zoella was now safely buckled. "Ready?" Percy asked, turning his head back, meeting Nico's eyes.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Nico laughed.

Percy chuckled as he turned around and pulled out of the hospital.

Nico looked from the front of the car, to his beautiful babies face, and it was probably the happiest sight anyone could ever look at, but all Nico could feel was a gigantic wave of guilt.

Expecting the sequel; Parenthood. First chapter comes out December 14th. I'll see you there.

i loved this story so much- however i needed this to end. the lack of updates were due to lack of organization and con-fuddled story lines and ideas. I've fixed all that and im ready to start the new chapters of there lives. December 14th guys. Stay tuned. -RF

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