Chapter 15: Recovery Girl's Check-Up

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Inside Recovery Girl's Office, 

It's been a while after Deku's surgery and minutes since Todoroki's check-up and healing as Recovery Girl can now be seen attending to you while using her quirk on you, healing you from your exhaustion and the scrapes, bruises, and scratches you sustained during your match against Todoroki. After healing you up, you sat on one empty bed beside Todoroki's bed as you began to listen to what Recovery Girl has to say.

While awaiting for Recovery Girl's response, you see Todoroki and Deku resting up on their individual clinic/hospital bed with All Might watching over Deku. Then, Recovery Girl spoke.

Recovery Girl: Hmmm... Interesting. Apart from just scrapes, bruises and scratches, you seem to be quite alright to keep fighting on in the next few fights, young man.

(y/n): Okay, that's the good news... so.... what's the bad news?

Recovery Girl: The bad news is, I notice you came in with Todoroki, exhausted. You should watch yourself when using your quirk full throttle. I don't want you ending up like Young Uraraka and Young Midoriya over there, ya hear?

(y/n): I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Recovery Girl.

Recovery Girl: nods Good. I must say, for a person from another Earth, you are a very easy person to handle.

(y/n): Oh? Well uh, thanks. I just make things easy for my allies, that's all.

Recovery Girl: I can tell.

You smile at Recovery Girl, for the latter to smile back.

After that brief moment, you began asking about Todoroki and Deku.

(y/n): Oh yeah, what about Todoroki? And how's Deku?

You ask.

Recovery Girl: Well, Young Todoroki here just requires rest for the time being. As you have already seen, I just used my quirk to heal up his injuries. And wherease for Young Midoriya, before you came in, I have just finished his surgery on his arms and healed his leg. He should be well enough to move in awhile.

(y/n): That bad, huh?

Recovery Girl: Yes, Young (l/n). It's that bad. That's why I'm telling you now to watch yourself.

(y/n): I understand. 

Recovery Girl: And there is also one thing I discovered while I was treating you.

(y/n): Oh? What's that?

Recovery Girl: It would appear that your Support Items are physically and psychologically linked to you.

(y/n): Ah. I knew someone would bring this up one day. Don't worry, it's normal.

Recovery Girl: It is?

Recovery Girl ask curiously as you knew that she was talking about you and your Battlenizers.

(y/n): It is. When the Battlenizer.... and even the Giga Battlenizer is in my possession, there is no going back from it. It is a curse, yes.... but a gift, too.

Recovery Girl: Hmm?

(y/n): While I'm binded by this curse due to the Games created by Reiblood,... it is also a gift as I made new friends in my Battlenizer.

Recovery Girl: And this gift for a curse will stay on you forever, right?

(y/n): ... unfortunately, yes.... but fear not, Recovery Girl. As this curse only takes effect on me when I use my kaijus or aliens in battle so when I fight physically, it does nothing. However, when my kaijus win a battle, it makes me stronger. Even if I merely talk to my battlenizers, it also brings me hope and make me stronger, too. That's the advantage and disadvantage behind that gifted and cursed bind.

Recovery Girl: I see. That explains how you only came in with a lot of scrapes, bruises and scratches.

(y/n): nods It is their strength. And also,-

Recovery Girl: Hmm? 

(y/n): .... Class 1-A's strength, too.

You said, adding your classmates in as another source of your strength.

Recovery Girl went up to you and smiles.

Recovery Girl: Well,..... it's good to make friends, young and old. That's how us, heroes get stronger.

(y/n): And how heroes are made.

Recovery Girl: nods You're very wise with words, you know that?

(y/n): Well... you may thank my captain and my friend Rei when they come here to rescue me... whenever that would be. They're the ones who taught me a lot of things.

Recover Girl: I see. Well, I won't hold you up. You should be completely healed, so whenever you're ready, you may make your way back up to the stadium to join your classmates. If you want to rest up here for a bit longer, you may go ahead.

(y/n): Thanks, Recovery Girl.

You said, thanking Recovery Girl for everything that you and her talked about.

