Chapter 18: U.A. Sports Festival (PART 11)(1-on-1 Tournament - Third Round)

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After a quick check-up by Recovery Girl,

At the Audience Stand,

You and Ida are seen making your way to a flight of stairs to head down and sit with your classmates when you both watched and witness Tokoyami being overpowered by Bakugo's explosions. As you both watched, you noticed that the Tokoyami and Bakugo Fight is an uneven match-up.

(y/n): Tokoyami won't stand a chance. This is an uneven fight.

Ida: Hm. So you noticed, too.

(y/n): Yes. Bakugo's explosions shine bright which makes himself as a Light Counterpart, with Tokoyami and his Dark Shadow being the Dark Counterpart. That's Tokoyami's flaw... his Dark Shadow is being contained by the light, and the more brighter Bakugo's explosions are, the more it'll hurt for Dark Shadow.

Ida: That's right.... looks at (y/n) I got to say (y/n), you seem to know your stuff. How do you know all about Bakugo and Tokoyami's fight through their strengths and weaknesses?

Ida asks, wondering how you know about this.

(y/n): While I was in the Pendragon with my Team, my crewmate, Oki let me look through every kaiju and alien file he has in his computer. One kaiju caught my eye which resembles to this fight. Kyūketsu Uchū Seijin,.... Dorakyurasu.

Ida: Draculas? As in Dracula? The vampire?

(y/n): Well.... if you wanna call it that, sure. But still, yes. Draculas is not just a vampire.... but a Space Vampire. Dark Shadow resembles to Draculas as they could only unleash their true strengths at night, and their weakness of course-

Ida: Is the Light.

(y/n): Exactly. One of my many allies used his bracelet to conjure a bright ball of light, rendering Draculas blind due to its bright shiny light emitted from the Bracelet itself.

Ida: So that means-

(y/n): Yes. But in Sports Festival terms, Bakugo's Explosion Quirk is the light-conjuring bracelet, and Tokoyami's Dark Shadow Quirk, is Draculas.

You answer and explained.

Ida nods at your answer and explanation as you both watched on. Then, a huge explosion can be seen with dust and smoke enveloping the scene, rendering everyone blind as they couldn't see what is happening down at the Arena. After the dust and smoke cleared out, everyone, you and Ida watched to see Bakugo on top of Tokoyami as everyone witnessed Tokoyami surrendering, for Midnight to finalize the Final Match of the Third and Semi-Final Round.

Midnight: Tokoyami has given up! Bakugo is the Winner of this Match!

Midnight stated.

The crowd began to roar and cheer for Bakugo, and their cheers became louder as the Finals are about to begin.


Present Mic stated while the screens show the Final Match-up for the Final Round for the Finals of this entire Sports Festival.

As you watched on, you began to see Bakugo death staring right at you, for you to smile at his death stare. While you and Bakugo have a brief stare off, you began to hear your classmates talking about the last Match of the Semi-Final Round as you hear them talking about Bakugo and Tokoyami.

While having a stare off while listening in, Ida tapped your shoulder for you to look at your class rep.

Ida: Let's join the class before you head out.

(y/n): nods Sure. I would like that.

You said.

And with that, you two began descending down the flight of steps to reach Deku and Uraraka: 

Ida: We'll have to take notes for next time.

Ida mention, for you to nod at this, knowing that this mention isn't just for you, but for Deku, as well.

Deku turned around to see both you and Ida joining them to watch the Finals which is coming up shortly.

Deku: Ida? (y/n)?

While looking at Ida, Uraraka turned to look at Ida and you, as well.

Seeing them, Ida smiled at Uraraka and Deku, for you to do the same while doing a thumbs up. As the two friends see this, Deku and Uraraka smiled at the two of you. 

While the four of you have your moment, Ida began to shake like as if he is shivering, for you and your classmates to see this.

(y/n): Whoa! You okay, Ida?

Deku & Uraraka: WHOA!!! What's wrong?!

You three ask.

Ida: Sorry. It's just my phone.

Ida said.

The three of you sighed in relief when you all heard it was just his phone ringing.

Deku & Uraraka: Phew, that's a relief.

