Birthday Special: The Missing Joker (PART 2)

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(A/N: It is the Second Day of my Birthday Celebration!!! So enjoy PART 2.)


At the North side of Mustafa,

You and Shadow can be seen walking around a forested area due to a green blood trail you both have spotted as soon as you two went further inside of the forest.

Following the trail, you began to ask some questions to Shadow.

(Y/n): Say, Producer?

Shadow: Yeah?

(Y/n): What was that party you were doing?

You wondered.

Shadow: Well, to simply put, I was in a middle of a Wedding Anniversary Party.

(Y/n): Oh? Who's anniversary?

Shadow: Friends of mine. Blake and Tenka.

(Y/n): I see. How many years?

Shadow: A few. 3 years currently.

(Y/n): I see. Send them my regards.

Shadow: Thanks.

(Y/n): But still. I'm... sorry I had to pull you from that for... this.

Shadow: No no. It's fine. In my world, if anything happens, a few of us would have to be deployed. I kinda put up a "Emergency Dispatch" Law in case any surprise attack comes to play, you see.

(Y/n): Wow. You must really be prepared for anything, huh?

Shadow: Indeed.

Shadow replied.

Walking on, you two didn't know that an Undead is currently watching you from within the bushes, the green and the trees, hopping about while blending in with nature so it won't be seen.

As the both of you are about to trek deeper into the forest, you noticed Shadow stopping in his tracks, for you to walk back at him, wondering why he stopped.

(Y/n): Producer? Why did y-

Shadow: covering (y/n)'s mouth ssssssssshhhhhhhh....

(Y/n): ???

Shadow: pointing upwards somewhere

(Y/n): looking at where he is pointing to notice there is something odd dangling down, for you to nod and wink at him

Shadow: understands the wink and removes hand from (y/n)'s mouth

(Y/n): I mean uhh.... boy~ We have been following the trail but so far, it's leading us deeper into the forest. Wonder why?

Shadow: Dunno. Most of the Undeads do tend to be smart so.... perhaps a trap.

(Y/n): shrugs Maybe. I'll never know since I'm new to this.

You said.

While talking, the Undead saw this as an opportunity, for it to lunge downwards towards you and Shadow, only for Shadow to utilize the Ohma Zi-O II Driver while pressing the sides a few times to-

-Blade no Toki-

-conjure a King Rouzer (Blade) as he delivered a Straight Flush Slash at it, causing the Undead to get struck as it fell onto the ground, to both your relief.

(A/N: King Rouzer (Blade).)

(Y/n): Glad we both saw that so we can lower its guard.

Shadow: Yeah-huh. Good work.

(Y/n): Thanks.

After a small talk, you and Shadow looked at the Undead as it slowly got up to its feet, for Shadow to fully identify the Undead.

(A/N: Bio Undead.)

Shadow: Bio Undead. The Seven of Hearts.

(Y/n): Oh, now it's Hearts. realizes T-This Battle Royale thing... it's prison is base on the 52 Cards, aren't they?

Shadow: smiles you are catching on nicely. Yes. Each set of thirteen represents each tribe. The Spade, Diamonds, Hearts and Clubs.

(Y/n): Then that means we got one of the thirteen from the Hearts Tribe.

Shadow: Yeup.

(Y/n): Nice!!

You exclaimed.

Whilst talking, the Bio Undead can be seen slowly getting up after that surprise attacks as it lunged its arm forward, causing vine-like tentacles to swiftly trail towards you and Shadow, for the both of you to dodge them.

Shadow press on his Driver again to summon-

-Blade no Toki-

- Garren's King Rouzer. Summoning another weapon, Shadow tossed it over to you, for you to catch it as you aimed it at the Undead, blasting some shots at it, only for another Undead to use its arm to block your shots, to both your surprise.

(A/N: King Rouzer (Garren).)

(Y/n): DANG!!!

Shadow: Cerebro, stay cautious!!! That's a Scorpion Undead. Club 8. One of the Thirteen from the Clubs Tribe.

(A/N: Scorpion Undead.)

(Y/n): Well.... let's share'em!

Shadow: Yeah, about that....


You exclaimed.

Exclaiming, you and Shadow watched as both the undeads began to fuse together, transforming themselves into one unified Undead.

As soon as the fusion was complete, your eyes widened to see that two Undeads, have become one, for you to speak out to Shadow.

(Y/n): UUUH... Shadow?! What do you call this Undead?!

You ask.

Shadow: Titan Undead. A fusion of two Undeads from two different Tribes..... Bio and Scorpion Undead.... This Hybrid Undead is new to me.

