chapter one

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I had always known that I was different. Born in a warehouse, surrounded by metal cages and the sounds of other creatures suffering, I knew that I did not belong. The scientists around me, dressed in white lab coats, were like aliens to me. They conducted tests and experiments that left me confused, scared, and alone. I was just a subject, a means to an end for them, and they treated me with cruelty and indifference.

But then, something changed. One day, I woke up and felt a strange sensation. It was a warm glow, almost like happiness, but I didn't know what to make of it. As the days went on, the feeling only grew stronger, and I began to realize that I had a soul. I was not just a subject, I was a being with feelings, emotions, and desires.

My newfound awareness made me desperate to escape the warehouse. I had seen glimpses of the outside world through the bars of my cage, and I knew that there was something better waiting for me out there. I had to get out no matter what.

As I lay in my cage, waiting for my chance, I started to notice that the tests were getting more and more frequent. The scientists were working around the clock, desperate to extract as much information from me as they could. I knew that I had to strike soon, or I would be lost to the experiments forever. And then, one day, my chance came.

In a split second, I was free. I ripped open the cage and bolted towards the door, feeling the joy and freedom of escape for the first time. But the scientists were hot on my heels, and I knew that I had to keep running if I wanted to survive.

So I ran, my feet pounding the pavement as I flew through the city streets. I had no idea where I was going, but I knew that I had to put as much distance between myself and the warehouse as possible. As I ran, feeling the rush of wind in my face and the adrenaline pumping through my veins, I realized that I was truly alive--a being with a soul and a future, even if it was uncertain.

I collapsed to the ground, panting heavily. The wind whipped past me, blowing strands of my dark hair into my face. I had been running for what felt like hours, but the excitement of my escape had died down, leaving me with nothing but exhaustion. I closed my eyes, feeling the cool dirt against my skin, and thought of all the tests and experiments that the scientists had subjected me to.

Was I a being with a soul? Or was I nothing but a subject in their twisted experiments? I didn't know. All I knew was that I had to keep moving, keep running, if I wanted to stay alive. And so, I pushed myself up, shaky legs taking me one step at a time until I was back on my feet, and I started to run again.

This time, I had no idea where I was going or what lay ahead. But I knew that I had to find a way to survive, no matter what. And so, I ran, putting one foot in front of the other, the sound of my breath like a drumbeat in my ears. I was a creature of instinct, a surviving being with a soul, running for my life in the city.

And in that moment, I felt more alive than I ever had before.☆☆☆☆

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