The Nemesis (Transformers OC)

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(A/n : Special thanks to Official_PerfectCell for giving me the challenge to create a fully robotic OC and finally introduce you to an OC idea that I had about a year or more.

This OC is considered Canon to the Raonverse's cosmology although there it's version is WAY higher in the powerscalling tier compared to this version since the Canon versions of OCs are far stronger than any versions of the same OCs that I introduce in the OC books such as this or the rp book.

I know that this OC might be kind of OP, but it was an OC idea that was on my mind for a while now. Please enjoy the OC, although I apologize once again in advance for him being OP and I'll try to balance him better.)

Name : Seth

Last Name :??? (Cybertronians don't have last names)

Alias : The First Gatekeeper, The First Decepticon, Universe's Darkest Hour, Devourer's Heir, Child of Chaos, Nemesis Prime, Prime of Darkness, Destroyer's Demise, Entropy's Champion

Age : Although he appears to be physically 20, his actual age is unknown and he doesn't get any older for reasons that I'll explain later.

Species : Cybertronian Demigod (the best way to describe it)

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Straight

Archetype : Lightning Bruiser (Prime Form)

Jungan Archetype : Ruler

Voice Claims :

Sosuke Aizen (Bleach) (Human Form)

Asura (Asura's Wrath) (Prime Form)

Makuta Teridax (Bionicle) (True Form)

Appearance : He's a multichanger so expect him to have a lot of transformations :

(A/n : Human Appearance/ Holoform )

(A/n : Protoform)

(A/n : Prime Form)

(A/n : Proto True Form (Formerly))

(A/n : True Form (Currently) imagine it being the same colors as his proto true form)

(A/n : "Planet" Form (Accessible only in True Form))

(A/n : Cybertronian Spaceship Form)

(A/n : Truck Form)

(A/n : Tank Form)

(A/n : Cybertronian Tank Form)

(A/n : Earth Jet Form)

(A/n : Cybertronian Dragon Form)

(A/n : Cybertronian Lion Form (ignore Megatron))

(A/n : Car Form)

(A/n : Combined Form)

(A/n : Combined Form's Head/Helm appearance)

Affiliation : True Form Unicron (Pre Shrouding) (Sire/Father), The One (Grandfather), True Form Primus (Uncle), Alternity Optimus Prime (Rival/Younger Cousin), The 13 Primes (Older Cousins)

Faction : Decepticons (Formerly)/ Autobots (Currently)

Inspirations for his creation : Shattered Glass Unicron (Transformers), Nemesis Prime (Armada version), Samurai (Japanese History)

Personality : Seth has a personality that you would see in a samurai or a warrior of old eras. He's cold, stoic, cares about those who are close to him. Tends to treat others with respect - after they've earned it of course - he's brutally honest and has a great moral compass.
An Achilles Heel about his personality is that, he doesn't tend to get into romantic relationships due to the fact that he knows first hand that he's going to outlive his lovers.

Abilities/Hax/Powers :
- Creation (True Form)
- Destruction (True Form)
- Transduality (True Form)
- Shape Shifting (Both Forms)
- Reality Warping (Both Forms)
- Dark Energy Manipulation (Both True and Prime Form)
- Energy Manipulation (True Form and Prime Form)
- Entropy Manipulation (True Form)
- Chaos Manipulation (True Form)
- Void Manipulation (True Form)
- Nigh Omniscience (True Form )
- Nigh Omnipresence (True Form)
- Self Sustainance (I : Oxygen, II : Nutritional and III : Restless)
- Machine Deity Physiology (Most of its abilities are accessible in true form)
- Divine AI Physiology (Most of its abilities and hax are accessed in true form)
- Transcended Condition (True Form)
- Acausality (Type 1,2,3,4 and 5) (Both Forms)
- Possession (True Form)
- Telekinesis (Both Forms)
- Telepathy (Both Forms)
- Reactive Adaptation (all types in True Form/nearly all types in Prime Form)
- Regeneration (Mid Godly)
- Immortality (I : Biological (Even "mortal" Cybertronians can live for millions of years if their body and spark is in good condition
II : Resilient (Seth's chassis/body is extremely durable to any form of physical damage by opponents of lower strength than his)
III : Regenerative (Could come to mind since we've seen his healing factor/regeneration)
IV : Resurrective (He's able to freely resurrect himself from death)
V : Deathless (His True Form is above the concepts of life and death)
VI : Parasitic (Can be seen since he managed to "infect" and merge with IDW's Unicron)
VII : Undead (He's technically the between death and living since he has both dark energon and normal energon running within his chassis)
VIII : Reliant (He's immune to every conventional way of dying, except having his true form being killed by the Star Saber or the Matrix. This is the only way to kill him)
IX : Conceptual (His entire existence is anchored in the concepts of Chaos and Entropy as long as these concepts last, he'll remain impervious to death itself)
X : Transcendental (His True Form is sealed within a multidimensional anomaly (Basically a black hole of multidimensional proportions) which makes him immune to conventional forms of death as long as his opponents don't have access to his True Form))
- Gravity Manipulation (True Form)
- Dimensional / Higher Dimensional Manipulation (True Form)
- Higher Dimensional Existence (True Form)
- Age Empowerment (Both Forms)
- Agelessness (via Immortality type I and VII) (Both Forms)
- Nigh Invulnerability (Both Forms)
- Regenerative Empowerment (Both Forms)
- Chaos Embodiment (Both Forms)
- Entropy Embodiment (Both Forms)
- Power Absorption (Both Forms)
- Power Bestowal (Both Forms)
- Regenerative Healing Factor (Both Forms)
- Contaminant Immunity (Both Forms)
- Divine Presence (Both Forms)
- Cosmic Presence (Both Forms)
- Life Resilience (Both Forms)
- Absorption (Both Forms)
- Spatiotemporal Lock (True Form)
- Retroactive Immortality (Both Forms)
- Infinite Resurrection (Prime Form)
- Personal Mortality (True Form)
- Chronokinesis (True Form)
- Realm Hoping (Both Forms)
- Large Size (Both Forms)
- Size Manipulation (Both Forms)
- Duplication (Both Forms)
- Combination (Both Forms)
- Power Negation (True Form)
- Resurrection