As she left to return to her post at her desk, you began to look at Deku and All Might to see they are now looking at you after your brief discussion with Recovery Girl.

(y/n): Hey, guys.

Deku: Hey...

All Might: Hey.

(y/n): Oh? So that's what you look like originally?

All Might: Yeah, you can say that.

(y/n): Don't worry, Todoroki is still unconscious so, we can talk.

All Might: O-Oh, right. Thanks for the heads up there.

Deku: So (y/n), I heard you advanced to the next round? Congrats.

(y/n): Oh, it's nothing special, really.... like what I said to Recovery Girl but to add more information in, my monster and alien friends, and you classmates of Class 1-A are the source of my strength. And I umm.... I may have went too far on Todoroki on that last attack.

All Might: What the hell?!?!?! So that's what the loud and strong tremor and explosion was all about?!?!

All Might ask.

You nervously giggle.

(y/n): Y-yeah. It's a long story but.... I'm sure there will be clips on our phones to show us what I meant by that.

Deku: Well, I'm looking forward to seeing it.

(y/n): nods while looking at the unconscious Todoroki

Deku: ??? (y/n)?

(y/n): Deku.... looks like we finally woke him up.... he finally used his fire.

Deku: yeah.

All Might: So I see.

Deku & (y/n): Hmm???

All Might: You're trying to help him, all this time.

(y/n): Yes, sir. We only saw him use his ice, this whole time because.... well.... it's a long story really.

Deku: But to make it short,... he's afraid of using his fire due to his past. So, we prompted and made him unleash his fire as we both know it is his own quirk, not his father's.

(y/n): Deku's right, All Might. So, we had to wake him up. I wanted him to be the Top Bitch properly.... so, I had to give him some motivation by words and by fighting, too. Even if he's been beaten by me, but at least he beat Deku properly,.... so that's fine by me.

Deku and you explained.

All Might smiled when he heard this.

All Might: You two... You both are something, you know that?

Deku: Yeah.

(y/n): We noticed. giggling

Deku: laughs softly

All Might: smiles Well, whenever you're ready to watch the other matches, you may feel free to join your class. I'll be off to sit with the teachers.

(y/n): Alright, enjoy the show.

Deku: Yeah, All Might.

And with that, All Might left you three to rest.

After All Might left, you got up as you went up to Deku.

(y/n): So, let's join our class?

Deku: Yeah. But, what about him?

(y/n): Todoroki? looks at Todoroki Hmmm... I'll stay with him for a bit. Recovery Girl said he'll be good to go when he wakes up and when she uses her quirk on him again. So, you go on ahead first.

Deku: Okay, see you up there.

Deku said.

You nod as Deku carefully went down from the bed he was lying down on as he made his way out to join the class. While you watched him leave, you hear groaning, for you to turn to see Todoroki waking up. You then went up to him with worry.

Todoroki: W-Where a- am I?

(y/n): You're in Recovery Girl's little clinic, Todoroki. 

Todoroki: sits up right slowly (y/n)?

(y/n): Yup.

Todoroki: So, you won?

(y/n): It.... would appear that way. But still, you did take down Deku so, it is a win for you at anytime.

Todoroki: But you w-

(y/n): Hey. It's a win win for the both of us, even if you lost. But all it matters, I'm still happy you used your fire on us.

Todoroki: .....

(y/n): Todoroki... when I said that I'll help you, your father and your entire family,.... I meant it, when I said I do that. That's if.... you let me help you.

You said, offering out your hand.

Todoroki looks at your hand, and then you for a moment. After awhile of thinking while thinking about his dark childhood past, he suddenly shed a tear while he slowly reached out to grab your hand, accepting your help, for you to smile at this and notice his tears.

Seeing his tear rolling down, you slowly went in for a hug while holding his hand tight, to his confusion and shock.

(y/n): It's alright to cry,.... Todoroki.... it's okay to cry.....

You said.

Recovery Girl notice the scene happening as she was about to leave her desk to check on Todoroki, for her to smile at the scene.

Recovery Girl (Inner Thoughts): (y/n) (l/n).... you really are one-of-a-kind Hero, looking out for your friends....

She said in thought.

To be Continued....

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