Chapter 2: Caged

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The woman, or supposedly "nurse", led her down the cold labyrinth of a hallway. There were many twists and turns, but she seemed to know where she was going. They passed many doors, some from which came bloodchilling screams and cries. Laura glanced around in fear, but the woman had an iron grip on her wrist and pulled her along.

After a few more turns, she stopped at a heavy metal door and opened it. Laura froze. The room was filled with hundreds and hundreds of cages, big and small. And they were filled with children.

"Come on, come on, we haven't all day." She said with a scowl on her face, jerking Laura along.

She pulled Laura along as she searched for an empty cage. Laura looked at all the children, and when she did, she shuddered and wished she hadn't.

Children with scales, fur, and various kinds of feathers peered out of their cages, looking at her, some with curiosity, and others with sympathy. Their ages went from a tiny three-year-old to one that looked to be in his late teens. Not all of them looked strange. Most were completely normal, whimpering and huddled in a corner. These were the ones not experimented on yet, she guessed. But the expressions on their faces were terrible.

Some of them looked sad, probably missing their families, some angry, with dark circles under their eyes from days and nights in misery, trying to think of a way to escape. Some just looked ahead with a blank stare, forgetting any hope of escape or seeing their families again. Giving up.

The woman found an empty cage and shoved Laura in. Some jagged metal sticking up scraped Laura's hands and made them bleed. The woman quickly shut the door and locked it - slipping the key into her already bulging pockets - and started to click away on her high-heeled shoes.

"No!" Laura shouted. "Wait!"

The woman sharply turned around. "What?" she sneered.

"Why are you doing this," she gripped her cage bars. "to innocent children? It's not like I - or any of us deserved to be put in this place."

"Because they are the only ones who can handle it. The adults couldn't. Not enough energy, too old to have something new introduced to their DNA." she said with a sinister smile. "We usually take them out of orphanages and off the streets. Sometimes there are sneaks, ones who ask too many questions, like you, so we take them too."

Laura was speechless. How could they? The mutated animals in her father's room had only just been the beginning. Now they were testing on kids?

The woman walked away with no intention of coming back.

Laura looked around, traumatized and horrified. What a terrible place! She turned around in her cage because she couldn't bear the sight of the mutated children.

As she cried herself to sleep, questions circled in her mind. What made my dad do this to me? How will I ever escape? And what is going to become of me?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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