~ Chapter Ten ~

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"Get up, runt!" The snarl of the dark furred tom commanded. The skinny, smaller tom pushed himself up weakly. The tabby and white she-cat in the back had to hold herself from leaping at the dark Summoner.

The Summoner looked directly at the she-cat. "Come over here, Eliza, finish the job." He looked at the skinny chocolate and gray tom.

Eliza stood up, her white paws shaking as she padded towards the felines. She looked towards the Summoner, then the skinny tom, then back at the dark Summoner.

"No," Eliza turned and padded away, her ears pinned back and body shaking.

"Kill the runt! He's nothing to us but another mouth to feed!" The Summoner hissed at Eliza.

"I've had enough, Phantom! You can't keep killing the weak ones we have! Plus he has the Warrior's Mark!" Eliza flicked her tail to the tom, Phantom looked at the claw-shaped marks under his eyes.

"You're right." Phantom jumped onto the garbage bin he watched over the cats on. "Eliza, drag him to the Bone Case."

Eliza grabbed the skinny apprentice-aged tom gently and slowly dragged him across the dirty cement, trying not to get any dust in his new cuts.

"His name is Rhinestone."


Russetwind's eyes flashed open from his dream, he was still in the hollowed log, but he swore it was lighter out, maybe it was sun-high.

Ebonypaw was sitting in the entrance, Shadowhunter nowhere in sight.

"Come on, Ebonypaw, we can leave him." The husky voice of Shadowhunter growled.

"No cat left behind." Ebonypaw muttered, her light golden eyes turning to the red tom. "He's awake, we go now." The dark apprentice stood up and jumped ontop of the log. Russetwind crawled out of the log and followed their sent trail.

"I see light," Shadowhunter's figure got lighter, pieces of his fur shining in the light. He stepped into a small field, one side was the forest, the other side was a large town.

"We go there, my dream told me." Shadowhunter puffed out his chest, Ebonypaw rolled her eyes.

"We all had the dream, Shadowhunter." Ebonypaw scoffed, then started walking. Russetwind walked to Shadowhunter's side.

"Who put a snake in her nest?" Russetwind laughed, for once, Shadowhunter laughed a bit.

"I think she'd like that more, let's move." The dark tom replied, Russetwind followed, his head held down to shield his eyes from the sunlight.

Ebonypaw walked down a cement path beside a Thunderpath. The toms followed her, till a muscular blue-gray tom jumped out at Ebonypaw, knocking her onto the Thunderpath.

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