Chapter 12: U.A. Sports Festival (PART 7)(1-on-1 Tournament - First Round)

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Back at the Audience Stand,

You, Ida and Deku were seen seated down at your seats as you three and your classmates prepared to bare witness the eighth and final match of the first round which advances the winners to the Quarter Finals. As you all waited, you and Deku began to see Uraraka walking towards the arena at the center of the Stadium, for you to call out for her.

(y/n): Uraraka!!!

Uraraka: looks back to see you Huh? (y/n)?

(y/n): Do your best!!!!

Uraraka: smiles and give a thumbs up

(y/n): smiles and shoots out a thumbs up

After a moment of exchanging smiles and thumb ups, Uraraka continued making her way to the Arena to see Bakugo waiting for her. Once she has arrived onto the Arena, the crowd began to roar loudly at the last competitors in the eighth and final round of the first round.

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): The Eighth and FINAL Battle of the First-Round of Matches!! He was kind of a Hotshot in Middle School and just look at that determined face! From the Hero Course! Katsuki Bakugo!!!!! Verses, who I'm personally rooting for, also from Class 1-A, Ochako Uraraka!!!!!!!!!

Present Mic introduced the last two competitors for the Eighth and Final Round.

The crowd went wild for the two competitors as the combatants prepared themselves for battle at the opposite ends of the Arena. While the crowd went wild, Ida began talking to you and Deku on what strategy we were about to give Uraraka, in which she politely declined.

Ida: Midoriya, (y/n).

Deku: Huh?

(y/n): Yes, Class Rep?

Ida: I'm curious. What was that strategy you both came up with to give Uraraka an advantage against Bakugo?

Ida ask with his hands chopped upwards.

Deku: Honestly, it wasn't really much of a plan. Kacchan's so strong. When it comes to close combat he almost never has any openings, and the more he moves the more he sweats which makes his quirk more powerful... he's gotten really good in using his Explosions to move around in the air. But if Uraraka is able to touch him, she'll use her quirk to make him float. She can send him out of bounds. That's why, it's obivious what Uraraka needs to do to get the upper hand.

(y/n): That's a solid plan there. My plan is actually close to yours. 

Deku: Oh?

Ida: Tell us.

(y/n): Well, like Deku's plan it's not much... but if she can touch things to float, that means she can make herself float, too... to dodge his Explosions. If she does that at the right direction and at the right angle, Uraraka can release her quirk behind, above him or maybe both. Let's say for example she released her quirk while falling a few centimeters down behind Bakugo. If she does that, she can surprise him by touching him, making him float.... and like in Deku's plan, she'll send him out of bounds when she has that opportunity. That's why I say Deku's plan can combine to mine.

Ida: I see. Interesting plan.

Deku: Yeah.

(y/n): Ohhh,.... it's nothing, really.

You said, scratching the back of your head.

After hearing Deku and you out, it begins....

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): LET THE EIGHTH MATCH, BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Present Mic said out loud.

As the match began, you and your classmates see Uraraka dashing towards Bakugo, seeing her hands at the ready, preparing to touch him to make him float and go out of bounds. 

Deku: Wow, look at her go! That's a good start and all she has to do is to touch him one time.

Ida: It won't be easy. You know Bakugo is not gonna let her get too close to him.

(y/n): That's why he'll not be dodging.

Deku: nods He'll focus his energy on countering attacks.

The three of you said amongst each other.

While Uraraka is dashing really close to Bakugo, Bakugo can be seen rearing back his right arm, readying to strike.

Deku (Inner Thoughts): Kacchan, you always use your right hook to start a fight....

Deku said in thought.

Just as Uraraka was close enough to touch Bakugo, she was suddenly blown backwards by Bakugo's right hook while using his Explosion quirk to blow her backwards and away from him, to Deku, Ida and your worry.

Deku, Ida & (y/n): Uraraka!!!

Mineta: H-He blasted her....

Tsu: uh, looks like Bakugo's not giving her any mercy...

The match continues when Bakugo notice Uraraka coming in, for him to blow her down, only to see that all he blew up was Uraraka's top attire, giving Uraraka the opportunity to appear behind him by surprise.

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): WHOOOOOOOAAA!!!! She threw her Jacket as a decoy!!! What an incredibly quick thinking!!!

Present Mic said, commending Uraraka's quick thinking strategy.

Just as Uraraka is about to touch Bakugo from behind, she was then blown away again by Bakugo's explosions, to your classmates' shock and worry.

Sero: Look at that reaction time!

Kaminari: Seriously... the dude's insane.... you can't get the drop on him... since Uraraka can't use her quirk unless she touches him, her lightning fast reflexes put her at a huge disadvantage.

You observed as your classmates are getting very worried about Uraraka getting pummeled by Bakugo's Explosions that one of them aka, Jirou can be seen covering her face as se couldn't bare to watch the carnage happening happening down there.

Tsu: Is she okay?

Jirou: I can't watch this... 

(y/n): It's her choice.

Jirou: Huh?

Tsu: ribbit?

(y/n): Deku, Ida and I wanted to give her a plan to beat Bakugo by using her quirk. But she resectfully declined the offer and decided to do things all on her own. I asked her if that is her choice. looks at your classmates behind you She said yes. So again,... it is her choice. And besides... it's not over yet till she says it is.

