~ Chapter Sixteen ~

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Ebonypaw arched her back before bouncing up and over the river surrounding Troutclan's camp. She turned back to watch the others do the same, she eyed Phantom, then looked back at the camp. Her ears perked to listen for any noises, hearing silence her heart pulled her forward, making her curious for the minimal noise.

Shadowhunter trotted into the camp, instantly heading to the freshkill pile to check if it was full. Ebonypaw sighed and looked around the empty camp. The patrol was all of Troutclan this full moon. She looked into the dark distance, feeling a pull to her family. But kits never went to gatherings, she remembered, Ryekit and Brindlekit should be there! She bounded into the nursery, expecting to see her mother lazily watching Ryekit and Brindlekit play fighting, but she jumped into nothing, just a cold, empty den.

Anxiety washed over her. Had something happened to her family and friends? Her heart aches to see her sisters round, happy faces. She sniffed through the dark and found her mother's nest. She stood over it, taking in her mother's stale, sweet sent. She laid down on her side, curling into a ball of worry. She closed her eyes and whimpered quietly, missing the welcoming purrs of her clanmates when she'd come back from a simple patrol.

"Ebonypaw?" Ebonypaw rose her head at the sound of Shadowhunter's voice, seeing his yellow eyes warmed her slightly.

"They're at the gathering," his ear flicked, he was talking about the clan, "Phantom and the others are going to stay till they can talk to Icestar, then they'll be on their way."

"Okay," Ebonypaw nodded, laying her head back down. Shadowhunter watched her for a moment then left the den.

Phantom and Peggy circled the camp, taking in the surroundings and the cat-made dens. "It's lovely how these were made." Peggy purred. Phantom growled quietly, "I miss my bed, the grass is horrible on my back." Eliza rolled her eyes, "They worked so hard for this."


Minnowstar padded back to camp, his clan behind him on his tail. Perking his ears he heard muffled voices. Crouching down, he flicked his tail for his clan to do the same. Lifting his tail he then stalked forward.

"These dens are beautiful." A she-cat spoke, Minnowstar poked his head through a bush to see who spoke, a light brown tabby was walking next to a black cat, a darker tabby sat by the Medicine Tree, and another black cat crouched beside the nursery.

"Intruders?" Ivoryhawk hissed under her breath, crawling up to Minnowstar. Minnowstar looked at her, then back to the cats. He eyed the black cat farthest from the rest of the cats, staring at its yellow eyes. "That's Shadowhunter!" Minnowstar realized, he backed out of the bush and stood up, looking at his clan. "The patrol has returned." He purred, turning he padded into camp.

"Phantom." The light tabby she-cat shoved the thin black cat next to her. Phantom turned his head, his ears perked as he looked at the approaching cats.

"Oh hello." Phantom turned to him, dipping his head in a greeting. The tabby she cat purred, pressing herself against Phantom.

Shadowhunter watched the initial encounter Phantom had with Minnowflight. He flicked his ear, Where's Icestar? He stood up, padding into the nursery to get Ebonypaw.

"Ebonypaw, the clan's back." Shadowhunter mewed, Ebonypaw jumped up and ran out of the den, knocking Shadowhunter out of the entrance and onto the ground.

Phantom turned his head, watching Ebonypaw lumber out of the den she was in and run to the clan. She stopped infront of Minnowstar.

"Minnowflight! It's great to see you!" She breathed, looking around, her ears perked. "Where's Icestar?"

Minnowstar flicked his tail, his ears flattening to his head. "Icestar passed away." Minnowstar sadly told her, "I'm Minnowstar now."

Ebonypaw's eyes widened and her ears fell back, "No, no, no..." She whimpered, padding backwards. Minnowstar dipped his head.

Lightriver nuzzled her. Ebonypaw sat down, "H-how..?" She stuttered, Minnowstar flicked his tail for his clan to move into the camp.

"Sickness." Minnowstar recalled, he turned his head, hearing excited squealing. Ryepaw ran at Ebonypaw, shoving her head in her neck. Ebonypaw purred, her whiskers twitching with happiness. Brindlepaw followed slowly behind, purring when she saw her older sister.

"Ebonypaw just learned about Icestar, but you shes catch up with eachother." Minnowstar nodded, he eyed Ebonypaw. "I need to speak to Shadowhunter about your warrior assessment."

Ebonypaw perked her ears as Shadowhunter walked away, Brindlepaw sat down a bit away, watching from the distance.

"How's you and Brindlepaw's training? Do you train together normally?" Ebonypaw asked, Ryepaw looked back at Brindlepaw.

"She's a medicine cat apprentice." Ebonypaw's ears perked but then relaxed as she mrrowed with amusement.

"Not surprising, when she was a few moons old she snuck into the medicine cats' den to eat the poppy seeds."

Brindlepaw's pelt heated with embarrassment. "I was young." She sighed, licking her chest fur. Ebonypaw purred.

"Well let's catch up then." Lightriver purred, "And introduce us to these new cats." She nodded towards Phantom, Peggy, and Eliza.

"They won't be here long, so you really don't need to know them." Ebonypaw's ear flicked, she stood up. "Well let's go catch up then."

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