(A/N: Titan Undead II. Instead of Chameleon Undead parts on the face, body, arm and leg, it will be Plant Undead parts on it.)

(Y/n): First one for you yet, huh? Good to know. SO! That guy's strong, huh?

Shadow: Oh yeah! The Monoliths and their predecessors had a very tough time dealing with the previous dude that comprises Scorpion and Chameleon Undeads... until Chalice, William and Tsubasa saw through its tricks.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Titan Undead. Utilizing the Powers of Poison and Steal aka, Copy... Poison and Copy.... Poison and Copy.... Poison and....
(Y/n): I GOT IT!!!!!

Shadow: What? What is it?

(Y/n): This....IF fourth form, full body! Psyqueen, full body!

You called forth.

Calling out two kaijus, the right half of your body  turned into Psyqueen and the left remaining half of your body turned into IF, mimicking the Titan Undead.

Seeing your fusion form, Titan Undead looked in shock at what you became, even Shadow was surprised by your plan.

(Y/n): Now,... let's see which of our combined abilities are superior, Titan! You.... or Me! Poison and Bio... or Poison and Copy!

You said.

Hearing this, you and Titan ran towards each other to land a hit at each other. Titan struck first by using its Scorpion arm, for you to block its attack by using your IF arm blade. Blocking, you used Psyqueen arm to land multiple blows, for the Undead to take several hits until it blocked your punch by using its Bio arm.

While blocking each other's attacks, you snuck your tail at the back of the Undead, grabbing it by the head as you swung the Undead around, slamming it against some trees around you until you tossed it towards Shadow, for him to land a slash at it, causing the undead to fall onto the ground.

Seeing the Undead being taken down, you began to walk towards the Undead while watching it getting up at ease.

(Y/n): you're strong.... but not strong enough to anticipate my power.

You said.

Titan growled and charged towards you, only for you to blast a Destruction Ray from your Psyqueen Tail and a barrage of shots from your King Rouzer (Garren), only for the Undead to use its scorpion shield to block your attack while it tried to press forward from being pushed back by.

Seeing this, Shadow wielding the King Rouzer (Blade) began to insert some cards inside the sword to utilize one of its attacks.

-SPADE 10-






Utilizing its finisher, five card-like transitions appeared behind the Undead, for Shadow to deliver a slash that flew through every card transitions to increase the attack power, landing a powerful strike at the back of the Undead, causing it to grunt in pain while it lost its balance and guard, for your shots and beam to land a hit onto the Undead.

Once both attacks struck the undead, it went onto its knees and fell onto its back, revealing the buckles on its belt to automatically open by themselves, for you to notice this.

(Y/n): Producer! The said buckles are open!

You called out to you.

Hearing this, Shadow fished out two blank rouze cards as he swiftly tossed them directly at the Undead, planting them into it, causing the Undead to be absorbed into the two cards. After being absorbed, the two individual cards flew forward and backwards, for you and Shadow to catch each of them, for you to conjure vines from your bladed arm on the left as they wrap the card around as they lower it towards you as you grabbed it by using your Psyqueen claw.

After claiming the two cards, you revert back to your human form while walking back to Shadow with King Rouzer in hand.

(Y/n): Nice catch.

Shadow: Thanks. Right back at ya. And like how you copied its Bio ability.

(Y/n): Thanks. So, we got the Seven of Hearts and the Eight of Clubs.

Shadow: Yeup. I suggest you keep the card that you have just in case. You'll never know, you may get a Attack move of your own whilst using the King Rouzer.

(Y/n): Huh. Will keep that in mind. Also, better call the teams to let them know we got our first two.

Shadow: Do that.

Shadow said.

And so, you began to call the other four groups scattered around Mustafa as they too were carrying out the same task as you both are, in accordance to Shadow's plan.

(Y/n): So uuuhh....

Shadow: Team Blade, Team Garren, Team Chalice and Team Leangle.

(Y/n): Gotcha. hears people in the background while putting the phone on speaker Teams, Blade, Garren, Chalice, Leangle and 1A Dormitory Home Base. Team Shadow has claimed the Ten of Diamonds and the Eight of Clubs Rouze Cards. What's your status?

Orihara (By via Phone): Teams Garren, Chalice, Leangle, Shadow and 1A Dormitory Home Base this is Team Blade. We've dealt with some Undeads at our end thanks to Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo and Ida's quirks. Ida and Bakugo fought a tough battle with a particular speed-based Undead which we know of.

Shadow: Jaguar Undead...

(Y/n): That Undead is that fast, huh?

Shadow: oh yeah.... and there is even one that can jump really really high, known as the Hopper Undead.

(Y/n): whoa...