You said, looking back at the carnage.

While you all are watching the carnage unfolding, you began to hear some people in the audience having negative comments on what Bakugo is doing to Uraraka, blowing her away like a ragdoll.

Random Spectator 1: Hey, shouldn't one of the teachers step in?!

Random Spectator 2: Yeah, this is too rough...

RandomSpectator 3: This is shameful! Listen kid, if you wanna be a Hero? Then stop acting like a Bully! You're so good, just send her out of bounds!! showing two thumbs down gestures Stop toying with the girl and end this, already!!

Random Spectator 4: Yeah, you heard the guy!!!

Several spectators said.

Upon hearing their comments about the last match, the audience around the stadium began jeering at Bakugo.

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): The crowd is now booing Bakugo! And honestly, I kinda agree with what they're sayi- HEY WHOA!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE CRAP!?!?!?!?!

Eraserhead (From the Commentary Box): Where's the man who started this uproar? Are you a Pro?! Because if you're being serious, you can go home and hang up your cape! I'd suggest you looking into another career!

Eraserhead took over Present Mic as he began to tell the audience off while explaining what was going on in the match, causing the audience to suddenly quiet down out of shock at what Eraserhead said, for you to nod at this.

Deku: Do you know what he's talking about?

(y/n): hmmmm. 

You wondered.

Eraserhead (From the Commentary Box): Bakugo's fierceness is as acknowledgement of his opponent's strength! He knows she deserves to make it this far! So he's making sure he does whatever he takes to keep her at bay and come out on top!

Eraserhead said sternly.

As Deku was figuring Eraserhead aka, Mr. Aizawa out on what he was trying to say, you nudge him alittle while using your hands to tilt his head, for him to see it all.

Deku: WHOA!!! So-

(y/n): That's right! Like I say, it's not over until she says so. She had a plan all the long and Bakugo sort of fell for her trap.

You said out loud.

Everyone and the audience looked up to see the debris from the grounds of the Arena in the air, to finally figure out that Uraraka was using her quirk on them so she can strike Bakugo down by using them when she releases her quirk. Seeing this opportunity, Uraraka tapped her fingers together for the debris in the air to start falling down like a meteor shower, to everyone's shock and amazement. Even Present Mic was shocked by this, too.

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): WHOA!!!!! A METEOR SHOWER!!!!!!

Eraserhead (From the Commentary Box): So, now you noticed...???

Deku: She had a plan all along!?!

(y/n): That's right, ma' boy!!!!!!

While the debris is seen falling from the sky, Uraraka can be seen taking abreak for it, dashing towards Bakugo so she can touch him and make him float again, only for Bakugo to raise his hands and blow all the falling debris away, blowing Uraraka away in the process, even the audience are seen holding on tight due to the impact and the wind caused by the aftermath of the Explosion was too powerful to handle.


Present Mic exclaimed.

Your classmates look in shock at what Bakugo just did. While looking,-

(y/n): Phew... that's close...

Deku: Huh? looks at you What do you mean by- WHOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ida: Midoriya?! looks at Midoriya and you What's- WHOA!!!!

- Deku, ida and your classmates focused on you, to see that you caught a piece of flying debris by just your bare hands, seeing you crushing it in front of you.

(y/n): too close....

You said.

As the fight kept going after that close up experience with an incoming flying debris, Uraraka can be seen standing up, struggling to keep herself upright as Bakugo can be seen dashing towards her, only to see Uraraka falling back onto the ground after a minute of standing up, for him to stop in his tracks.

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): Uraraka is DOOOOOWWNN!!!!!!!

Present Mic said.

Your classmates watched Uraraka struggling to get up, but to no avail as she was too weak and she is way pass her limit. After awhile of struggling, she suddenly pass out, for Midnight to walk up to her to check on her. Seeing the unfortunate results, Midnight began to state the winner of the eighth match.

Midnight: Uraraka is KO'ed. Bakugo advances to the Second Round.

Midnight said.

The crowd went wild upon hearing the last winner as all the Second ROund Finalists have been gathered and moved up.

Seeing this, you see Uraraka being taken away to Recovery Girl as you nod at the unconscious Uraraka.

(y/n): You did your best, Uraraka. You did good.

You said to yourself.

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): AND THAT'S IT FOR THE FIRST ROUND!!!! sighs I was really rooting for her... Oh yeah, I guess Bakugo is moving on...

Eraserhead (From the Commentary Box): You're supposed to be unbiased, you know?

Present Mic (From the Commentary Box): LET'S TRY TO FORGET THAT DEPRESSING OUTCOME!!!!!!!

Eraserhead (From the Commentary Box): Or not.....


Present Mic said.

The audience roared as the Second Round also known as the Quarter Finals will be up next in a few minutes, giving you the opportunity to go check Uraraka out.

(y/n): Deku, wanna come with the see Uraraka?

Deku: Oh, sure. Actually I was thinking of going to see her too to see how she is after what happened....

(y/n): Well then, come with me.

You happily said, letting Deku tag along as you and Deku left the Audience Stand, making your way to the Waiting Room to see Uraraka is there and to see how she is after that fight with Bakugo.

To be Continued....

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