Epilouge: After

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Laura Black kissed her husband, Neo, on the cheek. "Bye, honey, and have a safe trip! I love you!"

Neo smiled. "Don't worry, I'll fly right back." They chuckled together.

A little girl named Trista came up and hugged him on the knees. "I'll miss you, daddy."

Neo knelt down and pushed her brown hair from her sparkling gray eyes. "I'll miss you too, butterfly."

"Can we all have one last hug before you go?" Trista pleaded.

"Ohh, okay."

Trista grinned and Neo put her up on his shoulder, and they all hugged, but her parents snuck a kiss. Trista giggled as her father set her back on the ground.

As Laura and her daughter were waving at the car, Trista turned to her mother solemnly. "I have something to show you."

"You do! What it is it?" Laura smiled at her and kneeled down.

"Watch." Trista scrunched her face up and concentrated. She slowly grew transparent until she dissappeared completely. Laura sucked in a breath. No . . . her daughter couldn't have . . .

Trista reappeared and laughed at her mother's expression. "Isn't that cool?!"

Laura held her hand to her head and looked up. Her four-year-old had powers.

Nearby, an old red-tailed hawk in a tree almost seemed to smile.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Mr. Black sat in his dark, dank prison cell, fuming. He had given his son the opportunity of a lifetime, and he had just thrown it away. For justice. Well, he was sick of justice! He wanted power! And he would get it, one way . . . or the other.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I finished my first book!!! Yayy!!! *huge party* hope you liked it! :)


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