Orihara (By via Phone): Yeup. We stumbled upon that one, too. So now, we've claimed the Five and Nine of Spades, Six of Clubs, Five and Eight of Hearts and Eight of Diamonds. We'll be looking out for more Undeads. Status from the rest.

William (By via Phone): We got a lot of Undeads from the Hearts Tribe. Bullet, Drop, Rock and Gemini Cards have been claimed. We also got some Undeads from the Spade Tribe. The Capricorn and Eagle.

Tsubasa (By via Phone): Nice! We got our big guy here!

Orihara (By via Phone): The Elephant Undead?! No way!

Tsubasa (By via Phone): Oh yes way! And we got the Bee, Spider, Mole and Lion Undeads, too.

Rin (By via Phone): We got a fair share of Undeads, too including the Mantis Undead. Wouldn't wanna say them all as we have a huge group here when we stumbled upon them.

Shadow: I see. Good work, guys. Home Base. Status Report?

Mr. Aizawa (By via Phone): Everything here is alright. So far so good.

(Y/n): Mr. Aizawa?

Mr. Aizawa (By via Phone): Yes. Anyway, we stumble upon some Darkroaches and Albinoroaches. So far, we took care of them and found out that the Albinoroaches are a majority. Could that be a clue?

Mr. Aizawa asks.

Wondering what Mr. Aizawa meant, you looked up at Shadow to see that he has a worried look on his face now.

(Y/n): Producer? Is.... something wrong?

Shadow: oh yes, something is wrong... Mr. Aizawa... are Reiko and Uraraka still there?

Mr. Aizawa (By via Phone): Yes. Why?

Shadow: .... I do believe I know who is the culprit already.

Orihara, William, Tsubasa & Rin (By via Phone): WHO?!?!

Shadow took a moment to compose himself before he answers.

Shadow: The Albino Joker...

Shadow said.

Hearing this, the four Monolith Heroes can be heard gasping.

Orihara (By via Phone): That idiot again?!?!

Mr. Aizawa (By via Phone): Idiot? You five know this guy?

William (By via Phone): Junchi Shimura. Codename: Glaive... aka, the Albino Joker. His goal was to claim a human sacrifice to obtain the power of Jashin 14.

(Y/n): What's that?

Shadow: The most powerful Undead in history.

(Y/n): We're fucked.

Rin (By via Phone): Not when our two ladies are protected we are not.

Shadow: Rin's correct. If they are protected in the dorms, we should be fine. Now, Mr. Aizawa. Please continue.

Mr. Aizawa (By via Phone): Anyway, we took care of them except for one.

(Y/n): One?

Mr. Aizawa (By via Phone): One appeared to be Human. But judging the belt I'm seeing, he's still an undead.

Shadow: That means you have stumbled across a Human Undead aka, Two of Hearts. Spirit. Don't worry, sir. This Undead is harmless, unless provoked.

Mr. Aizawa (By via Phone): So I don't have to worry about him?

Shadow: Absolutely.

Mr. Aizawa (By via Phone): good.... cause' about that.

(Y/n) & Shadow: ???

Mr. Aizawa (By via Phone): He seems to be coping well with some of our students of Class A and B. Furthermore, he also showed them a Card he stumbled upon.

Mr. Aizawa said.

Hearing what he said, you and Shadow began to hear some classmates and the Undead talking amongst each other, for you both to sigh in relief. However, when you both heard about him having a card, you began to wonder what card it is.

(Y/n): WAIT!!! Mr. Aizawa???

Mr. Aizawa (By via Phone): Hmm?

(Y/n): You said he had a card with him. What card was it?

Mr. Aizawa (By via Phone): well.... it is a shape of a heart. But it's green. So, for you guys on the other side to suspect that it is an Albino Joker instead of this one he has, I suppose you are right about it.

Shadow: Great. Thank you, Mr. Aizawa. Okay! Teams. You have your info. And remember like last time, Junichi aka, the Albino Joker.... is extremely dangerous. If you stumble upon him, keep him there until we arrive.

Orihara, William, Tsubasa & Rin (By via Phone): Noted!!!

Shadow: That is all. Carry on with your work.

Shadow said.

With the discussion finished, you soon hang up the phone and keep it inside your pocket. After keeping your phone, you began to ask about the Albino Joker.

(Y/n): Producer? What's the Albino Joker?

You ask.

Shadow took sometime to gather his thoughts before answering your question.

Shadow: Cerebro... the Albino Joker, well... is much like Carnage from Venom 2. And, it is a mirror image to the Original Joker.

(Y/n): Ah! I see.

(Scene changes to Orihara's Location)

Orihara: Junichi was an Undead in Disguise.

Orihara said.

