Chapter 11: Haven

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So Trudy told her everything. About F.A.H., about them getting experimented on, everything. And she listened. After a while, though, she wondered who this "Laura" was.

"W-who is this other person that was experimented on like you?" Sue asked, slowly putting the stick down.

"Uh . . ." Trudy said. "Okay, I'll show her to you, but you have to promise not to scream."

Sue laughed nervously. "Okay,"

Trudy slowly pulled out her hand with Laura in it for Sue to see.

Sue's eyes widened even more. A tiny girl?

You see, in Trudy's eyes, she saw a friend with whom she had gone through everything with, as far as the Facility for Hybrids, at least. She didn't really see the butterfly hybrid on the outside, only the true friend inside. However, Sue had never seen Laura, let alone met her. So you can imagine Sue was a bit shocked when she saw the one-inch broken-winged fairy girl, who was really more butterfly than human.

"Hi," Laura awkwardly waved.

"How- how did you get so small?" Sue forced out.

"Well . . . It's kind of hard to explain but basically I got double dosed with butterfly DNA and since butterflies are small, so am I."

Trudy told Sue what she had said because her voice was so small.

"Okay then . . ." she muttered.

"I'm so sorry, I know this is a lot to get used to. But we need your help, and there's no one else we can trust. Please help," Trudy pleaded.

She drew a deep breath as the wind blew her short red hair. "Okay. But only under one condition."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Laura bounced and bumped around in the glass jar and also inside the 1998 blue Ford that Sue had offered to drive the two hybrids in. Trudy had put her in the jar, but for the record, not willingly. Sue had whispered to Trudy that the sight of her "freaked her out" and that the condition was she had to put her in a jar. Trudy wasn't happy to oblige to this, because she knew Laura had felt trapped long enough, but it was the only way.

Laura heard the slightly muffled voices of Trudy and Sue outside her jar, Trudy giving her directions on where she felt she should go, because as Trudy said, "hybrids are attracted to hybrids". But Laura still wondered if they were going the right way. However, so far the landscape was looking hopeful. Scrubby trees and bushes turned into into pines and more grass, even though they were still in the middle of nowhere.

In her own thoughts, Laura hoped when they got to the refuge that maybe the people there could fix her broken wing, give her back her original size, and she even dared to suppose that they could have developed a serum that could make you human again. But, she thought mournfully, even if there is one, I will still never be the same again. Not after all of this.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"STOP!" Trudy practically screamed.

Sue slammed on brakes, throwing everything in the truck forward, including Laura. Luckily, Trudy caught the jar just before it smashed into pieces on the dashboard.

Sue looked over at Trudy with crazed eyes. "What in the name of all things sacred did you do that for??" she said, slightly angry.

Trudy's claw-like fingernails scraped against the glass jar nervously, creating a searing sound inside the jar. "M-my mind told me to stop. I think you can't go any further."

Sue's brow furrowed in confusion. "Why not?"

Trudy patiently explained. "I feel like something bad will happen if a human comes here . . . like it's only meant for hybrids."

Sue nodded. "Okay then. Be off."

Trudy said farewell to Sue and thanked her for helping them. She also apologized for stealing her food, by which she only replied with a grunt. But Laura didn't say another word to her because number one; her voice would be too small to hear anyways and number two; she wasn't particularly happy with her ever since she asked for her "condition".

She watched her drive off, in a matter of minutes a mere speck on the horizon, and she wondered if she would ever see her again.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sue drove across the smooth desert sand, wondering over what just happened. She wasn't quite sure if she believed it, and yet she could still see a tiny dot in the rearview mirror. She hummed along to the old country music on the radio and brushed some sand off the seat. Well, maybe the heat was getting to her after all.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Trudy turned around to face the place they had stopped and tilted the jar over for Laura to climb out, and then tossed the jar behind them.

"Well, looks like we made it." said Trudy.

Laura smiled up at her. "Yep, we sure did. Are you ready?"

Trudy gave her a happy grin. "As always."

Trudy took a step forward and kept on going. A shudder went through both of them and a town appeared. People, no, hybrids, just like them walked, flied, and crawled out from behind trees and out of buildings, greeting them. A boy with gigantic iridescent dragonfly wings flew about and landed in front of them.

"Hi there," he cocked his head. "I'm Neo, and welcome . . . to the Haven."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hey!! :) Awesome chapter, right? So, finally at the Unchained! I've been hearing a lot of nice comments about this book, and I really appreciate it. I never dreamed my book would have this many views and I'm happy you all like it! ^-^ Live, Love, and always dream..... ♥


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