Chapter 14.5: The Apocalypse draws Near

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Somewhere in Japan,
Inside a very Tall Building,

Dr. Garaki and All for One can be seen monitoring everything that has been going on at Hosu while looking at the screen with Tomura Shigaraki on it.

All for One: The Hero Killer: Stain... I didn't think he'd get caught. But everything else went pretty much as expected. Now that he's viral, those who want to wreck havoc, or simply sympathize with him, will seek out the League of Villains as a way to satisfy their urges. Tomura Shigaraki will be put in a position where he must unify many new recruits. 

Dr. Garaki: I believe things would move faster if you were to talk to them yourself though, Master. 

All for One: giggles silently Then I suggest you better hurry and fix my body, Doctor.

Dr. Garaki: If only we've gotten our hands on the Super Regeneration Quirk five years earlier, now that your wounds are all healed, it can't really do anything to help. So he's to unite the League of Villains. I wonder if the child can pull it off. How much has he really grown?

All for One: He'll do well. Even if I have to work him to the bone. It's the only way that he'll be able to take my place... He was born with a twisted mind needed to become the Next Me. I hope you're celebrating while you can, All Might... because very soon... this temporary peace, will come to a Violent End.

All for One said while looking at the screen with Tomura's face on it.

While looking at the screens, both him and the Doctor heard footsteps closing in at the entrance of the Room they are in, for All for One to look at the Doctor.

All for One: I don't recall having visitors at this time...

He said.

Dr. Garaki: M-Me neither!

The doctor said as he walked to the entrance of the room.

Dr. Garaki: Excuse me. I apologize but, you're not suppose to be-

Just before the doctor could finish, a twin-edged weapon can be seen thrusting the ground in front of the doctor, for the doctor to jump as he fell on his butt, crawling to his master while the unknown being pulled its weapon out.

Crawling to his master, the doctor informs him that he's got company.

Dr. Garaki: M-M-Ma-M-Master!! W-We've got company...

All for One: Heroes? All Might? New recruits? The League of Villains?

Dr. Garaki: I'm afraid, neither....

He said.

Hearing this, All for One slowly stood up from his seat as he turned to look at the threat outside the room he is in now, for the beings to enter the room, revealing themselves to be aliens and ancient beings.

(A/N: These four beings. Ensure the third image, that being is using Mecha Musashin as Armour and it won't be walking like a zombie. The Fourth image, it will don armour based on Egyptian Armour to what Egyptians and Pharaohs use.)

Seeing them, All for One spoke.

All for One: State your business, you four. Or else, you're not welcome here.

He said.

But they didn't say a word, for All for One to grow impatient.

All for One: Don't let me repeat myself a third time! State, your... Bus-

???: They are here because I brought them here.

A voice boomed, for All for One to be interrupted.

Hearing this, the four beings went to each side, with two being on the left and right as they knelt with one knee, for a giant extradimensional being to lean in to enter, showing its monstrous form, for the Doctor to hide in fear from this and for All for One to hear the being approaching him as it stopped in front of him.

???: Forgive the intrusion, human! For I am here standing before you as the both of us have one common enemy. As I propose an apocalyptic approach, if your plan to defeat this, All Might person, fails...

All for One: And what can a terrifying being such as yourself offer me?

???: My own Creation of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!!

Dr. Garaki: Th-The Four Horsemen of the... Apocalypse?! But that's impossible! They're an old wise tale.... a story!

???: Well, not anymore. Alien Tsuruk utlizing his arm blades and Galactron Mk II Axe (A/N: First Image above.), my Newly Created Horseman of Death, Armoured Darkness (A/N: Second Image above.), my Newly Created Horseman of War, Alien Shilback donning Mecha Musashin as Armour (A/N: Third Image above.), my Newly Created Horseman of Pestilence and finally an Ancient Old friend of mine, Isiris (A/N: Fourth Image above.), a trusted ancient ally of mine who volunteered himself to be my Newly Created Horseman of Famine. These four horsemen shall be under not just my command, but yours, as well.

All for One: I see... Charmed to meet you all, then. I am All for One... Leader of the League of Villains. This is my Doctor, Dr. Garaki.

Dr. Garaki: Gr-G-Gre-Greetings...

All for One: And you are, 'my friend'?

All for One asks.

Then, the two watched as the being slowly shrink down to its humanoid height and size as they both hear and see bones snapping, cracking and connecting themselves in place and, to the right size and height while emitting a blackish red fog as the being reverted back to its original self as he answered.

???: I go by many names.... Dark Sheperd... Lord of Darkness.... Ruler of the Universe and Beyond.... The Beginner of the Apocalypse.... thus, you may call me...

The being paused as the fog dissipates, revealing himself to All for One and Dr. Garaki.

(A/N: Alien Reiblood.)

???: Alien Reiblood! Or simply, Reiblood!

It introduced himself.

Hearing his name, All for One smiled at him as he now has five new recruits or would he say, friends to help him win this fight against the villains.

To be Continued....

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