Deku: He is?

Orihara: Yes. And if anything, he's planning our downfall, right now.

Bakugo: tsk! Than let's just find him and KILL THAT EXTRA!!!!!!!!!!

Orihara: We can't act rashly when it comes to this particular Joker.

Bakugo: HUH?!?!

Todoroki: Why?

Ida: Now everyone, I'm sure he has a reason for this so give him time.

Ida says.

Orihara took a deep breath before he answers.

(Scene changes to William's Location)

William: To what I have heard from my Predecessors, he tends to stab his comrades at the back!

William said.

Monoma: So in other words, he is disposing these undead while dividing all of us so we can hunt them and he can get closer to the targets.

William: That's highly possible.

Yosetsu: Then that means he can also be stronger than the original Joker Undead, due to experience....

William: That is also another thing we need to worry about.

William added.

(Scene changes to Tsubasa's Location)

Grey: If the girls are what he wants, that means if he gets what he wants, this Jashin 14 he will become will be probably twice or ten times powerful than all of us.

Tsubasa: More powerful than the four of us Monolith Heroes.... than my predecessors, even.

Kaminari: Damn.... that big of an issue?

Tsubasa: nods

(Scene changes to Rin's Location)

Tokoyami: Hmm... Revelry in the Dark.

Rin: So, we must be careful. Who knows. We may just stumble upon him before we know it.

Shishida: Then we must watch ourselves at every direction.

Rin: Shishida is correct. We must keep a keen eye of our surroundings if we were to stumble upon him.

Kirishima: Then let's do our best!

Tetsutetsu: YEAH!!!!! LET'S DO THIS!!!!

They said.

(Scene changes back to Shadow's Location)

Shadow: Then let's go hunt ourselves an Albino Joker....

(Y/n): Agreed.

You said.

After talking about the Albino Joker, you two began to proceed forward again to look for more Undeads, unbeknownst to them, several Undeads and a King Undead can be seen lurking in the green as they took notice of both Shadow and your movements, for them to disappear to initiate their surprise attack.


At the 1A Dormitory in U.A.,

Some teachers, Mr. Nezu and some classmates from 1A, and B can be seen talking amongst each other while protecting Uraraka and Reiko from the Undead Threat, revealed to be led by an Albino Joker.

As they waited out for news, the Human Undead looks at the doors outside the dormitory as it sensed movement outside, causing him to stand up as he left his comfy seat.

Mina: hmm? Ummmm...

The Human Undead looks at Mina, for him to smile at her.

???: It'll be fine.

The Undead said.

After assuring Mina that things will be fine, he looked at the main entrance to sense that whatever he sensed is getting stronger, for him to pick up a chair at ease, throwing it at the doors.

That throw caused the main doors to burst open, causing his suspicions to be right, there were numerous Darkroaches and Albinoroaches in front of the front door as they could be seen bejng thrown back after a chair was thrown at the door which had sent some of them flying. Taking notice of this, the Pros began to stand in front of their students, protecting them as they began to have a fight for their lives.

(A/N: Albinoroach.)

As they stood defensively, they notice a shadowy figure walking in while turning back to its human form, for Mr. Aizawa to take notice of this.

Mr. Aizawa: So.... you must be the Albino Joker.... Mr. Shimura...

Mr. Aizawa said.

As soon as the Undead entered the dormitory, it began to speak.

Junichi Shimura: Yes, yes I am. Looks like my reputation has been spreading.... good good.... now hand me my Vanity card and, no one dies tonight....

Ectoplasm: That's not going to happen, Albino Joker.

Junichi Shimura: .... looks at All Might ... Oh, and you, All Might. You, I recognize.

All Might: I'm sorry but.... I don't think we have met before.

Junichi Shimura: Oh really? Well perhaps, this will help you. Albino Joker voice How does it feel, Toshinari? Do you feel weak after your Master is gone by the hands of my new Master?

All Might's eyes widened when he heard that familiar voice.

All Might: Th-Then!!! That night!! When I saw that monster alone in my ROOM....

Before All Might could finish, Junichi began to turn back to his original form in the form of the Albino Joker Undead, for All Might to lightly gasp.

(A/N: The Albino Joker.)

Albino Joker: REMEMBER ME, TOSHINARI?!?! When I spied on your training with your Master!! When I was watching you during your fight with your Master against All for One!!! When I spoke to you at your bed side!!!! When I spoke to your at your soon-to-be DEATHBED at the Hosptial!!!!! I talk! JUST! LIKE! THIS!!!!!!

The Albino Joker said.

Just as it said that, few strong Undeads began to enter the Dormitory as it readied their mandibles and claws.

To be Continued....

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