Chapter 1

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"Blaza! Time to go!"

"I'm coming!" I shouted. I put on my sunglasses and swiftly threw on my light orange bear hoodie, making sure it covered the bandages on my arms all the way, and stepped out the door of my room. When I made it downstairs, I saw a guy standing near the front door. He wore a bright orange hoodie, dark jeans, and tall rainbow socks. His hair and eyes were the same hazel brown, and he was wearing a space helmet with an orange visor.

"What took you so long?" He asked jokingly.

"Doesn't matter, Socks, I'm here now," I replied, "Let's go."

As we walked out, I heard a small ding on my phone. I pulled it out and checked my notifications, where a message had popped up.

"U guys on ur way? -Meme"

"Just left the house," I texted back.

"Brought a new friend along- u guys will meet him when u get here."

I chuckled. First Meme surprises us by saying he adopted two kids, and now he's brought someone else.

"Let's go, Blaza!" Socks called from my car. I hopped into the driver's seat and put the key into the ignition. The car started easily, and I drove it onto the road.


(Don't know what else to put so fast forward to when they meet up)

A few minutes later, we parked in the parking lot in front of Cheddars. I hopped out of the car, Socks close behind me, and we walked over to where Meme stood. Next to Meme was his two adopted kids, Nadwe and Muffin, Tbh, and some guy with a yellow gas mask that looked strangely familiar.

"Hey, you guys made it!" Meme exclaimed as he saw us walking towards him.

"Good to see you, Meme," Socks said. Socks peered around Meme and saw the gas mask guy. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh!" Meme said, turning around to face gas mask guy, "Right! Socks, Blaza, this is Laff. Laff, meet Socks and Blaza."

Laff. That name sounded so familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Laff looked at us and gave us a small wave. "Hi," he said, his British accent clearly showing.

Alright, I definitely know him from somewhere.

"Have we met before, Laff?" I questioned, "You seem strangely familiar to me."

"I-I don't think so, no," Laff replied, "I thought I recognized youse for a second, too, but I'm probably thinking of someone else."

I shrugged. He probably just looks like someone I've seen before.

"So, if you're done here, wanna go inside?" Meme interrupted, "I'm starving."

"Yeah, let's go," I said, and at that we all walked into the restaurant.

Once we found a table, the waiter gave us menus and left us to decide what we want. As I looked down the menu, I kept thinking about Laff. Why did that name sound so familiar? And I swear I'd heard that same British accent somewhere else...

At that thought, it hit me.

Laff was the name of Eli's son.

My head started to throb just then. My vision doubled, and felt dizzy.

"Imma... go to the restroom real quick," I said, "Be right back."

"Alright," Socks said, "What do you want to drink, though? Just in case the waiter comes back?"

"Just water's fine," I replied, not turning around. I headed the direction of the restrooms and entered.

When I got in, I stopped by the sink and breathed for a second. I looked in the mirror for a minute, and noticed a red sheen glowing from behind the left side of my sunglasses. I took them off, and saw my eye was a glowing red X. It always has been like that, ever since the experiments, but it never glowed that bright before. I looked behind me and saw my tentacles had also come out.

I sighed. Suddenly, I heard a voice come from the direction of the door.



Let's just say I finish these chapters a bit quicker bcuz I write THIS story in my notes.

Like I should have done in the first place lol


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