~ Chapter Four ~

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Shadowhunter padded to the lake, his apprentice; Ebonypaw, right behind him. He looked over his shoulder at Ebonypaw. A purr rumbled in his throat and he flicked under her chin with his tail-tip.

Ebonypaw hissed in annoyance and flicked her ears, "I told you to pay attention." Shadowhunter mrrowed with laughter. Ebonypaw narrowed her eyes, whiskers twitching.

Shadowhunter looked forward again, he had an idea of training earlier, but it flew from his head like a robin from a tree. His ear flicked when a fly landed on it.

Ebonypaw swerved to the side, avoiding a patch of brambles. Shadowhunter was unlucky and tripped on the brambles, he hissed under his breath.

"I thought Ivoryhawk told some warriors to clear this." Shadowhunter growled. Ebonypaw held laughter back and crouched down, gripping the brambles in her jaws and untangles them from the black warrior's paw. Shadowhunter watched her movements, her black fur; gray against the burning sunshine.

"Cmon, I wanna try tree climbing." Ebonypaw jumped over the brambles and purred. Shadowhunter narrowed his bright eyes confused.

"I didn't know you were from Sparrowclan." Shadowhunter snorted, padding along the water bank. A few paw-steps later he felt fur brush his shoulder. Ebonypaw was brushing against him, a purr in her throat, "I'm just kidding, mouse-brain" Shadowhunter's fur heated, maybe it was from the fire-ball called the sun? Maybe, or it was the fact that an honored warrior's daughter was pressed on his side like a leach.

Ebonypaw gasped and jumped away from him, a growled rising behind the,. Shadowhunter turned his gaze over his shoulder. There, towering over him, was Smokebird, Mistymouse and Snowfang behind him.

Shadowhunter coughed to clear his throat, "Hello, Smokebird." The old warrior growled at him, pressing his forehead to the young warrior's, "Don't you dare lay a single paw on my daughter or I'll have your ears." Smokebird hissed before looking at the white flecked apprentice, staring confused at them. "Ebonypaw come on patrol with us."

Ebonypaw nodded quickly and bounced to Mistymouse, the two touched noses. Mistymouse was once mates with Ebonypaw's late mentor, before he died by a rat bite infection. The warrior and apprentice normally shared prey and spoke about the dead warrior.

Shadowhunter lowered his head. Smokebird narrowed his eyes to slits, "Get back to camp, Russetwind and you are going to practice night hunting moves."

"It's sun-high."

"Go!" Smokebird hissed, Shadowhunter narrowed his eyes and padded off, claws digging into the weak grass under his paws.

Russetwind's ears perked, he looked over his shoulder and jumped a bit as he noticed the piercing eyes of Shadowhunter.

"Hello, Shadowhunter!" Russetwind greeted, standing up and turning to the tom. Shadowhunter snorted, "Let's just get training."

Russetwind nodded and lead Shadowhunter into the forest. Shadowhunter leaped over a large rock. Russetwind's eyes widened at the powerful leap the tom preformed. Shadowhunter looked back at Russetwind and turned to keep walking. "Keep up."


Ebonypaw groaned, her white-toed paws ached from the long walk around the territory.

Mistymouse rested her tail on Ebonypaw's shoulders for a moment before flicking her tail away. Ebonypaw's nose twitched when she smelt an odd stench, like crow-food. She looked around but saw nothing obvious.

The black apprentice's head shot up when she heard a yowl of fear from up ahead, her and Mistymouse looked at each other. Then started forward in a run.

They then spotted it, the two she-cats stared at the scene in front of them unfold. The white fur of Snowfang lay, shaking vigorously on the ground, her hindlegs were out behind her and her mouth foamed, dripping onto the dry grass.

They heard the yowl again, it was from Smokebird, he was yowling over at them to get help.

Mistymouse stared in shock, the older warrior's best friend laid in pain in front of her, but she wasn't sure what to do. When she felt Ebonypaw's muzzle shoving her shoulder, she knew in her heart she had to get help. She spun around as quick as she could, smacking Ebonypaw's muzzle with her tail.

She bounded forward then broke in a swift run, her mind full of how her mate died. She remembered him laying on the ground in his final moments, shaking, just like Snowfang was.

Mistymouse yowled once she reached camp, getting the attention of everyone.

"Redleaf! Something's happening! Snowfang's shaking! Just like Bluesparrow was in his final moments!" She yowled to the medicine cat. Redleaf's eyes widened and he ran past her out of camp.

Mistymouse's ears were filled with the murmured and gasps of shock from the clan, she turned and followed the ginger medicine-cat. Ebonypaw was where she was when Mistymouse smacked her, the apprentice looked scared; her ears flat and tail between her legs.

Redleaf slowed, touching his nose to Ebonypaw's forehead for a moment before padding to Snowfang.

Snowfang still shook, her mouth open in the beginning of a yowl of pain.

"Smokebird keep her hindlegs down, we have to keep her down till she stops." Redleaf ordered.

"Yes." Smokebird rushed to the white warriors hind quarters and put his paws on her, one on her legs and the other on her hip.

Redleaf laid beside Snowfang, one paw on her chest. Her heart beat was getting quicker and quicker, not slowing at any point. Redleaf's ears flattened.

Snowfang's eyes flicked to Redleaf, her breathing hitched and her heart beat fell.

Redleaf smiled a bit and shushed the senior warrior. There's nothing we can do for her... Redleaf thought to himself. Snowfang's eyes closed a bit. Another patrol appeared, Sharppaw; Snowfang's apprentice, pushed past the undergrowth first. He yowled and ran to the she, his green eyes shocked and worried.

"Help her!" Sharppaw yowled, the rest of the patrol appeared; Silverpaw and his mentor; Darkrose, and Riverclaw.

Riverclaw's eyes were dull, her cream tail-tip flicking to and fro in boredom.

Silverpaw rounded Sharppaw, laying his tail over his friend's shoulders. Sharppaw looked at Silverpaw then Redleaf.

"Is she dying?" Sharppaw whimpered, laying down to rest his head on his mentor's neck.

"Sadly, I suppose so." Redleaf felt Snowfang's heart beat again. Fast, way, way to fast.

Redleaf's ears flattened, all the cats gathered around the warrior. Riverclaw stayed back, her eyes narrowed. Ebonypaw laid beside Redleaf, Mistymouse wailed and laid in front of Snowfang and pressed her nose to the snow-white she.

Smokebird let go of Snowfang's hind quarters and watched quietly. Silverpaw dipped his head.

Snowfang smiled, "Sharppaw... You're.. Meant for greatness... Seek what's in the light..... It will lead to you your happiness..." And with that, Snowfang's eyes closed. Sharppaw yowled, nudging Snowfang vigorously.

"She's gone Sharppaw..." Redleaf whispered.


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