(y/n): Yeah...

You three said.

Ida checked who it was on the phone when he looked to see that it was his mother who called.

Ida (Inner Thoughts): My mother?

Ida wondered in his thoughts.

Ida: Umm, excuse me. I need to take this.

(y/n): Sure.

You said.

And with that, Ida left the class as he began to phone his mother, for you to sense that something isn't right.

(y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Ida's mother? Hmmm..... something's amiss...

You said in thought as you followed him while using your Reionics Quirk to hide in the shadows (A/N: You used Mozui's Powers to travel through the shadows.).

While you followed Ida, you see him stopping at one corner as he informed his mother on the phone on what went on in his Sport Festival progress. You overheard that she understands but that wasn't the reason she called. The reason she called because of Ida's elder brother as according to his mother, he was attacked by a villain. Upon hearing the news, you observe that Ida is beginning to feel extremely worried about his brother and at the same time, felt shocked and distraught.

Even you felt worried for him and his brother, as a friend, hoping for the best that his brother is alright. After awhile after the phone call with his mother, Ida hangs up the phone as he began walking to his class to tell the bad news, when you stepped in.

(y/n): Something happened.... right...???

You ask.

Ida stopped to see you at the left corridor, for him to nod at this. So, you went up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

(y/n): Don't worry. I understand the situation so.... it's cool if you didn't watch my match due to this. 

Ida: Thanks, (y/n).

(y/n): thumbs up Now, before you go, I think it's best you inform Deku and Uraraka about the situation. They deserve to know in summary that you need to go because of your brother..... your family needs you the most at this time of need.

You said.

Ida: Right....

Ida replied.

And with that, you and Ida made your way back to the audience stand where your classmates are sitting. When you both arrived, you called out to Deku and Uraraka.

(y/n): Deku?! Uraraka?! Hey, Deku! Uraraka!

Deku: looks back Huh? Yeah, (y/n)?

Uraraka: looks back What's up? Something the matter?

(y/n): hand gestures them to come over with concern

Deku and Uraraka notice you have a concern expression on your face. So, they got up from their seats as they went up to you and Ida.

Deku: Is... something wrong?

Deku ask.

You nodded as you went to one side, allowing Ida to share the news he just heard from his mother.

Uraraka: I-Ida?

Uraraka ask with concern.

Ida began look at Deku and Uraraka as he began to share the news.

Ida: Uraraka, Midoriya. I know this is sudden but I have to leave now. A villain got my older brother...

Ida said.

Upon hearing the news, you notice Deku and Uraraka became distraught, as well, figuring that they too know about his brother.

Deku: What? Y-You're saying that Ingenium was hurt?

Ida: yes...

Uraraka: Do they think that he's going to be okay?

Ida: I don't know any details, yet. That's why... I have to go right away...

Ida said.

Hearing this, you nod at them to tell them we should let him go and tend to this matter, for Deku and Uraraka to see this as they nod in understanding, too.

Deku: Alright. You take care of yourself.

Uraraka: We'll tell you all about the Finals at who won, okay?

Ida: Thanks, Uraraka. Midoriya. I will.

(y/n): And Ida.

Ida: Hmm?

(y/n): Make sure you keep us updated on how your elder brother is. If you and your family are worried about him, the three of us in front of you right here are worried about him, too.

You said.

Ida nods at this.

Ida: I'll keep in mind about that. For now, I have to go. Good luck on the Finals, (y/n).

(y/n): Will do, champ.

You said.

Ida smiled at your remark before taking his leave to inform the teachers that he needs to go right away. After watching Ida take his leave to see his mother and his elder brother, you began to turn your attention to Deku and Uraraka.

(y/n): Well, guys. Looks like I should be going too for my Final Lap.

You informed.

Deku: Yeah, good luck.

Uraraka: Go get'im, (y/n)!

Deku and Uraraka said, cheering you on.

You hand gesture a thumbs up as a reply to their cheer (A/N: The thumbs up gesture as in the Dyna Thumbs Up gesture, with style.). After that, you began to rush over to Waiting Room 2 so you may prepare yourself for the Final Round of the Tournament.

To be Continued....

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