abandoned and found

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Experiment V1 sat down under a tree. The figure kneeled down in front of them. It was an old robot with a greyish blue colouring and yellow eyes. One eye was darker than the other. The figure goes by the name Nero. "I'm sorry V1, but I can't find any use of you when I don't know how to fix you." He said. "Unlike my brother, I'm not an expert in building robots since I never did it. All I did was help making blueprints but I can't set them into reality." V1 looked up at him.
"Please don't make this harder than it already is. You'll find someone you can stay with. People go on patrol here so you'll be found sooner or later." Nero got up with a sigh. "I'm going to go now before I get caught. I hope they find you more useful than I do." He turned and was about to leave, when a quiet voice whispered behind him.
"Don't leave me father."
Nero looked at the other robot. It just looked at him blankly. He shook his head. "V1 is mute. He can't talk." He thought and left.

V1 looked after him. He's well aware that some things weren't quite right with him. But he never understood them himself. They were a part of his body. They have been a part of his body since the day he was built. He stood up and was about to take a look at his surrounding, when his legs gave in and he fell on his knees. Ah right. He couldn't stand nor walk properly. He didn't have a good balance. But that's okay. It's normal for him.
Night began to fall and after a while, he fell asleep under the tree.

It's been three days and he's still under the same tree. V1 spends his time watching the different animals that passed him.
Surprisingly, he didn't feel lonely. Nor sad. He's well aware those emotions exist, but he didn't feel them. He never did.
The shaking of a bush caught his attention, making him look up. Through the trees, he saw a red robot with golden eyes starring at him.

William Furno was assigned to patrol the area in the woods for possible hostile creatures or villains taking cover there. It sounds fun, but is actually really boring and you're constantly tensed up at the slightes sounds. "God how much I prefer a normal mission with Stormer..." He said to himself. At least his shift is almost over. He looked around one last time. And a bluish glowing caught his eyes. He went over and pushed the branches aside to get a better view. Under a tree sat a dark blue robot. His limbs were of a golden colour with blue metal sheets on them like armour. His helmet had a purple line in the shape of a lighting bolt. Attached to his back were what seemed to be black mechanical wings. What seemed to be a core in his chest glowed in a deep purple with a frame made of some sort of black metal. Same thing with the letter V that was on it. But what caught Furno's eyes were the blue lines that spread across his whole body, giving off a soft glow.
He thought the robot was deactivated, until it opened it's eyes and looked up at him. The eyes were of a deep red with pupils that were bright red. At first glance he seemed to be a male, just like Furno. The two starred at eachother before Furno approached him.
"Hey, I'm Furno. I'm working for the Hero Factory. May I know your name?"

V1 starred blankly at him. His name was Furno, okay. But what's the Hero Factory? He never heard a thing about it. Furno asked for his name. Since he couldn't talk, he wrote it into the dirt in front of him.


"What an odd name." Furno thought. But it also seems like that robot couldn't talk either. He noticed that some sort of mask was covering his mouth. "Your name is V1?" The other robot nodded. "Well nice to meet you V1! Uh... How long have you been here?" V1 held up three fingers. "Three what? Days?" The mute robot nodded.
Not all too long then...
"I don't think you want to stay here forever, right? Or is this your home?" V1 shook his head. He didn't want to stay there forever. Nor was it his home. "I can take you to the Hero Factory. I can introduce you to my friends and we can get to know each other. What do you think?"
Wouldn't be too bad to get to know some new people...
V1 nodded and got up, just to immediately fall again. This time Furno caught him. To Furno's surprise, he was a whole lot taller than him. Maybe even taller than Stormer. And Stormer was already the tallest of the team. Furno helped V1 stand back up and supported him.

"Trouble standing and walking?" V1 nodded again.
"No worries! I can help you. And once we're at the HF, the doctors and engineers and whatnot will have a look at you, 'ight?" V1 wasn't sure what exactly is going on anymore, what the Hero Factory is, who exactly the short red robot is, but he still agreed and for the first time, he went outside the forest.

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