(A/n : Plus a lot more powers than I can possibly get into the chapter without having it to reach Google Docs levels of length)

Weaknesses/Downsides :

- Since in his True Form he becomes quite unstable, Seth prefers to stay either in his Holoform/Human Form or in his Prime Form since they're by far his most stable forms.

- The Star Saber and the Matrix of Leadership were the weapons that brought down Unicron, his father, so they're basically Seth's kryptonite in the sense that he's either extremely weakened in their presence and are the only weapons that can truly kill him since he has no immunity against them and most of his hax are deactivated whilst he's in their presence.

- Beings higher than him in tier and dimensionality can render his offense and defense lower or useless against opponents higher than him, although he still is really hard to kill, meaning that brute strength isn't considered to be a strategic advantage against him if you're only higher tier wise and not dimensionality wise.

- Seth doesn't fight unless he's provoked to do so. This combined with the fact that he's only Nigh Omniscient in his strongest (a.k.a True Form), makes him an easy target for stealth attacks, provided that his opponents have a way to reach his True Form.

- Killing or possessing his vessel isn't an optimal strategy against him, if you want to truly kill him, aim for the True Form, although don't expect it to be an easy task.

- Combined with his previous weaknesses Seth has an innate weakness to the Allspark cube itself due to its connection to mainly Primus himself. The Cosmic opposite of Seth's father, Unicron.

Backstory : Not many things were known about Seth's backstory from the days of Cybertron since his origins predates most of cybertron's people, even the planet itself with the exception of The One's, Unicron's and Primus's existence. Seth's on the other hand remains as mysterious as the most well coded riddle. Why does he look so much like Optimus, but dark? Why does he fear Primus's relics? Was he Unicron's sparkling or was he Unicron himself? Why were the original 13 Primes forbidden of saying his actual name? That's still a mystery.

A mystery that will be answered right now.

In order to learn more about Seth's origins let's go back, back to the creation of cybertron and the War of the Primordials that ended with the imprisonment of Unicron or so Primus thought. Unicron, Primus's twin, just a few moments before his imprisonment had created a new being, just to spite Primus's eldest creations. The 13 Primes.
The being itself that was created from a portion Seth himself. In the beginning, Seth was just as malicious and destructive as his father, but since Unicron wasn't able to make him fully cognitive he had basically created a mindless monster with no equal, that was allowed to go rampant and destroy the existing omniverse as he wished since both Unicron and Primus were imprisoned. At that time Seth's true form had also fused with a Sentinel one of Unicron's bodies within another universe, stopping without his knowledge the destruction of the Cybertron of that universe. The universe in question that had its version of Unicron missing is none other than the IDW u
His destructive rampage through the cosmos had ended once Nexus Prime had gotten into his hands the Star Saber and used it to cut through the cosmos, separating the Omniversal singularities through each existing timeline.
Fortunately enough for Seth, only but a fraction of the attack hit him, but it didn't separate him, instead it shone through his dark spark, sparking (pun intended) consciousness and a primal sense of fear within him. If a fraction of the Star Saber's power was enough to create a wound that he couldn't heal on his chassis. He didn't want to know what the full force of it would be capable of doing.
After attaining consciousness, Seth had went through the cosmos, not destroying it, but instead trying to preserve it and recreate it as it should be, gathering knowledge from each verse he traveled through, learning how truly precious and fragile life really is, devoting his life to protect it. His travels had brought him to the Shattered Glass universe, a universe where an actually benevolent version of his father existed into. A version of Unicron that became Seth's mentor.
Finally, Seth through his mentor's teaching he had sworn faith to uphold the order in the cosmos. To do this, he discarded his true form, turning it into a planet of gigantic proportions and hiding it within a multidimensional anomaly, never to be found out about. He had then created a new form, a vessel in other words for himself and seeing that in most verses - minus Shattered Glass - the symbol of peace and order was a descendant of Primus, Optimus prime himself, he decided to make his vessel look similar to him, turning a page in his life, trying to amend about the sins he committed in his past as a symbol of order. The real Nemesis Prime.

Powerscalling Tier :

- Stellar (Protoform)

- Solar System (Prime Form suppressed)

- Hyperversal+ (Prime Form : True Potential)

- Complex Hyperversal (Combined Form)

- Complex Hyperversal+ (True Form (Pre IDW Unicron absorption)

- Outerversal (potentially Outerversal+) (True Form (Post IDW Unicron Absorption)).

Stats : Depend heavily on power level and if he's in a vessel or in his true form.

Dimensionality : Depends heavily on his vessel's / True Form's strength and extent of the Multidimensional Anomaly that happened due to Seth's True Form

Cosmology : Raonverse

Theme :

(A/n : Prime Form Theme )

(A/n : True Form Theme )

(A/n : Combined Form theme)

(A/n : Screenshot of the challenge)

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