C H A P T E R [ 1 ]

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Chapter 1: Hang on please

Ali's POV:
“We got another mission again?” I whined “Are you scared?” taunted Rudy the inviso hedgehog “Why you-” I was cut off by Alicia saying “Will you two stop it?! You two are acting like a baby!” I then protested “He started it!” I said pointing to Rudy “G-guys we s-should maybe s-stop” Iman suggested trying to break the fight “Okay were Here now shut your mouth One wrong move and its toast for us especially you ali” Alicia explained and warned me “Okay Me and Ali” Alicia said which got a scoff from Rudy and a sad face from iman “ Rudy and iman ” Alicia said again which got a smile from ali, A Little sad face from Rudy and a scoff and Got a little sad smile from iman which Ali did Not notice  “Me and Ali will take the testing laboratory ” Alicia said which got a sad nod from the two kombat and inviso agent “You two will be in the research laboratory but be careful there are dangerous experiment there” Alicia said to them “Me and Ali will be in the test area ” Alicia said again “Come on Ali ” Alicia said to me Which I gave her a nod then I followed her

With the Tekno and Neuro agents..

3rd persons pov:
“Are you blind Ali?” Alicia asked Ali while walking in the hallway “No,Why?” Ali answered “Nothing...” Alicia mumbled

With the Kombat and inviso agents.

“Rudy...Do you like Ali?” Iman asked the inviso agent “No....Why would you say that?” Rudy answered mix with a hint of nervousness “B-because You Care for h-him” Iman said “So? Is it wrong to Care for a comrade?” Rudy answered with a scoff and a bit of blush “I n-never seen you care f-for anyone before except for Djin.....” Iman answered And mumbled at the end “Because you never knew me well enough to know the truth” Rudy answered But deep inside he knew iman said was all true “Well...were here” Rudy said looking up to see a sign “Research laboratory for scientist only“C'mon” Rudy said sliding the door

Back with the Two Neuro and Tekno agents......

“Becareful ali” Alicia said before Scanning the whole place “I will” Ali said before going to the Shelves to look In which he was careless and spilled a Beaker that said Warning! Do not spill on any of the body partsIn which The pink like substance covered his hair and then the beaker that used to contain the pink like substance Broke and caught alicia's attention “Ali! What did I say  about being careful?!” Alicia scolded Ali while at the same time questioned him “I-im sorry!!”  Ali whisper yelled at Alicia “If general new about this he will be-” Alicia's thought got cut off by a thud And when she opened her eyes she found An unconscious Ali Then her eyes widen, And then she reached her ear and started to speak “Rudy! Rudy! Are you there?!” Alicia said trying to find a pulse and to her surprise she found one “What?” Rudy said on the other earpiece “Ali is unconscious!! Come at the Testing area ASAP” With      these Rudy's eyes widen and quickly rushed to the Testing area And left the poor Kombat agent behind “R-Rudy wait!” Iman said catching up to the in Inviso agent “What happen?!” Iman asked the in Inviso agent “Ali so unconscious ” Rudy said to iman with a worried tone, When they got there Alicia was now soaked with blood which got a shocked look from the Two agents “Ali!!!” Rudy ran screaming With tears in his eyes “While he was still unconscious she started coughing blood” Alicia said holding tears “I managed to stop some of them but it keeps getting worse!!”Alicia said “The medic will be here any second” Iman said to the two crying agents and then a minute after iman called Many M.A.T.A medics came and took Ali's body along with the three Kombat,Inviso, and neuro agent And all had the same thought

“Hang on Please”

Sorry I just posted this chapter today its just that mom almost Took my phone and I have a lot of modules so I'm sorry again

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